Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 15:42:49 +0100 From: (GLAAD) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Chiqui Cartagena Interim News Media Director (212) 807-1700 GLAAD CONDEMNS NEW YORK POST COLUMNIST RAY KERRISON'S HOMOPHOBIC COLUMN ON EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FOR SAME SEX PARTNERS November 28, 1995 --New York, NY -- The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) vigorously condemns a newspaper column by New York Post Columnist Ray Kerrison published on Monday, Nov. 27th in which he characterizes gay and lesbian relationships as "aberrant", equates gay marriages to "Sodom and Gomorrah" and universally blames the gay and lesbian community for everything that is wrong in our country from crime to rampant illegitimacy. While GLAAD welcomes commentary from many points of view, especially those with religious overtones, this column clearly represents the worst of unenlightened journalism. The column entitled "'Gay' benefits don't benefit our society" also misinforms the public about a recently adopted NYNEX policy that extends employee benefits to same sex partners. "Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but journalists are expected to do a minimum of research before writing their articles, and columnists are no exception. Had Mr. Kerrison contacted NYNEX about this, he would have found out that NYNEX adopted this policy, which goes into effect on January 1, 1996, in response to it's own employee's concerns, in recognition of valuing diversity in it's own workplace and in an effort to attract and retain quality employees both now and in the future," said Chiqui Cartagena, GLAAD's Interim News Media Director The benefits NYNEX is extending to it's employees who have same-sex partners are the same benefits that married couples already receive. In fact, a NYNEX spokesperson said that the fact that the law prohibits same-sex partners from marrying was definitely taken into consideration when adopting this policy. NYNEX has now joined more than 350 companies nationwide who have extended or agreed to extend health coverage to domestic partners and/or same-sex partners. GLAAD expects the editors of the New York Post to at least demand journalistic integrity from their columnist and urges the New York Post's editorial board to give us a chance to respond to Kerrison's column. We want the management of NYNEX to know that we feel they have done the right thing so GLAAD also encourages people to write letters of support to: NYNEX Human Resources Dept. 1095 Ave. of the Americas New York, NY 10036 GLAAD promotes fair, accurate, and inclusive representation as a means of challenging discrimination based on sexual orientation or ientation or identity. # # # ****************************************************************************** Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, GLAAD, is a national organization that promotes fair, accurate and inclusive representation of individuals and events in the media as a means of combatting homophobia and all forms of discrimination based on sexual orientation or identity. **************************************************************************** **