Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 23:40:07 -0500 From: ACTION ALERT Moderator Subject: ACTION ALERT: Oppose Riggs Amendment [ from Human Rights Campaign, ] THE RIGGS AMENDMENT TO THE VA/HUD APPROPRIATIONS BILL TELL YOUR REPRESENTATIVE TO SUPPORT LOCAL CONTROL AND OPPOSE THE RIGGS AMENDMENT The Riggs Amendment to the VA-HUD Appropriations bill (H.R. 4194) would deny federal funds to any locality that requires private companies and organizations contracting with (or receiving a grant from) the locality to provide health care benefits to the unmarried, domestic partners of their employees. * Local control. The Riggs' amendment is an example of gross federal micro-management of local government. If enacted, this amendment sets a dangerous precedent, allowing federal interference with any decision of local government. * Witholding federal funding. The VA-HUD Appropriations bill includes funding for veterans disability benefits and health care services, homeless programs, housing programs for people living with HIV/AIDS, low-income elderly housing, and FEMA projects. Thousands of people - veterans, the disabled, the elderly, victims of natural disasters - should not be put in jeopardy in order to punish a locality for setting government policy clearly within its jurisdiction. * Time is short. With so few days left on the legislative calendar, Congress should not delay the appropriations process by politicizing this issue. It is irresponsible for Congress to act on such an important and far-reaching matter without appropriate committee consideration and debate. Cities and the people they serve deserve a fair hearing. * In step with today's business. Many companies recognize that an employee who is denied benefits for his or her life partner is being paid less than someone who receives benefits for his or her spouse. Equality in employee compensation is a legitimate public policy goal recognized by hundreds of cities, municipalities, private and public colleges and universities, and private employers, both large and small, around the country. Following are just a few of many examples of companies who offer domestic partnership benefits: Aetna, American Express, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of NY, Charles Schwab and Company, Eastman Kodak, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, JP Morgan, Northern Telecom, Reebok, Shell Oil, Tropicana/Dole Beverages, and Union Theological Seminary. * Less federal government. Giving local control back to the American people has been a major theme for the reform-minded, Republican-controlled Congress. The Riggs amendment flies in the face of this principle. [ Moderator Note: Take Action by going to HRC action center at and write to your senators/reps ] -- _____________________________________________________________________________ * ACTION-ALERT is a moderated mailing list. * * To subscribe to ACTION-ALERT, send mail to: * * In the mail message, enter ONLY the words: subscribe action-alert * * To unsubscribe to ACTION-ALERT, send mail to: * * In the mail message, enter ONLY the words: unsubscribe action-alert * * Words in the Subject: line are NOT processed! * * List Information: * _____________________________________________________________________________