Date: Tue, 25 Apr 95 18:29:45 EDT From: "Ellen Greenblatt" DESERT CRONE PRESS -- 1995 CATALOG 730 Columbia St. #C Santa Fe, NM 87505 (505) 986-5819 JUST LUCKY I GUESS: From Closet Lesbian to Radical Dyke By Elaine Mikels "This is a touching and affirming book ... Elaine Mikels is not a professional writer which makes her wonderful book of memoirs, _Just Lucky I Guess_, all the more truthful, unadorned and moving. Mikels lived through crucial epochs in lesbian history: The McCarthy era (in which she lost her job because she was a lesbian), the butch-femme bar scene of the 1950's, the rise of feminism and lesbian-feminism in the 1960's and '70's and the changes those movement wrought in the 1980's and '90's. Throughout the last half century her lesbianism has come together with her life as a social activist and a world traveler. Now, in her seventies, Mikels looks back on her rich and diverse adventures, on her triumphs through adversities, on al that she has learned and as the title of her memories suggests, can characterize her lesbian life as 'lucky.'" -- Lillian Faderman Author of _Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers_ ISBN 0-9637257-2-6 *New and Expanded, 2nd ed.* 344 pp., including 40 photos $12.95 Purchase at your local bookstore -or- from Heartland, A Feminist Mail Order Company -or- direct from the publisher: Desert Crone Press 730 Columbia St. #C Santa Fe, NM 87505 Copies are $12.95 Shipping: U.S. $2.00 ($.75 for each additional copy) Canada and Overseas: $3.00 (USD) Make checks payable to: Elaine Mikels.