Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 10:33:28 +0500 From: ghmcleaf{CONTRACTOR/ASPEN/ghmcleaf} Subject: New Educational Materials 10/16/95 CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse Educational Materials Database NEW MATERIALS October 16, 1995 The Clearinghouse's Educational Materials Databases contain bibliographic information about more than 14,000 brochures, videos, booklets, and other materials with education/prevention messages. NAC ONLINE users can search these databases by selecting "Clearinghouse Databases" from the NAC ONLINE main menu. When asked to enter a database name, specify "UNPB" (which stands for unpublished materials) to search all materials, regardless of availability; "CNPB" (which stands for current materials) to search only materials currently available from the distributor; or "ANPB" (which stands for archival materials) to search only materials which are no longer available. To access the NAC ONLINE BBS, set your communications software to dial (800) 851-7245, and set the options for 8 data bits, N parity, 1 stopbit, full duplex, and complete a new user questionnaire. Only non-profit organizations, government agencies, educational institutions, and health departments are given full access to NAC ONLINE and the NAC databases. Over the weekend, 61 newly catalogued materials were loaded to the UNPB Educational Materials Database. This brings the total number of materials on the Database to 16,609. The following materials attracted the attention of Educational Materials Staff: AN AD0018836. TI Rural Health Services Funding: A Resource Guide. FM 20 - Directory. Print Material. AC 116 - Planners. 304 - Administrators. 389 - People in Rural Areas. AV US Department of Agriculture AGRICOLA Natl. Agricultural Library 10301 Baltimore Blvd. Rm. 304 Beltsville, MD 20705-2351. (301) 504-6400. ISSN: 1056-9685; Free of charge. AB This directory offers information on Federal, State, and private funding sources for rural health services, as well as useful suggestions for beginning a funding search. Focusing on grantsmanship, it overviews the funding process; lists Federal, State, and nonpublic information sources for rural health funding; and registers related organizations, categorizing them as federal agencies or information centers. The directory addresses electronic funding resources as well as health professional scholarships and educational funding. It recommends reading materials, defines some of the more common words and phrases used in the field of grantmaking, and furnishes a list of publisher contacts. MJ Rural environment or population . Information dissemination . Information sources . Funding sources . Databases . Federal government . State government . Guidelines . AN AD0018961. TI First Aid for AIDS. FM 08 - Brochure. Print Material. AC 306 - Adolescents. 364 - Parents. AV Womanity Publications 1700 Oak Park Blvd., Annex Pleasant Hill, CA 94523. (510) 943-6424. Price: $6.25 for 25 copies; $17.00 for 100. AB This brochure promotes premarital sexual abstinence and marital fidelity as the only ways to prevent AIDS. It describes how condoms and safer sex practices can fail and how chastity is possible and practical. The brochure advises avoiding any genital contact as well as drugs and pornography, since these affect decision-making skills. MJ Sexual abstinence . Condom efficacy. Moral values . Monogamy . AN AD0018963. TI Health and Sexual Ethics. FM 08 - Brochure. Print Material. AC 306 - Adolescents. AV Womanity Publications 1700 Oak Park Blvd., Annex Pleasant Hill, CA 94523. (510) 943-6424. Price: $7.00 for 25 copies; $17.00 for 100. AB This brochure looks at the relationship between health and sexual ethics. The "marriage ethic" promotes self control and supports commitment, fidelity, venereal health, and the value of human life. The "pleasure ethic" implies self indulgence that may result in unwanted pregnancies, venereal disease, and a weakened society. MJ Ethical issues . Health promotion . Moral values . AN AD0018966. TI Secondary Virginity; A New Beginning. FM 08 - Brochure. Print Material. AC 306 - Adolescents. 376 - Sex Partners. AV Womanity Publications 1700 Oak Park Blvd., Annex Pleasant Hill, CA 94523. (510) 943-6424. Price: $6.25 for 25 copies; $17.00 for 100. AB This brochure promotes secondary virginity as a healthful choice. It describes the concept and lists reasons people choose secondary virginity, such as the fear of AIDS. Becoming a secondary virgin involves a decision to change old sexual habits to develop new ways of non-genital sharing. MJ Moral values . Behavior modification . Sexual abstinence . AN AD0018979. TI A Challenge for Living: Dying, Death, and Bereavement. FM 32 - Monograph. Print Material. AC 100 - Health Professionals. 140 - Social Workers. 230 - Educators. 800 - Caregivers. AV Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Incorporated One Exeter Plaza Boston, MA 02116. (617) 482-3900. ISBN: 0-86720-817-1. AB This monograph focuses on the care of the terminally ill individual as well as on the issues that confront the caregiver in the context of such care. It is recommended for health professionals, social workers, and grief counselors. Topics include hospice and ambulatory care, sibling and child bereavement, assisted suicide, advance directives. and the politics of care. The monograph also discusses the question of how and where to find social and emotional support for dying and bereavement. Additionally, the future of death education and palliative care are examined from both a philosophical and medical perspective. MJ Death or dying . Bereavement counseling . Grief . Funeral services . Social work . Caregivers . Family support . Support groups . Suicide . Wills . Emotions . Hospice services . AN AD0018982. TI How to Handle the Pressure Lines. FM 84 - Videorecording. Audiovisual Material. AC 306 - Adolescents. 610 - Religious Organizations/Spiritual Leaders. AV Josh McDowell Ministry P.O. Box 1330 Wheaton, IL 60189. (708) 907-1000. AB This is the videotape of a motivational presentation made to an audience of adolescent and teenage boys and girls. The speaker encourages his audience to adhere to traditional Christian values and remain sexually abstinent until marriage. The speaker provides suggestions for resisting pressure from peers and from the media to engage in premarital sexual activity. The video contains many spiritual and biblical references. The program includes a discussion of morality, proper dating etiquette and communication, and resistance techniques. MJ Adolescents . Sexual abstinence . Sex education . Spirituality. Religion . Peer pressure. Church policies . Moral values . AN AD0018983. TI Who Do You Listen To? Sex in the Age of AIDS. FM 84 - Videorecording. Audiovisual Material. AC 306 - Adolescents. 610 - Religious Organizations/Spiritual Leaders. AV Josh McDowell Ministry P.O. Box 1330 Wheaton, IL 60189. (708) 907-1000. AB This video utilizes a variety of media to encourage adolescents to remain sexually abstinent. The video includes skits, music, interviews, and narration to convince the viewer that the risks involved with premarital sex outweigh any potential benefit. The possible emotional, physical, and medical consequences of sexual activity are illustrated, including the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy. The video is punctuated with actual interviews with physicians and medical researchers, teenagers who have suffered the consequences of sexual activity, and AIDS patients and their families. The video and its accompanying discussion guide contain an underlying Christian theme. MJ Adolescents . Moral values . Sexual abstinence . School health education . Religion . Sex education . STD prevention . HIV prevention . Risk reduction . AN AD0018985. TI Take Charge: Managing Your Sexual Health. FM 84 - Videorecording. Audiovisual Material. AC 306 - Adolescents. AV Churchill Media 6901 Woodley Ave. Van Nuys, CA 91406-4844. (818) 778-1978. ISBN: 0-7932-3370-4. AB This videotape provides information and advice to adolescents and young adults on the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The videotape stresses the fact that young people are ultimately responsible for their own sexual health, and must therefore understand the potential physical and emotional consequences of sexual activity. The viewer is encouraged to resist pressure to become sexually active as abstinence is the only choice that is totally free of risk. Viewers who engage in sexual activity are provided with the information necessary to maintain their physical health and prevent STD transmission. The cameras accompany a male and female teenager into an STD clinic examining room, thereby demonstrating the elements and ease of the physical exam. The need for regular exams and prompt treatment of any infection is underscored. MJ Sexual transmission . STD prevention . Sex education . Sexual abstinence . Sexuality . Adolescent pregnancy . Young adults . Risk reduction . Pregnancy . Chlamydia. Herpes virus group . HIV prevention . AN AD0018986. TI Abstinence... It's the Right Choice. FM 84 - Videorecording. Audiovisual Material. AC 306 - Adolescents. AV Churchill Media 6901 Woodley Ave. Van Nuys, CA 91406-4844. (818) 778-1978. ISBN: 0-7932-3365-8. AB A group of seven adolescents is featured in this video. During an informal conversation with the older sister and boyfriend of one of the teens, they express their concerns about sex and sexuality and explore the benefits and challenges of abstinence. Conflicting messages in the media, peer pressure, male/female roles, communication, and the risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are covered. The older girl and her boyfriend are trained peer educators and are able to address the group's concerns and engage them in role play designed to prepare them to stay with their decision to delay sexual activity until after marriage. Two of the teens in the group have a serious relationship, and decide, because of the conversation, to take the time to slowly explore their feelings for each other, and not become involved sexually. Comments from other adolescents about their life experiences and the benefits of abstinence are interspersed throughout the central story. MJ Adolescents . Sexual abstinence . AN AD0019014. TI Abstinence Works: A Notebook on Pre - Marital Chastity. FM 32 - Monograph. Print Material. AC 306 - Adolescents. 378 - Students, Young Adults. 610 - Religious Organizations/Spiritual Leaders. AV Womanity Publications 1700 Oak Park Blvd., Annex Pleasant Hill, CA 94523. (510) 943-6424. Price: $10.00 in 1990. AB This monograph presents a collection of materials promoting pre- marital chastity. The editor indicates that this "notebook" highlights various aspects of abstinence: moral, philosophical, legal, medical, economic, psychological, sociological, educational, and historical. The materials include copies and excerpts of articles from periodicals, poems, fact sheets, advertisements, drawings, and first person accounts. Frequently citing Christian teachings, the authors argue that abstinence is essential for solid relationships, safety, and preventing unwanted pregnancy. MJ Sexual abstinence . Adolescents . Sexual behavior . AN AD0019022. TI Healthy Choices. FM 84 - Videorecording. Audiovisual Material. AC 306 - Adolescents. AV National Association for Affected Families Adolescent Creative Transitional Training 600 W. Carlisle Rd. Thousand Oaks, CA 91361. (805) 496-5306. AB In this videorecording, teens perform skits written by themselves to inform other teens about HIV/AIDS. Topics addressed include peer pressure, abuse of drugs and alcohol, testing, and unsafe sex. Employing teen lingo and slang, the skits emphasize that HIV can happen to anyone. Abstinence is defined as lack of involvement in risky behavior, and some of the teens point out that their health is too important to rely on condoms for protection. The skits range from humorous and satirical approaches -- such as an "AIDS Virus" deejay doing a call-in show on station WHIV -- to a serious treatment of HIV exposure from sharing needles. MJ Adolescents . HIV transmission . Sexual transmission . Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) . Role playing . Peer education . Peer factors . Peer support . High risk behaviors . AN AD0019038. TI Proof Positive: Developing Significant Volunteer Recordkeeping Systems. FM 28 - Manual. Print Material. AC 304 - Administrators. 384 - Veterans. 679 - Volunteer Organizations. AV Energize Incorporated 5450 Wissahickon Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19144. (215) 438-8342. ISBN: 0-940576-10-4; ISBN: 0-940576-02-3 (series set). AB This publication is designed to help organizations design and maintain records on volunteer programs. It attempts to present a sequential examination of recordkeeping principles. It covers applications forms, a tracing system, master logs, time and activity records, progress reports and other forms for data collection. It covers design issues (format, order, color and printing), duplication and waste. Management and upkeep of records, using data to write reports and computerization are among the additional topics addressed. MJ Volunteer organizations . Program management . AN AD0019039. TI Futprintz. FM 13 - Comic Book. Print Material. AC 230 - Educators. 306 - Adolescents. 335 - Persons Practicing High Risk Behavior. 364 - Parents. AV American Red Cross High Point / Thomasville Chapter 2011 English Rd. High Point, NC 27262-7211. (919) 885-9121. Guilford County Minority AIDS Task Force 1019 English St. Greensboro, NC 27401. (910) 274-7478. AB This black and white comic book tells the story of a young African American man, "Shorty," and his girlfriend and wife, "Sli." It describes his life on the streets tagging buildings and his career as a "rap" artist. Violence, substance abuse and HIV/AIDS kills and imprisons their friends. Sli realizes the importance of protecting herself, but loses a friend to AIDS and becomes the mother her friend's young daughter. Eventually Shorty dies as well of HIV contracted through unprotected sex. The infection is discovered because he is injured during a drive-by shooting. Facts about HIV/AIDS risk and prevention are interspersed throughout the story. MJ HIV transmission . HIV prevention . Blacks . AN AD0019042. TI Sexual Orientation, HIV / AIDS, and Immigration Issues. FM 08 - Brochure. Print Material. AC 338 - Homosexuals. 374 - Immigrants, Refugees. 386 - Lesbians. AV Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund New York Office 666 Broadway New York, NY 10012. (212) 995-8585. AB This booklet describes basic options available to non-U.S. citizens who are lesbians, gay men, and people with HIV/AIDS who want to remain in the U.S. The booklet begins with basic and commonly-asked questions about entering and remaining in the U.S., and then goes on to describe immigration procedures. Sexual orientation is no longer grounds for exclusion from entering the U.S., but the booklet warns that sexual orientation may be a problem for those applying for permanent residency or U.S. citizenship. The booklet reviews HIV-exclusion waivers, exclusions, and deportations. A list of organizations that provide assistance and information is included. MJ Homosexuality . Immigrants or refugees . Legal issues . Laws . National government. National health policies . Civil or constitutional rights . Gay rights .