Date: Fri, 8 Nov 1996 13:23:48 -0500 From: "Flynn Mclean" Subject: New Educational Materials 11/08/96 CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse Educational Materials Database NEW MATERIALS November 8, 1996 The Clearinghouse's Educational Materials Databases contain bibliographic information about more than 14,000 brochures, videos, booklets, and other materials with education/prevention messages. NAC ONLINE users can search these databases by selecting "Clearinghouse Databases" from the NAC ONLINE main menu. When asked to enter a database name, specify "UNPB" (which stands for unpublished materials) to search all materials, regardless of availability; "CNPB" (which stands for current materials) to search only materials currently available from the distributor; or "ANPB" (which stands for archival materials) to search only materials which are no longer available. To access the NAC ONLINE BBS, set your communications software to dial (800) 851-7245, and set the options for 8 data bits, N parity, 1 stopbit, full duplex, and complete a new user questionnaire. Only non-profit organizations, government agencies, educational institutions, and health departments are given full access to NAC ONLINE and the NAC databases. Over the weekend, 9 newly catalogued materials were loaded to the UNPB Educational Materials Database. This brings the total number of materials on the Database to 17,686. Document 1 AN AD0020218. TI Positive: HIV Affirmative Counseling. FM 32 - Monograph. Print Material. AC 113 - Mental Health Professionals. 140 - Social Workers. 689 - Medical Schools. AV American Counseling Association 5999 Stevenson Ave. Alexandria, VA 22304. (703) 823-9800. ISBN: 1-55620-147-8; Order no. 72573. AB This book presents a counseling approach for HIV-positive individuals. The author bases this counseling method on the premise that in order to counsel HIV-positive clients therapists must understand their experience and affirm it as it is. The basic tenets of this approach are that HIV-affirmative counseling is atheoretical; developmental; sensitive to issues of sexual and affectional orientation as well as of gender, culture, class and age; and contextual. The first section of the book considers issues surrounding HIV-antibody testing, test results, adjusting to being HIV positive, and disclosure. The second section offers specific strategies for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and positive attitude after diagnosis. The third section addresses issues often faced once HIV progresses into AIDS, such as hospitalization, loss, impairment, and living in a hospice. The final section offers guidance and coping strategies for those surviving the loss of a loved one. MJ Counselor education. Counseling. Death or dying. Patient support. Quality of life. Self care. Attitudes. Document 2 AN AD0020219. TI Youth at Risk: A Prevention Resource for Counselors, Teachers, and Parents. FM 32 - Monograph. Print Material. AC 113 - Mental Health Professionals. 140 - Social Workers. 230 - Educators. 364 - Parents. 115 - Patient Educators. 119 - Drug Abuse Treatment Personnel. AV American Counseling Association 5999 Stevenson Ave. Alexandria, VA 22304. (703) 823-9800. ISBN: 1-55620-151-6; Order no. 72622. AB This book is a resource guide for individuals working on prevention efforts with at-risk youth. A revision of the original 1989 text, this guide includes case studies that explore prevention efforts from individual, family, school, and community perspectives. Part One presents information regarding population definition, identification, and behaviors and causal factors descriptive of youth at risk. Information is provided that serves as a foundation for understanding the parameters of the prevention-intervention paradigm. Part Two deals with parameters that often serve as causal factors for the development of at-risk behaviors. Included are chapters dealing with the effects of a dysfunctional family, physical and sexual abuse, low self-esteem, depression, and stress. Part Three addresses prevention and intervention to change behaviors most often associated with placing youth at risk. Topics covered include substance abuse, homelessness, gangs, dropouts, suicide, pregnancy, and eating disorders. Each chapter in this section provides information related to specific behaviors, includes a case study to illustrate the information, and provides approaches to prevention from a variety of perspectives. Chapter 10 is on adolescents and AIDS. MJ Risk factors. Adolescents. Curricula development. Community organizations. Community health planning. School health services. Family relations. High risk behaviors. Health education needs. Case studies. Intervention strategies. Document 3 AN AD0020220. TI Living Positively in A World With HIV / AIDS. FM 32 - Monograph. Print Material. AC 400 - Persons With AIDS. 445 - HIV Positive Persons. AV Hearst Corporation 1350 Ave. of the Americas New York, NY 10019. (212) 399-3081. ISBN: 0-380-77623-5; Price: $10.00 per copy in 1995. AB This is a self-help book for people living with HIV/AIDS. The author explains that HIV/AIDS should be viewed as a treatable, chronic condition that can be improved by a positive and optimistic outlook. For many people with HIV/AIDS, there are a number of treatments that can prevent, eliminate, or lessen some of the symptoms of the disease that result from a weakened immune system and some treatments that may slow the progress of HIV. The author advises each patient to research the options in an effort find an appropriate and comfortable medical and emotional health regimen. The book includes step-by-step instructions for improving one's attitude and learning to live in the present. There are specific suggestions for initiating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle that include physical exercise, nutrition, stress reduction, and spirituality. Chapters on health insurance, housing, wills, funeral arrangements, and financial planning provide answers to some of the more commonly asked questions and concerns. A suggested reading inventory and a comprehensive national and regional resource list is also included. MJ Mental health. Spirituality. Persons with AIDS. Attitude determination. Behavioral factors. Death or dying. Emotions. Family support. Friendship. Health care services. Insurance coverage. Document 4 AN AD0020222. TI Assessing the Social and Behavioral Science Base for HIV / AIDS Prevention and Intervention; Workshop Summary. FM 42 - Report. Print Material. AC 117 - Researchers. 140 - Social Workers. 200 - Community Service Professionals. 230 - Educators. AV National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine 2101 Constitution Ave. NW Washington, DC 20418. (202) 334-2453. AB This monograph presents a summary of the presentations and discussions from a workshop convened to consider the contributions of the social and behavioral sciences to HIV/AIDS prevention; assess the current understanding of the epidemic; draw new insights to help guide further research on the issues associated with the epidemic; and identify important research questions and relevant methodologies needed for the future. The workshop extends the review of preventive interventions targeted at individual behavior change found in a previous report. The major theme of the workshop is that programs to encourage and bolster the use of social and behavioral methods in research will be good investments for the future. The primary presentations made during this workshop include: understanding the epidemic; learning from the lives of HIV/AIDS patients; understanding high-risk communities; controlling the epidemic through social intervention; intermediate technologies in medically based prevention trials; and evaluating results. Each presentation was followed by discussant commentary and by an open discussion with other invited participants. MJ Behavioral factors. Social factors. Research programs. Intervention strategies. Epidemiology. High risk behaviors. Medical treatment. Case studies. Clinical trials. Document 5 AN AD0020253. TI Because Somebody Loves Me. FM 12 - Coloring Book. Print Material. AC 230 - Educators. 314 - Children. 364 - Parents. 800 - Caregivers. AV CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse P.O. Box 6003 Rockville, MD 20849-6003. (800) 458-5231. CDC NAC Inventory no. D381; Price: $5.50 per copy. AB This workbook offers a range of activities, puzzles, games, and exercises for young children coping with the death of a close friend or family member. The workbook has a removable perforated cover sheet with instructions for the adult facilitator. These instructions include a reminder that children must be included in the death and dying process of a close family member and that they should be given an appropriate opportunity to express fear, sadness, and grief. The workbook encourages children to express feelings through words and drawings, to acknowledge that there are life transitions over which they have no control, and to seek comfort and assistance from their network of family, teachers, clergy, and other caregiving adults. A reading list is included. MJ Children. Death or dying. Elementary school students. Family support. Grief. Memorials. Parent roles.