Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 16:34:10 -0800 From: Jean Richter Subject: 1/29/99 P.E.R.S.O.N. Project news 1. CA: Contact info for Rio Bravo-Greely School; 1999 Youth Lobby Day set for March 2. Memorial web site for Robbie Kirkland 3. DC: Third annual Youth Pride Day set for April ================================================================================== Regarding yesterday's story on the school board allowing parents to pull students from a gay teacher's classroom: readers wishing to write to the faculty and administration of Mr. Merrick's district may reach them at: Rio Bravo Greeley School 6601 Enos Ln Bakersfield, California 93312 ================================================================================== Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 12:26:59 -0800 (PST) From: Tara Borelli Subject: [Q] Queer Youth Lobby Day Sender: 4th ANNUAL YOUTH LOBBY DAY March 22, 1999 Sacramento CA GET INVOLVED! Join hundreds of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and straight-ally youth in Sacramento to lobby for change! WHAT IS YOUTH LOBBY DAY? Youth Lobby Day is a day for LGBT and straight-ally youth across California to come to Sacramento and make sure that legislators hear about the real-life issues that affect queer youth: harrassment, homelessness, HIV/AIDS and more It's a day to educate the politicians... to hold them accountable and to demand action in this legislative session. Its also a day for participants to learn about the political process and how to become an important part of it. REAL CHANGE This legislative session will be a crucial one for youth concerned about equality for all students, regardless of sexual orientation. Lawmakers will again vote on the "Dignity For All Students Act" (introduced by Assembly Member Sheila Kuehl), which lost by just four votes last session. This bill will outlaw discrimination in schools and hold schools accountable for allowing a climate of hate to go unchecked. We'll also lobby for funds to reduce hate violence in schools, for a Governor's Commission to address queer and other youth civil rights issues, and for more help from the Attorney General in responding to violence, harassment, dicrimination, and threats. Youth Lobby Day Tidbits The Day is for Youth 23 and under If you are: * Interested in being one of the 40 Youth Lobby Day leaders? * Do you need help for yourself or your group with transportation to Sacto? (*register before March 10th* and there will probably be a small $5 or $10 fee) * Do you need help fundraising to bring your group to YLD? * Do you need registration information, or any other information about YLD? Then contact: Ken Levin c/o Center for Human Development 391 Taylor Blvd., Ste. 120 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 or leave a messege at the Rainbow Community Center (925) 210-0563 TO REGISTER FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING, SIGN, AND MAIL TO: Ken Levin c/o Center for Human Development 391 Taylor Blvd., Suite 120 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 REGISTRATION FORM NAME: ADDRESS: City, Zip: County: Phone: Discreet: yes/no E-mail: Age: Birthday: EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION (note if you are under age 18, please furntish your parent or guardian's information in this section. If you are over age 18, please provide your chosen emergency contact) Name: Phone (Day): Phone (Evening): Relationship to Participant: SECOND CONTACT Name: Phone (Day): Phone (Evening): Relationship to Participant: Participant's Health Coverage Company: Policy #: NOTIFICATION OF PERSONAL RISK On March 22, a statewide Steering Committee Composed of represenatives from several organizations will sponsor a youth conferece at the California State Capitol in Sacramento, California. Activities will include events in and around the Capitol and may include transportation by bus, automobile, or airplane. Due to these factors, participants should be aware of the possible risks involved in these activities. She/he understands the risk of accident, illness, or injury associated with participation in this event, including transportation to or from Sacramento. No agency involved in organizing or assisting with this conference can assume any responsibility for personal injury, or theft, loss, or damage of property occurring during or in transit to or from this conference. The undersigned holds all officers, employees, volunteers, and agencies involved with this conference harmless for any and all liabilities, damands, or claims for damages. In the event of an accident in which I am injured, I give the organizers of this conference permission to trasport me to a hospital or triage unit in which I will be treated for injuries. Signature _______________________________ Date ____________________________________ _________________________________________ Signature of Parent or Gaurdian(if under 18) Date ____________________________________ PHOTE RELEASE (Optional) Please by advised that I, ___________________, hereby authorize the agencies organizing Youth Lobby Day to reproduce my image, photographed, videotaped or filmed, as a part of the Youth Lobby Day, for publicity and fundraising purposes. Signature _______________________________ Date ____________________________________ _________________________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian (if under 18) YOUTH LOBBY DAY AGENDA MARCH 22, 1999 (tentative schedule - more details to come!) Registration Issues Training Lobby Visit Training Rally Legislative Visits Wrap-up and Networking If you have ANY questions you can contact Ken through the Rainbow Community Center at: (925) 210-0563 E-mail If you need discretion when being called back, please indicate so on the messege you leave. and if you are forwarding this to more then one person, please do so through blind carbon copy and delete the previous headers. To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to "" and include the text "unsubscribe queer-net [your email address]" in the body of your message. For more info, email or call 510-643-UGAY. ============================================================================= From: Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 18:31:08 EST Subject: The Dedication and Celebration for our son (Billy Kirkland 1982-1997) Msg from: Coalition for Safer Schools of NYS, PO Box 2345, Malta, NY 12020 The Dedication and Celebration for our son (Billy Kirkland 1982-1997, suicide oweing to homophobia) Webpage: click here robbie.html This webpage is a celebration of the life of our son and a portrayal of his struggle with his sexuality, it is not meant in any way to glamorize suicide. Our hope is that it will be able to help others like him identify and realize they still have hope and that there are resources and people to help them. God bless you. robbie.html ================================================================================== X-Sender: Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 09:46:28 -0700 From: (by way of Steve Basile ) Subject: 3rd Annual Youth Pride Day - Washington, DC 4/17/99 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, January 20, 1999 Washington, DC Contact: Christopher Dyer (703) 518-0631 Brian McCarthy (703) 518-0631 Third Annual Youth Pride Day Announced - Safe Space Continues for GLBTQ Youth Youth Pride Alliance is proud to announce that the Third Annual Youth Pride Day will take place in Washington, DC on Saturday April 17, 1999 in Dupont Circle Park. DC's Youth Pride Day is one of three such youth pride events in the country. One of the main goals of the day is to display the diversity of the youth in the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) community. One of the ways the organizers accomplish this is by inviting over 30 youth and supporters from across the spectrum to offer personal testimonials about their experiences. "The testimonials are the heart of the program," Brian McCarthy, 18-year-old DC resident and Youth Pride Day '99 chair, stated. "Every participant adds a thread which is woven into the tapestry of our experiences." Adding, "the stories are pretty powerful." "This event continues to promote pride in who and what we are," said Christopher Dyer, President and Founder of the Youth Pride Alliance. "By creating a non-judgmental space for a day, we help empower all of our youth to lead happier, healthier, and safer lives. By gathering in a public space we send a powerful message to youth that they are not alone." Youth and community leaders who are interested in speaking at this year's event are instructed to either e-mail or call (703) 518-0631. People who are interested in providing entertainment at this years event should e-mail or call (703) 518-0631. Additionally all entertainers should send a demo tape and/or description of their act to Youth Pride Alliance, P.O. Box 33161, Washington, DC 20033. More information available at The Youth Pride Alliance is a coalition of over 20 youth support and advocacy groups in the Metro DC Area including Parents, Family, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG DC), Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN DC), seven campus student groups, Metro Teen Aids Coalition and BiNetwork DC. Its mission is to celebrate the dignity and courage of all young people as they discover their identity as gay, lesbian, bisexual or straight; and challenge society to stop the hate, the violence, the fear, the isolation, and the denial. ### +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Donald Hitchcock Window Communications 1901 L Street, NW, Suite 604 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202) 223-0554 Fax: (202) 223-0558 X-Sender: Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 09:46:41 -0700 From: (by way of Steve Basile ) Subject: Call for Speakers/Entertainers for Youth Pride Day '99 Reply-to: The planning committee for Youth Pride Day is currently looking for youth to participate in the stage program for Youth Pride Day '99, scheduled for Saturday April 17, 1999 in Dupont Circle Park in Washington, DC. Youth are needed to speak for 2-3 minutes as "testimonial speakers". If you are interested in being a speaker at Youth Pride Day '99 please e-mail us at Or call 703/518-0631. We are also looking for entertainers for this years event. Please send us a demo tape and/or description of your group. Please mail all material to Youth Pride Day '99, c/o Youth Pride Alliance, P.O. Box 33161, Washington, DC 20036. For further information about performing at Youth Pride Day '99 please contact us via e-mail at or via phone at 703/518-0631. Please forward this announcement to as many people you know or to any lists you subscribe to. If you have any other questions about Youth Pride Day contact us at or check our web page at Thanks and we look forward to seeing you at Youth Pride Day. ================================================================================ Jean Richter -- The P.E.R.S.O.N. Project (Public Education Regarding Sexual Orientation Nationally) CHECK OUT OUR INFO-LOADED WEB PAGE AT: