Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 16:50:20 -0700 From: Jean Richter Subject: 4/14/99 P.E.R.S.O.N. Project news 1. England: More on anti-gay abuse of teacher 2. Call for proposals for GLSEN national conference 3. More on RRR opposition to broadcasting "It's Elementary" ========================================================= THE TELEGRAPH, March 16, 1999 (E-Mail: ) ( ) Lesbian teacher 'forced to quit' by pupils' abuse By Michael Fleet A LESBIAN schoolteacher was forced to give up her job because of constant name-calling from pupils, an industrial tribunal heard yesterday. [Deleted article.] =================================================================================== Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 16:36:08 -0500 From: Kate Frankfurt GLSEN CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS For the 1999 National Conference TEACHING RESPECT FOR ALL DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS - MAY 15, 1999 Third Annual GLSEN National Conference October 1 - October 3, 1999 Westin Peachtree, Atlanta, GA GLSEN conferences provide those working to create more inclusive climates on issues of sexual orientation in K-12 schools with concrete tools they can use in their work. Sessions at past conferences have included: "Gay and Lesbian History for High School Students"; "But They're Too Young!": Discussing Gay and Lesbian issues with Elementary-Age Students"; "Impacting School Board Elections: A Guide for Citizens:; and "Straight But Not Narrow": The Role Of Heterosexual Allies." We expect as many as 1,200 participants from around the country! Interested individuals and organizations are invited to submit proposals for workshop sessions by completing this form. GLSEN will provide up to two free conference passes for workshop facilitators (excluding the Friday Event and Sunday Brunch). In addition, GLSEN will provide workshop panelists free entry to their own workshop - however, they must register in order to attend the remainder of the conference. GLSEN is not able to cover travel or other expenses. Please share this information with other interested individuals as well. If there will be more than one presenter, copy Part 1 of this form and complete all contact and demographic information for EACH presenter. The deadline is May 15, 1999. PART 1 Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Are you the only presenter? _ Yes _ No If "No" please include information from Part 1 on your co-presenter(s) Work/Affiliation: ______________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________ State: __________________ Zip:_________________________ Telephone: (______)_______________________ Fax: (________)_______________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________________________ GLSEN strives to achieve diversity in both its conference presenters, and in the presentation material. Please provide the following information about yourself: Sex(You may check more than one): o Male o Female o Transexual o Transgender Race/Ethnicity: o African American o Asian/Pacific Islander o Hispanic/Latino(a) o Native American o Multiracial o White o Other, please specify _________________________________________________________________ Sexual Orientation: o Gay o Lesbian o Bisexual o Heterosexual PART 2 Title of Workshop Session: ______________________________________________________________ Brief Description of Workshop As You would Like It To Appear In The Program (75 words or less) (You May Attach Another Sheet If Necessary) Intended Audience(s) - Please check all that apply o Educators - please specify level: o Elementary (K-4) o Middle (5-8) o Secondary (9-12) o Parents o Students o Community Members Audio/Visual Requests* The following are provided free of charge. Please check one or both. o Flip Chart o Overhead Projector/Screen The following will be provided at additional cost. Please call Kate Frankfurt at (212) 727-0135 x108 to inquire. o VCR/Monitor o Slide Projector/Screen o Other: _________________________________________________ * Audio/Visual requests are subject to availability o Send me information about exhibit booths o Send me information about advertising in the conference program Return Proposals By May 15, 1999 to: GLSEN National Conference Workshop Proposals 121 W. 27th St., Suite 804 New York, N.Y. 10001 By fax: 212-727-0254 By email: Note: Submission of this application does not guarantee you will be invited to present. Some presenters may be asked to combine their workshops with those of similar content. Thank You For Your Interest! ======================================================================== Subject: Right Wing Orgs Try to Keep It's Elementary off Public TV Date: Tue, 16 Mar 99 16:38:15 -0000 x-sender: From: Debra Chasnoff For Immediate Release Contact: Tony Newman March 16, 1999 212-584-5007 Right-Wing Religious Organizations Pressure Public Television Stations Not to Air Award-Winning Documentary "It's Elementary: Talking About Gay Issues in School" To Be Seen For The First Time On Television this June A growing number of right-wing Christian groups are pressuring public television stations not to air a documentary about lesbian and gay issues scheduled to air on many stations this June The award-winning documentary, "It's Elementary: Talking about Gay Issues in School," shows teachers addressing lesbian and gay issues with their students in six public and independent schools across the U.S. featuring disarming verite footage of children in K-8 classrooms, the lessons are inspiring examples of how to prevent prejudice and harmful stereotypes. Several notoriously anti-gay organizations, including the American Family Association and Coral Ridge Ministries, are warning their members about the film's content and urging them to do what they can to stop it from airing. One mass mailing written by Dr. D James Kennedy of the Coral Ridge Ministries exclaims, "THIS IS CHILD ABUSE!...we need to call a halt to the recruiting of children for the homosexual lifestyle... It's Elementary is harmful. It must not air." The American Family Association is taking a different approach by actively raising money to distribute their own video about It's Elementary, "Suffer the Children," which they say "exposes how this powerful pro-homosexual propaganda film is targeting our children." "I can only hope that public television stations will not give into these organizations' call for censorship," said the film's Academy Award winning Director, Debra Chasnoff. "This film can help prevent violence, support families and promote social equality. A wide audience deserves a chance to see the film and judge it for themselves." With the recent killings of gay men Matthew Shepard and Billy Jack Gaither and the vicious attack on high school student Adam Colton, there is growing awareness about the need for early education to prevent discrimination and violence. "Schools cannot be neutral when we're dealing with human dignity and human rights," said Bob Chase, President of the National Education Association. "I'm not talking about tolerance. I'm talking about acceptance. 'It's Elementary' is a great resource for parents, teachers, and community leaders working to teach respect and responsibility to America's children." Co-produced by Chasnoff and Helen S. Cohen, It's Elementary has been shown at nearly 500 teacher training programs, plus hundreds of schools, churches and synagogues. It's been endorsed and distributed by numerous mainstream education networks, including the National Educational Association and the American School Counselors Association, and major funding for distribution was provided by the Ford Foundation. Last November, Chicago Public Schools announced a bold and precedent-setting initiative to use the film for staff development and training in every school in the district. "This film is about more than gay and lesbian issues," said Mary Morten, Director of the Advisory Council on Gay and Lesbian Issues of Chicago's Commission on Human Relations. "It is about respect, acceptance and understanding, which is why we feel all of our teachers should see it." This is not the first time Chasnoff has made a film to raise public awareness about a controversial topic. An earlier documentary, Deadly Deception: General Electric, Nuclear Weapons, and Our Environment, won the 1991 Academy Award for Best Documentary Short Subject. It's Elementary has also won dozens of awards, including the CINE Golden Eagle Award for Best Educational Film, Silver Apple (National Educational Media Network), and the Silver Spire (San Francisco International Film Festival). # # # The broadcast of It's Elementary is being presented by KQED/ San Francisco via American Public Television. KQED is the most watched public television station in primetime in the United States. Distributing the film to public television stations is American Public Televion (formerly American Program Service), a major source of programming for the nation's public television stations. Attention Journalists: For more information about "It's Elementary," or to obtain a copy of the film, please call Tony Newman at Fenton Communications, 212-584-5007. Tony Newman NEW ADDRESS - as of Feb 1 Fenton Communications 260 Fifth Ave, 10th Floor New York, NY 10001 212-584-5007 fx 212-584-5045 ================================================================================== Jean Richter -- The P.E.R.S.O.N. Project (Public Education Regarding Sexual Orientation Nationally) CHECK OUT OUR INFO-LOADED WEB PAGE AT: