Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 23:35:05 -0500 From: ACTION ALERT Moderator Subject: ACTION ALERT: Nike and Reggie White *** SUMMARY *** According to the right-wing Family Research Council (FRC), Nike is considering dropping Reggie White, presumably for his anti-gay remarks and the associated controversy. The FRC is encouraging its right-wing followers to call Nike and ask that he be retained. *** ACTION *** In order to counteract the FRC, call Nike's customer response line at 1-800-344-6453 and ask that they DROP Reggie White as their spokesman. If you have purchased Nike products, be sure to let them know that too. Be polite. Let them know that while Reggie White is entitled to his religious views, his statements suggesting that anti-gay discrimination is not a real phenomenon, that being gay is a behavioral choice, and that being gay is like being a liar, cheater, or adulterer, CANNOT BE TOLERATED. Such statements directly contribute to anti-gay violence and discrimination. The phone call is FREE. Call now: 1-800-344-6453 -- _____________________________________________________________________________ * ACTION-ALERT is a moderated mailing list. * * To subscribe to ACTION-ALERT, send mail to: * * In the mail message, enter ONLY the words: subscribe action-alert * * To unsubscribe to ACTION-ALERT, send mail to: * * In the mail message, enter ONLY the words: unsubscribe action-alert * * Words in the Subject: line are NOT processed! * * List Information: * _____________________________________________________________________________