Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 17:52:11 -0700 From: Jean Richter Subject: 4/14/2000 P.E.R.S.O.N. Project news 1. VT: Schools chief outlines anti-harassment program 2. NE: Bad editorial on discrimination policy controversy 3. Some helpful documents on promoting diversity in school 4. MA: School's awareness day causes controversy 5. PA: Articles on Dan Woog & GLSEN activities posted to web 6. TX: LGBT youth group forming in Galveston 7. Submissions wanted on lesbian & gay issues in teacher education ====================================================================== Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 03:04:33 -0400 (EDT) From: "Tina M. Wood" Subject: VT: Education commissioner unveils plans to fight harassment 04-05-2000 01:02 Education commissioner unveils plans to fight harassment _________________________________________________________________ By MIKE ECKEL Associated Press Writer MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) - At the Twinfield Union School in Marshfield, teacher Terri Vest has seen one of her younger, smaller students walking down the hall, physically picked up by older students, and slammed against the wall. [Deleted article.] ============================================================================= From: Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 09:38:42 EDT Subject: Omaha Editorial: Speech Ban Is Worse Than Offensive Talk re: Millard SD CSS-NYS Note: After reading the below editorial, one must wonder, how far he/she would allow students to express any and all "hate speech" to go. I am sure anti-Christian hate speech (which is presently NOT allowed) was not on this person's radar. Omaha World-Herald, April 4, 2000 World Herald Square, Omaha, NE, 68102 (Fax 402-345-4547 ) (E-MAIL: ) ( ) Speech Ban Is Worse Than Offensive Talk BY RICHARD DOOLING The recent uproar in the Millard school district over name-calling and anti-gay slurs should provide a vivid lesson in both First Amendment law and tolerance to students, parents and school administrators. But popular misconceptions abound on all sides of the issue. First, the laws: As currently written, the school district's nondiscrimination policy protects students from discrimination because of their color, race, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, marital status, age or disability. As such, the policy roughly parallels Nebraska's employment discrimination laws and federal discrimination laws, like Title VII, neither of which protect employees (or students) from discrimination or "harassment" because of "sexual orientation." [Deleted article.] * The writer is an Omaha lawyer and author of "Brain Storm," a novel about a lawyer appointed to defend an accused hate criminal. ================================================================================ From: Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 20:25:05 EDT Subject: 3 resources you may want to review located at ASCD, US Ed, PFLAG Message from our friends at: Safe Schools Coalition-Washington Very helpful & interesting articles to check out: 1) On Educating for Diversity: A Conversation with James A. Banks (from Educational Leadership, the journal of the Assoc. for Supervision and Curric. Development): (2) Creating a Supportive School Climate that Appreciates Racial, Cultural, and Other Forms of Diversity (from the US Dept. of Ed.'s Office for Civil Rights and the National Assoc. of Attorneys General, with supplements from the WA State Attorney General's Office): 3) Tips for Professionals Who Work with Gay Youth (from PFLAG): ============================================================================ "The Actual or Perceived GLBT Student Protection Project" A project of: Coalition for Safer Schools of NYS John Myers Director of Operations and Programs PO Box 2345 Malta, NY 12020 (518) 587-0176 Email: ================================================================================ Boston Herald, April 5, 2000 1 Herald Square, Boston, MA, 02106-2096 (Fax 617-542-1315 ) (E-MAIL: ) ( ) School's gay awareness day ripped by Franci Richardson Instead of attending math and English classes today, many Newton North High School students will hear testimony from gay and lesbian classmates during seminars entitled "The Transgender Panel,'' "Queer Athletes,'' and "Gay Back in the Day.'' [Deleted article.] ================================================================================ I've posted a couple of articles on a talk by Dan Woog and on GLSEN activities to our web site at URL: At nearly 15K it's a bit too much to post here, but if you can't access the web and would like to see them, please email me. ================================================================================ Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2000 11:26:53 -0700 From: (by way of Steve Basile ) Subject: Galveston TX: Gay Youth Group Formed Hi, All! Please announce this at your meetings and notify people who may be interested. Please accept my apologies if this gets to you more than once. Galveston, Texas, is beginning a youth group for lesbian/gay/bi/trans teens and their friends. The first meeting with the young people will be on Saturday, April 29, 7-10 pm, at the Unitarian Universalist Church, located at 502 Church Street (behind the WhataBurger) in Galveston. The name of the group is GAYS (Galveston Area Youth Support). At the moment, we are not sure of the frequency of meetings, but we'll let you know. We have a local steering committee who has been working on this idea since last summer, and we thank Houston's HATCH for their generous support in helping to make this a reality. If you have questions or want more info, please email PFLAGGalveston. Thanks! Janet Cohen =============================================================================== Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2000 13:53:16 -0700 From: Jessea Greenman Subject: CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS by Rita Kissen I'm working on getting submissions for a new anthology on lesbian and gay issues in teacher education. I'm looking for submissions from teachers as well as teacher educators--"What I wish my teacher education program had taught me" for example. Please contact me if you are interested: =============================================================================== Jean Richter -- The P.E.R.S.O.N. Project (Public Education Regarding Sexual Orientation Nationally) These messages are archived by state on our information-loaded free web site: