Date: Sun, 01 Feb 1998 19:48:34 -0600 From: ACTION ALERT Moderator Subject: ACTION ALERT: National Freedom to Marry Day [ excerpt from Chicago's Windy City Times 'call to action', 29-Jan-98 ] National Freedom to Marry Day will take place on February 12. The date was sent to link Freedom to Marry events to Lincoln's birthday and Valentine's Day. Members of the Freedom to Marry Coalition-- including Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, GLAAD, ACLU, NOW, ... and PFLAG are at the forefront of the campaign to organize Freedom to Marry Day. The coalition is encouraging gays and lesbians to organize and particpate in local Freedom to Marry Day activities, such as holding press conferences to promote gays' right to marry, circulating the Marriage Resolution (available at and wearing a lavender ribbon (tying the knot). For more information about Freedom to Marry Day, the Marriage Resolution and other details of the campaign for same-sex marriage, call (212) 809-8585. -- _____________________________________________________________________________ * ACTION-ALERT is a moderated mailing list. * * To subscribe to ACTION-ALERT, send mail to: * * In the mail message, enter ONLY the words: subscribe action-alert * * To unsubscribe to ACTION-ALERT, send mail to: * * In the mail message, enter ONLY the words: unsubscribe action-alert * * Words in the Subject: line are NOT processed! * * List Information: * _____________________________________________________________________________