Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 16:33:52 -0700 From: Jean Richter Subject: 7/14/2000 P.E.R.S.O.N. Project news 1. WI: Safe schools advocated at pride event 2. Trans teacher featured on Grethe Cammermeyer netradio show 3. CA: Handbook for implementing safe schools bill ============================================================================== 1. WI: Safe schools advocated at pride event Wisconsin State Journal, July 14, 2000 Box 8058, Madison, WI, 53708 (Fax 608-252-6333 ) (E-MAIL: ( ) Gays send an invite Come and meet us at the festival, they say By Anita Clark, Wisconsin State Journal Participants in this weekend's gay pride events in Madison have a simple message: Come meet us. "Get to know us better," says Debra Weill, executive director of OutReach. "It's the best way to really know what our community is about." [Deleted article.] ================================================================================ 2. Trans teacher featured on Grethe Cammermeyer netradio show Reply-To: Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 13:04:36 -0700 From: "Channel Q" Subject: Dr. Grethe Cammermeyer show for 15 July on Join me Saturday on from 10AM to Noon Pacific 10 AM John Colapinto author of AS NATURE MADE HIM: The boy who was raised as a girl. An extraordinary investigative report of a boy's stuggle to regain his biological gender. We will talk of "false research" and how that set the stage for intersex surgery in society. A hearbreaking and life changing book. 11 AM Dana Rivers, teacher who went through gender reconfiguration and her personal and societal struggle. On weekdays I am now cohosting Hanging out with Jeff Calley from 1-3PM every day. This is a totally different type of programming where I even demonstrate some humor from time to time. _________________________________________________________________________ This message has been distributed as a free, non-profit informational service, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. Please do not publish or post in a public place on the Internet, copyrighted material without permission and attribution. Forwarding of this material should not necessarily be construed as an endorsement of the content. Some messages may be from anti-gay organizations and are forwarded as opposition research. ================================================================================= 3. CA: Handbook for implementing safe schools bill From: Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2000 09:05:59 EDT Subject: Handbook: re California Student Safety and Violence Prevention Act of 2000 Msg fwd by: The Coalition for Safer Schools of NYS, PO Box 2345, Malta, NY 12020 Email to: "The Actual or Perceived GLBT Student Protection Project" =================================================================== Message from: Safe Schools Coalition - Washington (state) An Online Handbook: Implementing and Enforcing the California Student Safety and Violence Prevention Act of 2000 PFLAG says: "This resource is of tremendous value not only to folks in California, but to anyone involved with or considering legal measures to stop anti-gay violence in schools." "On October 2, 1999, California Governor Gray Davis signed into law AB 537, the California Student Safety and Violence Prevention Act of 2000. Students, teachers, parents, community groups, and political activists had fought for five years for a law that would protect gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students from the harassment and discrimination so many faced on a daily basis at their schools." Topics include: Definitions Overview of AB 537 Student Activism Ideas and Strategies for implementing AB 537 Text of the Bill To review and download the handbook, go to: ==================================================================== This message has been distributed as a free informational service for the expressed interest of non-profit research and educational purposes only. "The Actual or Perceived GLBT Student Protection Project" A project of: Coalition for Safer Schools of New York State John Myers Director of Operations and Programs PO Box 2345 Malta, NY 12020 (518) 587-0176 Email: (To subscribe or unsubscribe (CSS-NYS Email List) send request to PRIMER WEBSITES ============================================================================ Jean Richter -- The P.E.R.S.O.N. Project (Public Education Regarding Sexual Orientation Nationally) These messages are archived by state on our information-loaded free web site: