Date: Fri, 10 Nov 1995 12:00:24 +0500 From: ghgreenk{CONTRACTOR/ASPEN/ghgreenk} Subject: Funding Information from CDC NAC - 11/8 New/updated funds, cont' Page 2 of 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- FUND TITLES INCLUDED IN THIS WINDOW: 1) Vanguard Public Foundation: General Grant Guidelines. (NEW) 2) Carolyn Foundation: General Fund Announcement. (NEW) ---------------------------------------------------------------- **************** FUND INFORMATION ****************** ACCESSION NO: S 31848-001 FUND TITLE: Vanguard Public Foundation: General Grant Guidelines. DESCRIPTION: Vanguard Public Foundation funds new or existing organizations involved in direct organizing or advocacy. Vanguard funds groups that: seek to alter the underlying causes of injustice, poverty, and disenfranchisement; involve low-income and working class people in achieving self-determination; work toward a society free from racism, sexism, homophobia and economic exploitation and support the rights of all people; and incorporate affirmative action guidelines and practices. The Foundation tries to keep its funding as broad-based as possible. Interests include groups working on issues of civil rights, economic justice, workers' rights, women's rights, education, disability, health, housing, environment, cultural activism, indigenous peoples' rights, and international solidarity; and projects involving and empowering those communities most affected by the unequal distribution of economic resources and political power. Preference is given to those projects having the greatest potential to have significant and long term impact on the empowerment of communities that have been left out of the democratic process. Vanguard occasionally makes grants up to $1000 for groups organizing an urgent political response to extraordinary, unforseen conditions. TARGET AUDIENCE: 316 - Developmentally Delayed Persons, 332 - Persons with Physical Disabilities, 352 - Minorities, 356 - Native Americans, 366 - Low Income Persons, 390 - Women, 400 - Persons With AIDS, 445 - HIV Positive Persons SUBJECT AREAS: Advocacy FINANCIAL INFORMATION MINIMUM: $1000 MAXIMUM: $10000 AVERAGE $4500 FUND DURATION: Not specified. TYPE OF SUPPORT: Emergency funds. Project support. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 960301 951201 950901 950601 INTENDED AWARD DATE: Notification: 5 mos. after application deadline. ORGANIZATION ELIGIBILITY TYPE: IRS 501 (c)(3) Organization RESTRICTIONS: Individual LOCATION: Northern CA (all counties north of Monterey). FUND REQUIREMENTS LOCATION: Northern CA (all counties north of Monterey). ELIGIBILITY: Priority is given to projects without access to traditional funding sources because they may be thought to be risky, controversial or of low priority. Organizations not funded may reapply 6 mos. after notification of non-funding. Past grantees may reapply. LIMITATIONS: Vanguard does not fund: capital campaigns or equipment purchase; organizations involved in direct services, research or education, unless the proposed project is clearly of an empowerment nature and cannot be supported within the general program budget; production costs for film; out of state travel; one-time conferences or events not integrally related to ongoing organizing; organizations with access to traditional funding sources and budgets of over $200,000, unless the projects is unlikely to attract support because of its controversial character; and debts. Vanguard's Emergency Fund is not for operational or budget emergencies, or travel. APPLICATION INFORMATION PROCEDURES: Submit one copy of application to Grants Director. CONTACT PERSON: Grants Director 383 Rhode Island, Ste. 301 San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 487-2111 (415) 487-2124 FAX NO. ************ FUNDER INFORMATION ************ ORGANIZATION: S 31848 Vanguard Public Foundation 383 Rhode Island, Ste. 301 San Francisco, CA 94103 PHONE: (415) 487-2111 AREA CODES: 415 ORGANIZATION TYPE: Foundation ORGANIZATION LEVEL: Non Government DESCRIPTION: Vanguard Public Foundation was founded in 1972 by individuals committed to providing a source of funds for groups working for peace and justice. The major objective of Vanguard's grantmaking is the empowerment of historically disenfranchised sectors of society through community organizing and advocacy. Former grant recipients include Project Inform, an information dissemination group based in San Francisco. TYPE OF FUNDS AWARDED: Private. ------------------------------------------------------------------ **************** FUND INFORMATION ****************** ACCESSION NO: S 31849-001 FUND TITLE: Carolyn Foundation: General Fund Announcement. DESCRIPTION: Carolyn Foundation is a general purpose foundation, interested principally in education, culture, health and welfare, environment and the disadvantaged. The Foundation is interested in programs addressing social problems, and has supported a number of community health organizations. TARGET AUDIENCE: 300 - General Public, Consumers, 366 - Low Income Persons SUBJECT AREAS: Curriculum, Health care, Low income groups, Performing arts, Social services, Visual arts FINANCIAL INFORMATION MINIMUM: $2000 MAXIMUM: $50000 AVERAGE $20000 FUND DURATION: 1 yr. TYPE OF SUPPORT: Project grants. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 980731 980131 970731 970131 960731 960131 INTENDED AWARD DATE: June. December. ORGANIZATION ELIGIBILITY TYPE: IRS 501 (c)(3) Organization RESTRICTIONS: Individual Non US Religious Organization LOCATION: Metropolitan New Haven, CT. Metropolitan Minneapolis, MN. Metropolitan St. Paul, MN. FUND REQUIREMENTS LOCATION: Metropolitan New Haven, CT. Metropolitan Minneapolis, MN. Metropolitan St. Paul, MN. ELIGIBILITY: The Foundation favors programmatic contributions over capital grants. LIMITATIONS: The Carolyn Foundation does not support private foundations, political or veterans organizations, fraternal societies or orders, annual fund drives, deficits already incurred, costs of litigation, courtesy advertising, or telephone solicitations. Normally, the Foundation will not sponsor conferences or seminars, or projects carried on in foreign countries. The Foundation does not make grants to umbrella organizations for the purpose of redistribution of funds to those groups to which they make grants. Grant recipients are ineligible to receive another contribution for at least two years. APPLICATION INFORMATION PROCEDURES: Contact funder for guidelines and application procedures. CONTACT PERSON: Carolyn J. Fetzer 4800 1st Bank Pl. Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 339-7101 ************ FUNDER INFORMATION ************ ORGANIZATION: S 31849 Carolyn Foundation 4800 1st Bank Pl. Minneapolis, MN 55402 PHONE: (612) 339-7101 AREA CODES: 612 ORGANIZATION TYPE: Foundation ORGANIZATION LEVEL: Non Government DESCRIPTION: The Carolyn Foundation is a general purpose foundation. It is principally interested in education, culture, health and welfare, environment and the disadvantaged. Recent grant recipients include the Community Action Agency of New Haven, CT; Face to Face Health and Counseling (Minneapolis, MN); Fremont Community Health Services (Minneapolis, MN); Hill Health Corporation (New Haven, CT), Institute on Black Chemical Abuse (Minneapolis, MN); and WHISPER, or Women Hurt in System of Prostitution Engaged in Revolt (Minneapolis, MN). TYPE OF FUNDS AWARDED: Private.