Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 17:48:37 -0800 From: Jean Richter Subject: 3/29/99 P.E.R.S.O.N. Project news, pt. 2 1. More on AFA's attack on "It's Elementary" ========================================================== Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 23:42:56 -0800 Subject: Opposition Research: AFA's "Suffer the Children" Video Exposes Dangerous Pro-Homosexual Film From: "Channel Q News" To: AFA ACTION ALERT 3/5/99 American Family Association <>< Dr. Donald E. Wildmon, President Tim Wildmon, Vice President P.O. Drawer 2440 Tupelo, Mississippi 38803 Telephone 601/844-5036 URL's +++++++++++++++++++++++++ AFA'S "SUFFER THE CHILDREN" VIDEO EXPOSES DANGEROUS PRO-HOMOSEXUAL FILM "I encourage AFA Alert subscribers to order a copy of our video today and then share it with your local school officials and state's elected officials. It could be the educational tool needed to stop this dangerous propaganda from reaching your children and our grandchildren." - Dr. Donald E. Wildmon, AFA President A pro-homosexual bombshell has been fired into our children's elementary schools. It's designed to accomplish three goals: (1) Subvert our children's innocence; (2) Turn them from the beliefs and values you hold dear; and (3) Indoctrinate them with false moral teachings. Two women - Helen Cohen and Debra Chasnoff - have teamed up to produce a pro-homosexual video called "It's Elementary: Talking About Gay Issues in School." Aimed at our children, their message is: Don't listen to your ignorant, bigoted parents when they talk about homosexuality. Let us teach you. As evidence, here are a couple of quotes from the video: * Chasnoff has this to say about her video, "What's clear in the film is that the younger the kids, the more open they were. ... If we could start doing this kind of education in kindergarten, first grade, second grade, we'd have a better generation." * The principal of an elementary school says on the video: "I don't think it's appropriate that values only be taught at home. There are social values as well, there are community values." In order to counter this dangerous video that is being marketed to our schools, American Family Association has produced a video entitled "Suffer the Children." Our video exposes how this powerful pro-homosexual propaganda film is targeting our children. "Suffer the Children" is thorough, factual and biblically sound, yet it is charitable and never mean-spirited. You may ORDER YOUR COPY of "Suffer the Children" for a suggested donation of $25.00 or more in one of three ways: (1) ONLINE: By credit card over our secure server at (2) TELPHONE: Order by credit card (MasterCard or Visa) by calling AFA at 601-844-5036 ext. 301 (8:30 am - 5:00 pm Central, Monday through Friday). (3) MAIL: Send a check or money order to: "Suffer the Children," American Family Association, P.O. Drawer 2440, Tupelo, MS 38803. PRO-HOMOSEXUAL VIDEO - "IT'S ELEMENTARY" - TARGETS PUBLIC SCHOOLS The battle in this country between those holding to traditional morality and those espousing hedonism has reached a fever pitch, manifested in no clearer terms that the ideological conflict over homosexuality. But forget about same-sex marriage, employment discrimination or AIDS funding. There may be no area of debate that causes blood pressures to escalate more rapidly than the question of whether public schools should teach children about homosexuality. Now the homosexual community has thrown down the gauntlet by unveiling a video entitled "It's Elementary: Talking About Gay Issues In School", and as its title implies, the video is aimed at the educational establishment. The video is produced by Helen Cohen and Debra Chasnoff, the latter an Academy Award-winning documentary producer. In 1992 Chasnoff became the first woman to openly declare her lesbianism at the Oscars. The producers went into six elementary and middle schools where teachers and principals were already force-feeding children with pro-gay grist. The narrator says the educators allowed the filming "in the hope of inspiring other educators and parents to take the next step in their own school communities to teach children respect for all." The video was funded largely by the San Francisco-based Columbia Foundation, as well as People for the American Way, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, and the California Teacher Association's Gay and Lesbian Caucus. The film also credits the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) with a hand in helping to fund the project. "It's Elementary" has picked up several awards, including the prestigious C.I.N.E. Golden Eagle for the Best Teacher Education Film of 1996. Targeted to state departments of education and local school boards, the video has been screened in at least six states, and California Assemblywoman Sheila J. Kuehl, an open lesbian, said she intends to have it shown in all 50 states. The narrator's voice calmly introduces the video while the camera pans over a playground full of children playing peacefully together at a public school. "Most adults probably don't see why schools should teach young children about gay people," the voice says. While that is no doubt true, it becomes clear in "It's Elementary" that homosexual activists see why schools should teach about the gay lifestyle. It is to capture the hearts and minds of the next generation. In fact, in an interview about the video with a Santa Fe newspaper, Chasnoff states candidly, "What's clear in the film is that the younger the kids, the more open they were... If we could start doing this kind of education in kindergarten, first grade, second grade, we'd have a better generation." "Most adults probably don't see..." becomes the theme of this documentary, portraying the ignorance and bigotry of adults - including parents - as the fountainhead of homophobia. In contrast, pro-homosexual statements are heard coming from the mouths of children, shown as innocents who have thus far been uncontaminated by the backwater views of adults. A student in one New York City school thinks even 5- and 6-year-olds should be given books about the homosexual lifestyle. If parents "freak out," it's only because they are "biased." And a second grade boy in Cambridge, Mass., says an adult who is opposed to lesbianism is not very "open-minded," and in fact is downright "prejudiced." This theme supplies the rationale for "It's Elementary:" keep the discussion of homosexuality out of the hands of ignorant parents, and place it in the hands of an enlightened public school system. Homosexual advocates have realized that their greatest potential for changing America's mind about the gay lifestyle lies in changing the seed for tomorrow's crop. For example, Ellen Varella, principal of Peabody Elementary School in Cambridge, Mass., said she allowed her school to host a pro-homosexual photo-text exhibit in the hope that it would contribute to "improving our civilization," because children are the "leaders of tomorrow." With efforts like "It's Elementary," homosexuals are well on their way to deciding what that tomorrow will look like. Follow this link for more information on "It's Elementary:" For additional resources on the subject of homosexuality - ============================================================================== Jean Richter -- The P.E.R.S.O.N. Project (Public Education Regarding Sexual Orientation Nationally) CHECK OUT OUR INFO-LOADED WEB PAGE AT: