Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 07:59:40 -0700 From: "Arthur C. Matthews" Subject: MAKE MONEY FOR GAY/STRAIGHT NON-PROFITS SITES: 1., making money for your no profit organization with musical relaxation videos. 2., gay orientd books and videos for non-profit organization to resell. SERENITY VIDEOS is run by a 70 year old gay man who has been helping kids grow up. Some gay and some straight. Ace sells 60 minute video tapes of PLACES, FLOWERS, CITYSCAAPES, WATER, ZOOS and TRANSPORTATION to help raise additional funds for his charitable work. He shoots videos for many youth groups to build kids confidence in their being OK. Each 1 hour SERENITY tape contains a 15 minute visit to each of 4 places with classical music background for relaxation. As a former professional videographer, he works with digital cameras and the best duplicating equipment. Videos arive in a black paper sleeve. No pictures available on the boxes. . . that would raise their cost, because the sleeves cost more than the tapes themselves. His site contains a catalogue of videos available. The site contains gay oriented material sold for the same purpose. Should a site visitor belong to a non-profit gay or straight organization that needs money to keep going, Ace will send them a sample starter kit and allow them to set their own profit margin. The 2 hour videos are $8.00 shipped to the buyer from California. $6.00 shipped and distributed by them. A 10 sampler starter kit is available at no cost the organization. Ace works with and makes confidence building videos for PAL (The Police Activities League); Snowball (avoiding alcohol and other drugs); Boy Scout Troops and school classes in High School and Jr. High School, teaching them how to shoot videos or featuring their organization. He's away 4 months out of the year doing this work. His costs are covered by his retirement money, but he's trying to build a trust fund to help kids after he dies. The trust has insurance, a house and annuities in it already.