Date: Mon, 19 Dec 1994 17:23:20 -0800 From: Joshua.Margulies@Barra.COM To: Subject: CNA coverage Content-Length: 607 I have a memo from CNA dated July 1, 1993 which states that dp coverage is available and outlines CNA's definition and proof of dp. "Domestic Partner coverage is available on group life and/or health plans when requested by group policyholders. There are pricing, contractual and underwriting requirements for this coverage. This is not a new marketing emphasis, but an accomodation when the coverage is requested by our accounts." CNA Insurance Companies CNA Plaza Chicago, IL 60685 I will post a complete transcription to the QRD. If you need further details you can contact me at ----- End Included Message ----- CNA INSURANCE COMPANIES CNA Plaza, Chicago, Illinois 60685 DOMESTIC PARTNERS POLICY July 1, 1993 Domestic Partner coverage is available on group life and/or health plans when requested by group policyholders. There are pricing, contractual and underwriting requirements for this coverage. This is not a new marketing emphasis, but an accommodation wh Definition For all lines of insurance, Domestic Partner will be defined as opposite or same sex partners: 1) who reside together, 2) share a mutual oblicgation of support, 3) share financial assets, 4) are not related by blood to a degree of closeness that would pr Proof We will require proof of the Domestic Partner relationship, defined above before dependent life and/or accident and/or health insurance is provided under the policy(ies) issued to the group policyholder. 1. In jurisdictions which permit registration of Domestic Partners, we will accept a copy of the registration, or an affidavit of Spousal Equivalency. In jurisdictions which do not have registration, then an affidavit of Spousal Equivalency is to be sig 2. At least three of the following must be set forth as existing in the affidavit of Spousal Equivalency. Proof can be requested by the employer but signatures of both Domestic Partners on the affidavit of Spousal Equivalency is acceptable. a. joint mortgage or lease (shared by the Domestic Parter); b. Designation of his or her Domestic Partner as beneficiary of life insurance and retirement contracts; c. Designation of his or her Domestic Partner as primary beneficiary of the employee's will, if any has been executed; d. Designation of powers of attorney for durable property and/or health care; or e. Joint ownership of motor vehicle, joint checking or joint credit account. We will also require notification of separation, death or termination of Domestic Partnership be provided to the policyholder within 30 days of separation, termination or death.