Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 20:19:56 -0500 From: ACTION ALERT Moderator Subject: ACTION ALERT: Don't Ask Don't Tell Ruling [ submitted by SLDN, ] *** SUMMARY *** Help! Your voice needs to be heard today. In light of the recent defeat in the courts last week for the Able plaintiffs and their challenge to the `Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy, it's imperative that you use the two links provided below to make your opinions known. The first is a link to The Washington Post's Letters to the Editor page. They carried a positive editorial in Saturday's paper criticizing the Second Circuit's unfavorable ruling in the Able case. This editorial was the first time the paper weighed in against "Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue." *** ACTION *** We encourage you to support them for doing so. Here are some points you may want to consider in framing a brief letter: 1) Praise the Post for supporting an end to the `Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy 2) In light of the much-publicized fact that the military is having to go begging for recruits, one clear and simple solution emerges: stop discharging trained, competent gay, lesbian and bisexual people in record numbers -- 997 last year alone. That is two-three people every day, on average. Even this is a conservative number. Hundreds, if not thousands, more people leave the military when their time is up specifically because of this law, rather than endure anti-gay harassment and live in constant fear of being investigated. 3) It is unfair to impose a double-standard on gay, lesbian and bisexual service members. They should be treated the same as their straight counterparts in the eyes of the law. They take the same oath, defend the same country, and risk their lives in the same fashion. To submit a letter online, go to The second is a link to CNN's Interactive Online Community. They are inviting people to post their opinion on the following question: "Do you think the policy is discriminatory? What would be a fair and legal policy for gay and lesbian members of the military?" The answer to the first questions is, clearly, "yes." As for what would be fair, you may want to consider including comments about being treated equally in the eyes of the law (see #3, above). Please take a moment and do this now. It is only through our voices that we will ever effect change. Thanks. -- _____________________________________________________________________________ * ACTION-ALERT is a moderated mailing list. * * To subscribe to ACTION-ALERT, send mail to: * * In the mail message, enter ONLY the words: subscribe action-alert * * To unsubscribe to ACTION-ALERT, send mail to: * * In the mail message, enter ONLY the words: unsubscribe action-alert * * Words in the Subject: line are NOT processed! * * List Information: * _____________________________________________________________________________