Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 14:12:03 +0500 From: ghgreenk{CONTRACTOR/ASPEN/ghgreenk} Subject: Funding information from CDC-NAC (1) Page 1 of 4 NEW/UPDATED FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES The Clearinghouse's Funding Databases contain information on more than 800 current and archival funding opportunities. These Databases are primarily intended to serve as a starting point for people seeking support for HIV/AIDS education, prevention, service provision, and information dissemination. The grantmaking agency should be contacted for further information and application procedures. The Clearinghouse makes these databases available to the public through their electronic bulletin board service, NAC ONLINE. Information and assistance about the Clearinghouse and NAC ONLINE can be obtained by calling a Reference Specialist at 1-800-458-5231 or 1800-243-7012 (deaf access/TDD). If you know of opportunities that we do not have in our databases, please contact us at Last night, one new and ten updated funds loaded to the Funding Database. These records are cited below and in the following windows: ------------------------------------------------------------------ FUND TITLES INCLUDED IN THIS WINDOW: 1) Minority Medical Faculty Development Program 2) Trinity Grants Program: To Meet the Needs of Metropolitan New York. ------------------------------------------------------------------- **************** FUND INFORMATION ****************** ACCESSION NO: S 03310-020 FUND TITLE: Minority Medical Faculty Development Program DESCRIPTION: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Minority Medical Faculty Development Program funds postdoctoral research fellowships. Fellows must study and conduct research in association with a senior faculty member at an academic center that trains young faculty and whose research is of interest to the Fellow. Fellows must spend no less than 70% of their time in pursuit of research activities. This program is intended to increase the number of minority faculty who can achieve senior rank in academic medicine and who will encourage and foster the development of succeeding classes of minority physicians. TARGET AUDIENCE: 170 - Physicians, 310 - Blacks/African Americans, 352 - Minorities, 356 - Native Americans SUBJECT AREAS: Research FINANCIAL INFORMATION FUND TOTAL NOTE: $50000 annual stipend; $25000 annual research grant. MAXIMUM: $75000 NUMBER OF AWARDS: 12 FUND DURATION: 4 yrs. TYPE OF SUPPORT: Stipends. Research grants. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 960401 950331 INTENDED AWARD DATE: December 1996. ORGANIZATION ELIGIBILITY TYPE: Individual LOCATION: Location unrestricted. FUND REQUIREMENTS LOCATION: Location unrestricted. EXPECTED RESULT: Submission of annual & final narrative & financial reports. ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be minority physicians who have U.S. citizenship at the time of the application deadline, have excelled in their education, are now completing or will have completed formal clinical training, are prepared to devote four consecutive years to research, and are committed to academic careers. Preference will be given to physicians who have recently completed formal clinical training. For the purpose of the program, "minority" is used to include African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Native Americans, and mainland Puerto Ricans who are underrepresented in medicine. The progress of each Fellow will be evaluated to determine continuation of funding each year. APPLICATION INFORMATION PROCEDURES: Request application materials by March 1, 1996. CONTACT PERSON: James R Gavin, III, MD, PhD Program Director Minority Medical Faculty Development Program 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 350 Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 913-0210 (301) 913-9022 FAX NO. ************ FUNDER INFORMATION ************ ORGANIZATION: S 03310 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation College Rd. Princeton, NJ 08543 OTHER NAME: RWJF P.O. Box 2316 PHONE: (609) 452-8701 AREA CODES: 609 ORGANIZATION TYPE: Foundation ORGANIZATION LEVEL: Non Government DESCRIPTION: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is the nation's largest philanthropy devoted exclusively to health and health care. Its grantmaking is concentrated in four areas: assuring access to basic health services; improving the way services are organized and provided for people with chronic health conditions; reducing the harm caused by substance abuse; and helping the nation address the problem of rising health care costs. Since 1988, the Foundation has invested over $50 million to stimulate innovative responses to the AIDS epidemic, including two large national grant programs: AIDS Health Services Program and Building Health Care Systems for People with Chronic Illnesses. In addition, the Foundation has funded a number of smaller programs that provide nutritious meals, legal assistance, dental care and other services to people with AIDS. TYPE OF FUNDS AWARDED: Private. PUBLICATION(S): Annual report. ----------------------------------------------------------------- **************** FUND INFORMATION ****************** ACCESSION NO: S 08978-001 FUND TITLE: Trinity Grants Program: To Meet the Needs of Metropolitan New York. DESCRIPTION: The Trinity Grants Program's 1995 Program Emphases include Church-Based Community Development; and Resources for Congregational Development. Church-Based Community Development proposals should include one or more of the following activities: initiatives to stabilize or expand low- and moderate-income housing stock; employment training and job placement, particularly for youth, and efforts to link schools, businesses, and community volunteers; or small-scale, community-based economic initiatives. Applicant organizations should describe the ways in which their community development project will enhance the spiritual growth of individuals in participating congregations and should also describe the impact that the spiritual commitment of their congregations will have in the communities they serve. The Resources for Congregational Development program will support groups of local congregations that are addressing social concerns in their neighborhoods. The Trinity Church maintains an interest in HIV/AIDS prevention and outreach. TARGET AUDIENCE: 290 - Volunteers, 300 - General Public, Consumers, 306 - Adolescents, 366 - Low Income Persons, 610 - Religious Organizations/Spiritual Leaders SUBJECT AREAS: Community programs, Housing, HIV prevention, Outreach FINANCIAL INFORMATION AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $687000 FUND TOTAL NOTE: Tri-annual review cycle for funding. FUND DURATION: Open ended. TYPE OF SUPPORT: Project grants. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 960701 960401 961101 INTENDED AWARD DATE: Notice of award sent 1.5 mos. after Board meeting. ORGANIZATION ELIGIBILITY TYPE: Community Based Organization Religious Organization RESTRICTIONS: Individual LOCATION: Metropolitan New York, NY. Some grants made in NJ and Philadelphia, PA. FUND REQUIREMENTS LOCATION: Metropolitan New York, NY. LIMITATIONS: The Grants Board will not entertain requests for: support of non-Church-related programs; support for programs that do not have the active involvement of an Anglican/Episcopal Church; scholarships; construction, equipment, or endowment funds; general operating expenses; covering deficits; neighborhood service facilities such as daycare and community centers; arts and cultural programs; or repetition of "onetime" grants. APPLICATION INFORMATION PROCEDURES: Submit letter of intent. Attach budget & financial data. CONTACT PERSON: Christopher R. Davenport Grants Manager 74 Trinity Pl. New York, NY 10006-1000 (212) 602-0710 (212) 602-0717 FAX NO. ************ FUNDER INFORMATION ************ ORGANIZATION: S 08978 Trinity Church Trinity Grants Program 74 Trinity Pl. New York, NY 10006-2088 PHONE: (212) 602-0710 AREA CODES: 212 ORGANIZATION TYPE: Foundation ORGANIZATION LEVEL: Non Government DESCRIPTION: The Trinity Grants Program of the Trinity Church has four main program objectives: to strengthen spiritual formation and development in the Episcopal Church; to strengthen the Church in the global South; to meet the needs of metropolitan New York; to strengthen telecommunications in the Anglican communion; and to address the transition in South Africa. Most HIV-related grants are made in the global South or to organizations in metropolitan New York. Funds support AIDS awareness and prevention education and HIV/AIDS outreach. Recent fund recipients include the Diocese of Kirinyaga, Kutus, Kenya, to initiate an AIDS awareness and prevention-education; the Arthur Ashe Institute for Urban Health, Brooklyn, New York, to support the implementation of Agape, a pilot HIV-prevention program; and the Trinity-St. Paul's, New Rochelle, New York, to support the start-up phase of an HIV/AIDS outreach project. TYPE OF FUNDS AWARDED: Private. PUBLICATION(S): Annual report. Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 14:56:21 +0500 From: ghgreenk{CONTRACTOR/ASPEN/ghgreenk} Subject: Funding Information from CDC-NAC (2) New/updated records, cont' Page 2 of 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------ FUND TITLES INCLUDED IN THIS WINDOW: 1) Trinity Grants Program: To Strengthen the Church in the Global South (Africa, Asia, Latin America). 2) Trinity Grants Program: To Strengthen Spiritual Formation and Development in The Episcopal Church. 3) Paul and Mary Haas Foundation: General Fund Announcement. ------------------------------------------------------------------ **************** FUND INFORMATION ****************** ACCESSION NO: S 08978-002 FUND TITLE: Trinity Grants Program: To Strengthen the Church in the Global South (Africa, Asia, Latin America). DESCRIPTION: The Trinity Grants Program of the Trinity Church has identified five 1995 program priorities: Theological Education by Extension (TEE); Community Development; Development Management Training; Preventive/Primary Health Care; and Communications. TEE proposals should address the variety of training needs of Anglican Provinces and regional ecumenical groupings, including responses to all non-residential and distance learning models that address contextual training needs. The Community Development program is intended to respond to the training of groups of people from local communities as they seek to address the economic development needs of their communities. Development Management Training is intended to increase the capacity of dioceses and Provinces to provide community organizing and development training as a part of their mission. Preventive/Primary Health Care grants help to address the basic health education needs of communities, strengthening the ability of families to make improvements in daily living patterns that will improve the health conditions of the home and community. Finally, the Communications program enables Trinity to provide the appropriate technology to meet the communication needs of Provinces and diocese. TARGET AUDIENCE: 300 - General Public, Consumers, 389 - People in Rural Areas, 610 - Religious Organizations/Spiritual Leaders, 634 - International Agencies SUBJECT AREAS: Community health education, Community programs, Equipment, Health care, Prevention programs, Training FINANCIAL INFORMATION AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $550000 FUND TOTAL NOTE: Tri-annual review cycle for funding. MINIMUM: $5945 MAXIMUM: $75000 AVERAGE $35000 FUND DURATION: Open ended. TYPE OF SUPPORT: Project grants. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 960701 960401 951101 INTENDED AWARD DATE: Notice of award sent 1.5 mos. after Board meeting. ORGANIZATION ELIGIBILITY TYPE: Community Based Organization Religious Organization RESTRICTIONS: Individual LOCATION: Location unrestricted. FUND REQUIREMENTS LOCATION: International. Africa. Asia. Latin America. ELIGIBILITY: The Trinity Grants Program places major emphasis on responding to needs of African communities, and will respond to programs in Latin America and Asia when they fall within the program emphases for Theological Education by Extension (TEE) and Communications. LIMITATIONS: The Grants Board will not entertain requests for: support of non-Church-related programs; support for programs that do not have the active involvement of an Anglican/Episcopal Church; scholarships; construction or endowment funds; general operating expenses; covering deficits; neighborhood service facilities such as daycare and community centers; arts and cultural programs; or repetition of "onetime" grants. Although the Grants Board will consider equipment requests within its Community Development program, it cannot respond to capital requests for building construction. APPLICATION INFORMATION PROCEDURES: Submit letter of intent. Attach budget & financial data. CONTACT PERSON: Christopher R. Davenport Grants Manager 74 Trinity Pl New York, NY 10006-1000 (212) 602-0710 (212) 602-0717 FAX NO. ************ FUNDER INFORMATION ************ ORGANIZATION: S 08978 Trinity Church Trinity Grants Program 74 Trinity Pl. New York, NY 10006-2088 PHONE: (212) 602-0710 AREA CODES: 212 ORGANIZATION TYPE: Foundation ORGANIZATION LEVEL: Non Government DESCRIPTION: The Trinity Grants Program of the Trinity Church has four main program objectives: to strengthen spiritual formation and development in the Episcopal Church; to strengthen the Church in the global South; to meet the needs of metropolitan New York; to strengthen telecommunications in the Anglican communion; and to address the transition in South Africa. Most HIV-related grants are made in the global South or to organizations in metropolitan New York. Funds support AIDS awareness and prevention education and HIV/AIDS outreach. Recent fund recipients include the Diocese of Kirinyaga, Kutus, Kenya, to initiate an AIDS awareness and prevention-education; the Arthur Ashe Institute for Urban Health, Brooklyn, New York, to support the implementation of Agape, a pilot HIV-prevention program; and the Trinity-St. Paul's, New Rochelle, New York, to support the start-up phase of an HIV/AIDS outreach project. TYPE OF FUNDS AWARDED: Private. PUBLICATION(S): Annual report. ----------------------------------------------------------------- **************** FUND INFORMATION ****************** ACCESSION NO: S 08978-003 FUND TITLE: Trinity Grants Program: To Strengthen Spiritual Formation and Development in The Episcopal Church. DESCRIPTION: The Trinity Grants Program of the Trinity Church is in the process of conducting research to support formulation of guidelines for grantmaking in this new program objective, and will not accept applications until this research is complete. TARGET AUDIENCE: 300 - General Public, Consumers, 610 - Religious Organizations/Spiritual Leaders SUBJECT AREAS: Community programs FINANCIAL INFORMATION AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $250000 FUND TOTAL NOTE: Tri-annual review cycle for funding. FUND DURATION: Open ended. TYPE OF SUPPORT: Project grants. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 960701 960401 951101 INTENDED AWARD DATE: Notice of award sent 1.5 mos. after Board meeting ORGANIZATION ELIGIBILITY TYPE: Religious Organization RESTRICTIONS: Individual LOCATION: Location unrestricted. United States. FUND REQUIREMENTS LOCATION: Location unrestricted. United States. APPLICATION INFORMATION PROCEDURES: Proposals accepted when program emphases have been developed CONTACT PERSON: Christopher R. Davenport Grants Manager 74 Trinity Pl. New York, NY 10006-1000 (212) 602-0710 (212) 602-0717 FAX NO. ************ FUNDER INFORMATION ************ ORGANIZATION: S 08978 Trinity Church Trinity Grants Program 74 Trinity Pl. New York, NY 10006-2088 PHONE: (212) 602-0710 AREA CODES: 212 ORGANIZATION TYPE: Foundation ORGANIZATION LEVEL: Non Government DESCRIPTION: The Trinity Grants Program of the Trinity Church has four main program objectives: to strengthen spiritual formation and development in the Episcopal Church; to strengthen the Church in the global South; to meet the needs of metropolitan New York; to strengthen telecommunications in the Anglican communion; and to address the transition in South Africa. Most HIV-related grants are made in the global South or to organizations in metropolitan New York. Funds support AIDS awareness and prevention education and HIV/AIDS outreach. Recent fund recipients include the Diocese of Kirinyaga, Kutus, Kenya, to initiate an AIDS awareness and prevention-education; the Arthur Ashe Institute for Urban Health, Brooklyn, New York, to support the implementation of Agape, a pilot HIV-prevention program; and the Trinity-St. Paul's, New Rochelle, New York, to support the start-up phase of an HIV/AIDS outreach project. TYPE OF FUNDS AWARDED: Private. PUBLICATION(S): Annual report. ----------------------------------------------------------------- **************** FUND INFORMATION ****************** ACCESSION NO: S 09067-001 FUND TITLE: Paul and Mary Haas Foundation: General Fund Announcement. DESCRIPTION: The Paul and Mary Haas Foundation makes grants in six areas: civic and charitable causes, education, health, religion, the arts, and college scholarships. The Foundation prefers to fund progressive causes, and encourages creative, innovative and exploratory projects. The Foundation has less interest in building projects and areas covered by normal budgets. Its primary areas of interest include social services, the disadvantaged and homeless, higher and other education, and civic affairs. The Foundation maintains an interest in HIV/AIDS and in AIDS-related research. TARGET AUDIENCE: 300 - General Public, Consumers, 306 - Adolescents, 314 - Children, 366 - Low Income Persons, 375 - Homeless Persons, 378 - Students, Young Adults, 390 - Women SUBJECT AREAS: Colleges and universities, Educational materials, Health care, Performing arts, Research, Schools, Social services, Visual arts FINANCIAL INFORMATION MINIMUM: $100 MAXIMUM: $23000 AVERAGE $5000 FUND DURATION: 1 yr grants; 1 semester scholarships. No automatic renewals. TYPE OF SUPPORT: Project grants. General support. Seed money. Scholarships. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Open ended INTENDED AWARD DATE: Response normally within 4 weeks of receipt. ORGANIZATION ELIGIBILITY TYPE: IRS 501 (c)(3) Organization RESTRICTIONS: Individual LOCATION: Corpus Christi, TX. FUND REQUIREMENTS LOCATION: Corpus Christi, TX. ELIGIBILITY: Individual high school seniors with above-average grades, who are permanent residents of Corpus Christi, with demonstrable financial need are eligible for scholarships. Application form must be submitted by November of the individual's senior year of high school. Although the Foundation generally responds to grant requests within four weeks of proposal submission, substantial requests may be deferred until the annual meeting of the Trustees in February. LIMITATIONS: The Foundation will not support annual campaigns, dinners or special events, individuals, capital campaigns, travel or graduate students. APPLICATION INFORMATION PROCEDURES: Submit 1 copy of 1-2 pg. written proposal. CONTACT PERSON: Karen Wesson Administrative Director P.O. Box 2928 Corpus Christi, TX 78403-7840 (512) 887-6955 (512) 883-5992 FAX NO. ************ FUNDER INFORMATION ************ ORGANIZATION: S 09067 Paul and Mary Haas Foundation P.O. Box 2928 PHONE: (512) 887-6955 AREA CODES: 512 ORGANIZATION TYPE: Foundation ORGANIZATION LEVEL: Non Government DESCRIPTION: The Paul and Mary Haas Foundation is a family foundation taking a leadership role in contemplating change, designing innovations, and opening new vistas of public and individual fulfillment by providing incentive funding. Grants are made in six areas: Civic and Charitable, Education, Health, Religion, The Arts, and College Scholarships. Grants are most often made in the Corpus Christi area, and college scholarships are limited to Corpus Christi high school seniors. TYPE OF FUNDS AWARDED: Private. NUMBER OF FUNDS AWARDED: 1993: 100 funds awarded, total: $244625 TAX NO.: 746031614 PUBLICATION(S): Annual report. Application guidelines. Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 15:40:17 +0500 From: ghgreenk{CONTRACTOR/ASPEN/ghgreenk} Subject: Funding Information from CDC-NAC (3) New/updated records, cont' Page 3 of 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------ FUND TITLES INCLUDED IN THIS WINDOW: 1) Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation: General Fund Announcement. 2) The Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program 3) Colin Higgins Foundation: General Fund Announcement. ------------------------------------------------------------------ **************** FUND INFORMATION ****************** ACCESSION NO: S 22767-001 FUND TITLE: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation: General Fund Announcement. DESCRIPTION: The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation provides funds for projects concentrating on government's role in health and on the health of low-income and minority groups. The areas in which the Foundation currently focuses the majority of its grantmaking are health policy, reproductive health, HIV policy, and health and development in South Africa. A further interest is in health policy and innovation in California. Activities supported include policy analysis, applied research to define and measure public health problems, demonstration and pilot projects, and communications activities that help to sharpen the health care debate. Most grants are initiated by the Foundation; however, unsolicited proposals are also welcomed. TARGET AUDIENCE: 300 - General Public, Consumers SUBJECT AREAS: Health care, Health planning, Health policies, HIV prevention, Research FINANCIAL INFORMATION MINIMUM: $5000 MAXIMUM: $750000 FUND DURATION: Open Ended TYPE OF SUPPORT: Demo & pilot project grants. Tech assist. Research grants. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Open ended INTENDED AWARD DATE: Grants reviewed in March, June, Sept., & Dec. ORGANIZATION ELIGIBILITY TYPE: IRS 501 (c)(3) Organization RESTRICTIONS: Individual LOCATION: United States, location unrestricted. International (South Africa). The California Grants Program is limited to projects with statewide significance for CA. FUND REQUIREMENTS LOCATION: United States, location unrestricted. International (South Africa). The California Grants Program is limited to projects with statewide significance for CA. ELIGIBILITY: Letters of inquiry for projects within or relating to South Africa should be sent to: Michael R. Sinclair, Ph.D., Vice President and Director, Health and Development in South Africa, The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 1450 G St., N.W., Ste. 250, Washington, D.C. 20005 (tel: 202-347-5270). LIMITATIONS: The foundation does not award funds to advocate for legislation, nor for general operating expenses, indirect costs (those expressed as a fixed percentage of direct costs), capital campaigns, annual appeals or other fundraising events, construction, purchase or renovation of facilities, or purchase of equipment. APPLICATION INFORMATION PROCEDURES: Submit 2-3 pg. letter of intent. CONTACT PERSON: Renee Wells, Grants Manager 2400 Sand Hill Rd. Menlo Park, CA 94025 (415) 854-9400 (415) 854-4800 FAX NO. ************ FUNDER INFORMATION ************ ORGANIZATION: S 22767 Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation 2400 Sand Hill Rd. Menlo Park, CA 94025 PHONE: (415) 854-9400 AREA CODES: 415 ORGANIZATION TYPE: Foundation ORGANIZATION LEVEL: Non Government DESCRIPTION: The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation is a private foundation devoted exclusively to health. The Foundation makes more than $24 million in philanthropic expenditures yearly to support projects concentrating on the government's role in health and on the health of low-income and minority groups. The Foundation focuses its grantmaking on support of health policy, reproductive health, HIV policy, health and development in South Africa, and health policy and innovation in the Foundation's home state of California. Recently, the Foundation has funded the Talking with Your Children Campaign (to encourage parents to discuss issues such as sex, pregnancy and HIV); sponsored a national meeting to discuss policy issues in the implementation of HIV home testing; supported an HIV behavioral surveillance project meeting; and made a grant to the National Minority AIDS Council (NMAC) to provide short-term funding during the developmental stage of the Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia Prevention Campaign. TYPE OF FUNDS AWARDED: Private. NUMBER OF FUNDS AWARDED: 1993: 130 funds awarded, total: $20000000 TAX NO.: 946064808 PUBLICATION(S): Annual report. Application guidelines. ----------------------------------------------------------------- **************** FUND INFORMATION ****************** ACCESSION NO: S 24147-001 FUND TITLE: The Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program DESCRIPTION: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation announces the availability of funds for its Clinical Scholars Program. This is designed to allow young physicians committed to clinical medicine to acquire new skills and training in the non-biological sciences important to medical care systems. At each participating university, a study and research program is tailored to meet the Scholar's specific interests within the priority area the Scholar selects. TARGET AUDIENCE: 170 - Physicians SUBJECT AREAS: Health care, Research, Training FINANCIAL INFORMATION FUND TOTAL NOTE: Annual review cycle for grants. NUMBER OF AWARDS: 26 FUND DURATION: 2 yrs. TYPE OF SUPPORT: University-based, post-residency study & research grants. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 960215 940301 INTENDED AWARD DATE: June 15 - July 15, 1996. Appts. begin July 1, 1997 ORGANIZATION ELIGIBILITY TYPE: Individual RESTRICTIONS: Non US LOCATION: Location unrestricted. FUND REQUIREMENTS LOCATION: The seven participating universities are as follows: UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA. University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, Chicago, IL. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD. University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC. University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA. Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT. EXPECTED RESULT: Complete graduate-level research project in priority area. ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are physicians who are: 1) committed to a career consonant with the program's purposes and priorities; 2) be well-recommended by those responsible for their clinical training; 3) plan to complete the clinical requirements of their residency training by the date of entry into the program; and 4) be U.S. citizens. The program is open to physicians training in any of the medical/surgical specialty fields, including psychiatry, pediatrics, obstetrics/gynecology, and family medicine. LIMITATIONS: Information about each participating university and its two priority areas can be obtained from each site's program director or from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. APPLICATION INFORMATION PROCEDURES: Complete application & on-site interviews 1/1/96 - 4/1/96. CONTACT PERSON: Debra Soroka Program Assistant P.O. Box 2316 Princeton, NJ 08543-0854 (609) 243-5919 TECHNICAL CONTACT: Annie Shuster, Sr. Pgm Officer ************ FUNDER INFORMATION ************ ORGANIZATION: S 24147 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholars Program P.O. Box 2316 PHONE: (609) 243-5919 AREA CODES: 609 ORGANIZATION TYPE: Foundation ORGANIZATION LEVEL: Non Government TYPE OF FUNDS AWARDED: Private PUBLICATION(S): Newsletter. Application guidelines. ------------------------------------------------------------------- **************** FUND INFORMATION ****************** ACCESSION NO: S 27560-001 FUND TITLE: Colin Higgins Foundation: General Fund Announcement. DESCRIPTION: The Colin Higgins Foundation focuses on responding to the AIDS crisis by funding community-based service organizations, programs seeking alternative treatments for people with AIDS, and model programs attempting to coordinate services and education efforts within a community. It also supports the empowerment of gay men and lesbians by funding community-based organizations, efforts to combat homophobia, programs working with young gays and lesbians, and programs working with young people. Additionally, the Foundation has established four scholarship programs at the UCLA Film School, Stanford University, the American Film Institute and the American Conservatory Theater to support actors, writers, directors and filmmakers whose work enlightens and enriches the human spirit. TARGET AUDIENCE: 306 - Adolescents, 338 - Homosexuals, 386 - Lesbians, 400 - Persons With AIDS SUBJECT AREAS: Adolescents, Alternative therapies, Community programs, Homosexuals, Lesbians, Persons with AIDS, Public education, Social services FINANCIAL INFORMATION MINIMUM: $5000 MAXIMUM: $15000 FUND DURATION: Open ended. TYPE OF SUPPORT: Project grants. Scholarships. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 990901 980901 970901 960901 950901 INTENDED AWARD DATE: Grants made at October board meetings. ORGANIZATION ELIGIBILITY TYPE: IRS 501 (c)(3) Organization RESTRICTIONS: Individual LOCATION: Location unrestricted. FUND REQUIREMENTS LOCATION: Location unrestricted. APPLICATION INFORMATION PROCEDURES: Submit brief proposal outlining proposed project. CONTACT PERSON: Grants Manager Presidio Main Post, Bldg. 37 San Francisco, CA 94129-9412 (415) 561-6400 (415) 561-6401 FAX NO. ************ FUNDER INFORMATION ************ ORGANIZATION: S 27560 Colin Higgins Foundation Presidio Main Post Bldg. 37 San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 29903 PHONE: (415) 561-6400 AREA CODES: 415 ORGANIZATION TYPE: Foundation ORGANIZATION LEVEL: Non Government DESCRIPTION: The Colin Higgins Foundation was established in 1986 to support organizations enabling people to respond to life challenges. Resources are concentrated in two areas of serious social concern: responding to the AIDS crisis and the empowerment of gay men and lesbians. The Foundation has also established four scholarships to support actors, writers, directors and filmmakers whose work enlightens and enriches the human spirit. Recent grant recipients include AIDS Help, Inc. (Key West, FL); AIDS Medicine & Miracles (Boulder, CO); National AIDS Support Center (Santa Fe, NM); and Legal Aid of Western Missouri (Kansas City, MO). TYPE OF FUNDS AWARDED: Private. PUBLICATION(S): Grants list. Guidelines. Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 16:16:55 +0500 From: ghgreenk{CONTRACTOR/ASPEN/ghgreenk} Subject: Funding information from CDC-NAC (4) New/updated records, cont' Page 4 of 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------ FUND TITLES INCLUDED IN THIS WINDOW: 1) Vanguard Public Foundation: General Grant Guidelines. 2) Duke Endowment: General Fund Announcement. 3) Notice of Fund Availability (NOFA) for the Section 8 Rental Voucher Program for Persons with HIV/AIDS (FY 1995). ------------------------------------------------------------------ **************** FUND INFORMATION ****************** ACCESSION NO: S 31848-001 FUND TITLE: Vanguard Public Foundation: General Grant Guidelines. DESCRIPTION: Vanguard Public Foundation funds new or existing organizations involved in direct organizing or advocacy. Applicants should: seek to alter the underlying causes of injustice, poverty, and disenfranchisement; involve low-income and working class people in achieving self-determination; work toward a society free from racism, sexism, homophobia and economic exploitation and support the rights of all people; and incorporate affirmative action guidelines and practices. Interests include groups working on issues of civil rights, economic justice, workers' rights, women's rights, education, disability, health, housing, environment, cultural activism, indigenous peoples' rights, and international solidarity; and projects involving and empowering those communities most affected by the unequal distribution of economic resources and political power. Preference is given to those projects having the greatest potential to have significant and long term impact on the empowerment of communities that have been left out of the democratic process. In addition to General Fund grants, Vanguard maintains a Donor Advised Program, Emergency Grant funds, Special Funds and Sponsored Projects. Vanguard has not made many HIV/AIDS-related grants but will consider any proposal incorporating its stated objectives. TARGET AUDIENCE: 316 - Developmentally Delayed Persons, 332 - Persons with Physical Disabilities, 352 - Minorities, 356 - Native Americans, 366 - Low Income Persons, 390 - Women, 400 - Persons With AIDS, 445 - HIV Positive Persons SUBJECT AREAS: Advocacy FINANCIAL INFORMATION MINIMUM: $1000 MAXIMUM: $10000 AVERAGE $4500 FUND DURATION: Not specified. TYPE OF SUPPORT: Emergency funds. Project support. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 960301 951201 950901 950601 INTENDED AWARD DATE: Notification: 5 mos. after application deadline. ORGANIZATION ELIGIBILITY TYPE: IRS 501 (c)(3) Organization RESTRICTIONS: Individual LOCATION: Northern CA (all counties north of Monterey). FUND REQUIREMENTS LOCATION: Northern CA (all counties north of Monterey). ELIGIBILITY: Priority is given to projects without access to traditional funding sources because they may be thought to be risky, controversial or of low priority. Organizations not funded may reapply 6 mos. after notification of non-funding. Past grantees may reapply. Community organizing is a high priority for the Foundation. LIMITATIONS: Vanguard does not fund: capital campaigns or equipment purchase; organizations involved in direct services, research or education, unless the proposed project is clearly of an empowerment nature and cannot be supported within the general program budget; production costs for film; out of state travel; one-time conferences or events not integrally related to ongoing organizing; organizations with access to traditional funding sources and budgets of over $200,000, unless the projects is unlikely to attract support because of its controversial character; and debts. Vanguard's Emergency Fund is not for operational or budget emergencies, or travel. APPLICATION INFORMATION PROCEDURES: Submit one copy of application to Grants Director. CONTACT PERSON: Grants Director 383 Rhode Island, Ste. 301 San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 487-2111 (415) 487-2124 FAX NO. ************ FUNDER INFORMATION ************ ORGANIZATION: S 31848 Vanguard Public Foundation 383 Rhode Island, Ste. 301 San Francisco, CA 94103 PHONE: (415) 487-2111 AREA CODES: 415 ORGANIZATION TYPE: Foundation ORGANIZATION LEVEL: Non Government DESCRIPTION: Vanguard Public Foundation was founded in 1972 by individuals committed to providing a source of funds for groups working for peace and justice. The major objective of Vanguard's grantmaking is the empowerment of historically disenfranchised sectors of society through community organizing and advocacy. Former grant recipients include Project Inform, an information dissemination group based in San Francisco. TYPE OF FUNDS AWARDED: Private. ------------------------------------------------------------------ **************** FUND INFORMATION ****************** ACCESSION NO: S 31887-001 FUND TITLE: Duke Endowment: General Fund Announcement. DESCRIPTION: The Duke Endowment makes grants to support education, not-for-profit hospitals, not-for-profit child-care institutions, retired ministers and the widows and dependent children of ministers, and rural United Methodist churches. Education grants are limited to Duke University, Davidson College, Furman University, and Johnson C. Smith University for general and special purposes. Grants to hospitals support programs and the improvement and expansion of facilities. HIV/AIDS case management, hospice development, and community health education are just a few of the programs supported. Child-care support finances programs facilities and services, and rural United Methodist churches receive funds for building and operations. TARGET AUDIENCE: 306 - Adolescents, 314 - Children, 530 - Hospitals, 610 - Religious Organizations/Spiritual Leaders, 682 - Colleges SUBJECT AREAS: Case management, Children, Churches, Colleges and universities, Health care, Hospices, Hospitals, Social services FINANCIAL INFORMATION FUND DURATION: Open ended. TYPE OF SUPPORT: General operating support. Program grants. Capital funds. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Open ended INTENDED AWARD DATE: 2 - 6 mos. from submission for final decision. ORGANIZATION ELIGIBILITY TYPE: Hospital Non Profit Religious Organization RESTRICTIONS: Individual LOCATION: NC. SC. United States, location unrestricted. FUND REQUIREMENTS LOCATION: NC. SC. ELIGIBILITY: Retired ministers and widows and dependent children of ministers must have served at least five years in an annual conference of the United Methodist Church in North Carolina in order to receive funds for support and maintenance. LIMITATIONS: The Duke Endowment does not make grants for deficit financing nor does it make loans. No grants are made to individuals except for retired ministers. APPLICATION INFORMATION PROCEDURES: Initial approach: submit letter of interest. CONTACT PERSON: Jere W. Witherspoon, Exec Dir 100 N. Tryon St., Ste 3500 Charlotte, NC 28202-2820 (704) 376-0291 ************ FUNDER INFORMATION ************ ORGANIZATION: S 31887 Duke Endowment 100 N. Tryon St., Ste 3500 Charlotte, NC 28202-4012 PHONE: (704) 376-0291 AREA CODES: 704 ORGANIZATION TYPE: Foundation ORGANIZATION LEVEL: Non Government DESCRIPTION: The Duke Endowment is a perpetual trust benefitting residents of North and South Carolina. Grants are made to support four educational institutions; not-for-profit hospitals; not-for-profit child-care institutions; retired ministers or the widows and dependent children of ministers who have served at least five years in an annual conference of the United Methodist Church in North Carolina; and rural United Methodist churches in North Carolina. The Endowment makes HIV/AIDS case management grants to hospitals. Recent recipients of these grants include Cabarrus Memorial Hospital, Duke University Medical Center, and Grace Hospital. TYPE OF FUNDS AWARDED: Private PUBLICATION(S): Annual report. Newsletter. Brochure. Grants list. ----------------------------------------------------------------- **************** FUND INFORMATION ****************** ACCESSION NO: S 24532-005 FUND TITLE: Notice of Fund Availability (NOFA) for the Section 8 Rental Voucher Program for Persons with HIV/AIDS (FY 1995). DESCRIPTION: The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced the availability of funds to support the Section 8 Rental Voucher Program in order to help persons with HIV/AIDS (PWAs) pay the rent for decent, safe, and sanitary housing. Rental vouchers are intended to help communities establish a continuum of care for PWAs by creating additional permanent housing options. This initiative will be implemented at the local level through partnerships of grantees of the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program, Housing Agencies (HAs) and community-based organizations (CBOs). CBOs will undertake outreach efforts to identify eligible persons in need of permanent housing. HAs will then provide rental vouchers in conjunction with existing community planning processes for housing assistance and supportive services for PWAs. Eligible persons are defined as those with HIV/AIDS and his or her family, including caregivers and partners, who qualify as very low-income. UPDATE NOTE: On September 29, 1995, HUD announced that, in order to comply with the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act of 1995, it would not fund applications submitted for the Persons with HIV/AIDS subprogram due to a rescission of appropriations. The Act rescinded most of the FY 1995 appropriations for incremental funding that had not yet been obligated under the Section 8 rental voucher and rental certificate programs. Under the FY 1995 NOFA, HUD intends to award incremental funding for applications submitted for only the following components of the program: the family unification subprogram (category 7); and the mainstream housing opportunities for persons with disabilities subprogram. TARGET AUDIENCE: 366 - Low Income Persons, 375 - Homeless Persons, 400 - Persons With AIDS, 445 - HIV Positive Persons SUBJECT AREAS: Housing FINANCIAL INFORMATION AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $103000000 FUND TOTAL NOTE: Money is to be applied towards rental vouchers. NUMBER OF AWARDS: 3000 FUND DURATION: Open ended. TYPE OF SUPPORT: Housing assistance. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 950601 INTENDED AWARD DATE: Open ended. ORGANIZATION ELIGIBILITY TYPE: Public Health, Social Services Department LOCATION: Housing Agencies must be located in the 66 regions receiving FY 1995 HOPWA formula allocations, including 43 qualifying cities in EMSAs and 23 States outside of these EMSAs. FUND REQUIREMENTS LOCATION: Vouchers must be applied in the 66 regions receiving FY 1995 HOPWA formula allocations, including 43 qualifying cities in EMSAs and 23 States outside of these EMSAs. ELIGIBILITY: Applications must be submitted jointly by an area's HOPWA grantee and one or more eligible Housing Agencies (HAs). The HAs must be designated by the HOPWA grantee and must agree to administer the rental vouchers for use in conjunction with services provided by community-based organizations. The application must also designate the number of rental vouchers for the area or sub-area to be administered by each HA. APPLICATION INFORMATION PROCEDURES: Contact funder for NOFA and application requirements. CONTACT PERSON: Gerald J Benoit, Director Operations Division Office of Rental Assistance Ofc of Public and Indian Housing, Rm 4220 451 7th Street, SW Washington, DC 20410-2041 (202) 708-0477 TECHNICAL CONTACT: TDD: (202) 708 - 4594 ************ FUNDER INFORMATION ************ ORGANIZATION: S 24532 US Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Assistant Secretary for Housing Federal Housing Commissioner 451 7th St., SW. Washington, DC 20410 OTHER NAME: HUD PHONE: (202) 708-3600 AREA CODES: 202 ORGANIZATION TYPE: Public Health, Social Services Department ORGANIZATION LEVEL: Federal TYPE OF FUNDS AWARDED: Federal. NUMBER OF FUNDS AWARDED: 1994: 32 funds awarded, total: $25026043