Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 18:08:31 -0700 From: Jean Richter Subject: 7/31/2000 P.E.R.S.O.N. Project news, pt. 2 1. NY: Proposed harassment policy for Saratoga Spring School District 2. TX: More on lesbian family's harassment in Gonzales ========================================================================= 1. NY: Proposed harassment policy for Saratoga Springs School District From: Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 19:51:37 EDT Subject: Saratoga Springs (NY) SD: Proposed Policies (Sexual and "Other" Harassment) Msg from: The Coalition for Safer Schools of NYS, PO Box 2345, Malta, NY 12020 Email to: "The Actual or Perceived GLBT Student Protection Project" CSS-NYS and SEAD (Saratogians for Equality and Diversity) has worked with the SSSD Human Resource Director regarding the below proposed policies. These policies are a major step in the right direction towards making SSSD schools a safer place. The district's law firm provide the final text. We are encouraged and optimistic of Board approval. A special thanks goes to Jean Fei, chair of SEAD, for her collaborative work with CSS-NYS in SSSD effort and the current efforts at the Ballston Spa School District. Following the policies below is an excerpt from the The Saratogian newspaper. John Myers =================================================================== Proposed Policies Regarding: "Sexual Harassment" and "Other Harassment" 1st Reading July 27, 2000 (2nd Reading August 8, 2000, 7pm, Maple Avenue School) SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT SARATOGA SPRINGS, NEW YORK 12866 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY SEXUAL HARASSMENT INTRODUCTION Sexual harassment of any- member of the school community by any individual is prohibited on school property or in connection with school-related activities. The Board recognizes that sexual harassment can be committed by a person of either sex against a person or either the same or opposite sex, and by peers as well as supervisors. The Board strongly condemns all forms of sexual harassment and is committed to safeguarding the right of each employee and student to work or to learn in an environment that is free from sexual harassment. The Superintendent of Schools is directed to develop and to implement specific procedure on reporting, investigating, and remedying allegations of sexual harassment. Training programs shall be established for students and employees to raise awareness of the issues surrounding sexual harassment and to implement preventative measures to help. reduce incidents of sexual harassment. DEFINITIONS Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: 1. Submission to such conduct is made (either explicitly or implicitly) a term or condition of an individual's employment or of individual's participation in an academic or other school-related activates; or 2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual or decisions about the individual's participation or success in academic or school- related activities; or 3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work, academic performance, or school-related activity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment in the workplace, classroom, or other school-related forum. Hostile Environment It is recognized that supervisors and staff members, by the nature of their positions, necessarily embody unequal power relationships with their subordinates, employees, and students. Because of the inherent power difference in these relationships, the potential exists for the less powerful to perceive a coercive element in suggestions or activities outside those appropriate to the professional or academic relationship. In light of this, all persons are urged to be conscientious in evaluating their own behavior. A hostile environment may arise out of a persistent and severe pattern of unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, including, but not limited to, 1. Sex-oriented humor, discussion or commentary that includes derogatory or dehumanizing gender references; classroom discussions of sexual topics as an appropriate part of the approved curriculum are not considered to create a hostile environment. 2. Physical contacts such as patting, pinching, or frequently and intentionally brushing against another's body. 3. Subtle or overt pressure for sexual activity. OTHER HARASSMENT It is the policy of Saratoga Springs City School District that harassment based upon race, color, religion, national origin, real or perceived sexual orientation, or disability is unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated. This is in keeping with efforts to establish an environment in which the dignity and worth of each member of the school community is respected. The goal of the District is to provide a community in which all students and staff are accepted and judged as individuals. Harassment includes offensive epithets or slurs, derogatory jokes, graffiti, and other offensive verbal or non-verbal conduct related to an individual's race, color, religion, national origin, real or perceived sexual orientation, or disability when: 1. Submission to such conduct is made (either explicitly or implicitly) a term or condition of an individual's employment or of individual's participation in an academic or other school-related activity; or 2. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work or academic performance, or school-related activity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment in the workplace, classroom, or other school-related forum. COMPLAINT PROCESSING I. Any person who alleges that an act of harassment has been committed shall immediately notify the Compliance Officer and complete a complaint form. Forms are available in the building principal's office and in the office of Human Resource Services. 2. In the alternative, a student or staff member may make an oral and/or written complaint of harassment to a teacher staff member or building principal. 3. The Compliance Officer and/or the building principal will investigate the reported complaint of harassment in accordance with the procedures developed by the Superintendent for investigating complaints of harassment and take action pursuant thereto. 4. The provisions of applicable statutes and collective bargaining agreements will be complied with when processing and remedying the complaint. DISTRIBUTION A copy of this policy shall be distributed to all District employees, to parents of all District students, and to all secondary school students. ================================================================ The Saratogian July 28, 20000 CHRISTA A. PARRISH SARATOGA SPRINGS -- excerpt: In other (school board) business: Policy updates Karen Stanley, director of human resource services, reviewed changes to the district's sexual harassment policy. Added to the policy was the inclusion of harassment based on race, color, religion, nationality, and real or perceived sexual orientation. The board's vote to approve the addendum was tabled until the Aug. 8 meeting so board members could review the policy more thoroughly. All students in grades six through 12 receive a copy of the policy in their student handbook. Kindergartners through fifth-graders take age-appropriate classes about respecting themselves and others. ==================================================================== PRIMER WEBSITES GLSEN --- Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund Safe Schools Coalition of Washington The P.E.R.S.O.N. Project Home Page Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Empire State (NY) Pride Agenda "The Actual or Perceived GLBT Student Protection Project" A project of: Coalition for Safer Schools of New York State John Myers Director of Operations and Programs PO Box 2345 Malta, NY 12020 (518) 587-0176 Email: (To subscribe or unsubscribe (CSS-NYS Email List) send request to ================================================================================ 2. TX: More on lesbian family's harassment in Gonzales TEXAS TRIANGLE, July 28, 2000 4001 Cedar Springs Rd Ste C, Dallas TX 75219-3521 (Fax: 214-599-0156) (E-Mail: or ) ( ) Parting Words from a Refugee Child And Her State Representative By Matt Lum, TRIANGLE Managing Editor GONZALES - As of today, Sonny McDaniel, Sandy McGill, and their daughter, Dawn have moved their family from the small town of Gonzales, Texas in search of a better life in Madison, Wisconsin. Thursday morning, volunteers from across the state converged at the family's home to help them load the U-Haul, make final arrangements, and escort them to Dallas where they will speak at the Hate Crimes Conference. From there, members of PFLAG Dallas and other organizations will escort the family to their new home in what is being called "The Trail of Fear." [Deleted article.] ================================================================================ Jean Richter -- The P.E.R.S.O.N. Project (Public Education Regarding Sexual Orientation Nationally) These messages are archived by state on our information-loaded free web site: