Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 11:40:00 +0500 From: ghmcleaf{CONTRACTOR/ASPEN/ghmcleaf} Subject: New Educational Materials, 05/17/95 CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse Educational Materials Database NEW MATERIALS May 16, 1995 The Clearinghouse's Educational Materials Databases contain bibliographic information about more than 14,000 brochures, videos, booklets, and other materials with education/prevention messages. NAC ONLINE users can search these databases by selecting "Clearinghouse Databases" from the NAC ONLINE main menu. When asked to enter a database name, specify "UNPB" (which stands for unpublished materials) to search all materials, regardless of availability; "CNPB" (which stands for current materials) to search only materials currently available from the distributor; or "ANPB" (which stands for archival materials) to search only materials which are no longer available. To access the NAC ONLINE BBS, set your communications software to dial (800) 851-7245, and set the options for 8 data bits, N parity, 1 stopbit, full duplex, and complete a new user questionnaire. Only non-profit organizations, government agencies, educational institutions, and health departments are given full access to NAC ONLINE and the NAC databases. Over the weekend, 58 newly catalogued materials were loaded to the UNPB Educational Materials Database. This brings the total number of materials on the Database to 15,898. These include the following: 12 Manuals 01 Popular press article 02 Teaching aids 11 Brochures None of these materials are available in Spanish. The following materials attracted the attention of Educational Materials Staff: AN AD0018175. TI Living Smart: Understanding Sexuality in the Teen Years. FM 55 - Teaching Guide. Print Material. AC 230 - Educators. 306 - Adolescents. 364 - Parents. 688 - Secondary Schools. AV Health Sciences of Arkansas HPER 308 Fayetteville, AR 72701. (501) 575-2858. AB This teaching guide encourages sexual abstinence for young people and promotes sexual abstinence as an undeniable preference to sexual intercourse. Living Smart is a three-part curriculum, designed for a 5-week instructional period. The curriculum guide contains the project overview and philosophy, a daily schedule for topics, lesson plans for each day, and handouts for parents and students. Each lesson plan explains its objective, suggests time limits for activities, lists materials, and provides focus/key questions. The curriculum addresses issues of self-knowledge, relationships with others, and the future, involving these specific topics: self-esteem, puberty, values and decision making, communication, family, friends, dating, sexual decision making, and goal setting for life planning. MJ Educational planning . Guidelines . Sex education . Sexual abstinence . Sexuality . Sexual behavior . Adolescents . Attitude determination . Attitude modification . AN AD0018248. TI Someone at School Has AIDS: Now What? FM 24 - Journal Article. Print Material. AC 364 - Parents. 230 - Educators. AV National Congress of Parents and Teachers HIV/AIDS Education Project 330 N. Wabash Ave. Suite 2100 Chicago, IL 60611-3690. (312) 670-6782. AB This journal article informs readers about the National Parent Teacher Association (NPTA) policy on AIDS. It contains the text of the 1986 NPTA resolution on AIDS, answers questions on what to tell children who attend school with people who have AIDS, and suggests actions that can be taken by local PTAs to educate and inform the school population about AIDS. The article stresses information, staff training, and support for HIV-infected individuals. MJ Policies . Parent education . Parent child relations . Parents . Confidentiality . Educator education . Organizations . Casual contact transmission . Schools . Teacher roles . AN AD0018255. TI Pass the Calories, Please! FM 58 - Cook Book. Print Material. AC 400 - Persons With AIDS. 445 - HIV Positive Persons. AV American Dietetic Association 216 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, IL 60606-6995. (312) 899-0040. ISBN: 0-88091-134-6. AB This cook book is designed as a practical guide for people who need suggestions on ways to increase calories in their diets. Practical tips are given on how to handle conditions preventing eating well, such as problems from nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sore or dry mouth, or a general loss of appetite. The recipes included are rich in the nutrients that may be needed at such times, including vitamins, protein, and fiber. The book also discusses eating out, commercial supplements, and food safety. MJ Diarrhea . Nutrition . Wasting syndrome . Recipes. Gastrointestinal diseases or disorders . Nutrition education . Sanitation . AN AD0018259. TI HIV Prevention With Native American Youth; A Program Planning Manual. FM 28 - Manual. Print Material. AC 200 - Community Service Professionals. 230 - Educators. AV National Native American AIDS Prevention Center Indian AIDS Hotline 3515 Grand Ave. Ste. 100 Oakland, CA 94610-2011. (510) 444-2051. A photocopy of this material is available from the CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse Document Delivery Service P.O. Box 6003 Rockville, MD 20849-6003. (800) 458-5231. Price: $9.45. AB This program planning manual focuses on HIV prevention program development with and for Native American youth. The first eight chapters of this manual describe steps that program planners can take to design and implement AIDS education programs at the community level. Since having a well-developed program plan is usually not sufficient to guarantee program success, the authors have included a chapter which suggests a variety of actions that can be taken to facilitate "ownership" of the educational effort. The book is organized as follows: laying the foundation, HIV and Native Youth, setting objectives for a youth program, strategies and methods, curricula, selected approaches, youth empowerment program workshop sessions, evaluation, and building community support. MJ Native Americans . Adolescents . Correctional personnel . HIV prevention . Program development . Program management . Curricula . Curricula development . Curricula guides . Community health education . Community organizations . AN AD0018266. TI AIDS Education for English Language Learners, A Guidebook for Teachers. FM 28 - Manual. Print Material. AC 230 - Educators. AV Planned Parenthood Manitoba 206-819 Sargent Ave. Winnipeg, R3E 0B9, Canada. (204) 982-7800. AB This manual is intended to be a practical guide for teachers of English as a Second Language (ESL) in facilitating access to AIDS information for their adult students. It provides specific guidelines for those planning to introduce AIDS teaching in the classroom and explores the many other roles the ESL teacher can play in helping students obtain information. Chapters focus on the topics of AIDS education in a multicultural context, and discuss alternative in AIDS education for the ESL classroom. The approach is based on the knowledge and experience of health educators working with newcomers in the areas of AIDS and reproductive health. Quotations and anecdotes from ESL classes and from the Immigrant/Refugee Health Program of Planned Parenthood Manitoba help illustrate concepts throughout the book. The guide is not intended to be a resource about AIDS itself, nor a curriculum for teaching about AIDS in the classroom. MJ Cultural factors . Curricula development . Educator education . HIV prevention . Multicultural issues . Information sources . Adult education . AN AD0018286. TI About Dying: An Open Family Book for Parents and Children Together. FM 32 - Monograph. Print Material. AC 314 - Children. 324 - Families. 364 - Parents. AV Walker and Company 435 Hudson St. New York, NY 10014-3941. (212) 265-3632. ISBN: 0-8027-7223-4; Price: $8.95 per copy in 1974. AB This book is part of a series of books designed to help adults prepare children for a variety of difficult issues. This particular book deals with death. It explains the ways that children between the ages of three and eight years attempt to make sense of difficult events in their lives. The pictures and words in large print are talking points designed to spark discussion between parent and child. The text and pictures tell the story of two young children who have experienced death. The children react first to the death of their pet bird, and later to their grandfather. MJ Death or dying . Grief . Children . Families . AN AD0018351. TI A Reason to Wait. FM 08 - Brochure. Print Material. AC 306 - Adolescents. AV An Educated Choice, Inc. Teen Choice 6201 Leesburg Pike., Ste. 404 Falls Church, VA 22044. (703) 532-9455. AB This brochure discusses reasons why adolescents should wait to have sex. It explains that remaining abstinent until marriage not only helps preserve self respect but also prevents additional regret and guilt. The brochure points out that adolescent girls often feel they can't say no to sex without losing their boyfriends, and commonly decide to have sex to gain greater acceptance, approval, and affection. It makes the reader aware of the difference between sex and love, and stresses the importance of trust, honesty, and respect in relationships. Adolescents are reminded that people who have already had sex still have the right to say no. MJ Sexual abstinence . Adolescents . Emotions . Self esteem . Peer pressure. AN AD0018356. TI Your Life, Your Choice, Stop AIDS. FM 52 - Other Printed Material. Print Material. AC 306 - Adolescents. AV Eye - D Unlimited Incorporated 1730 Blake St., #400 Denver, CO 80202. (303) 291-1011. Price: $0.66 per set in 1995; Bulk rate applicable. AB These two fluorescent vinyl stickers are designed to be attached to the backs of a pair of sneakers or athletic shoes. The stickers carry the message that it is "your life" for the left foot, and "your choice, stop AIDS" for the right foot, to encourage awareness of safer behaviors to stop the spread of HIV and AIDS. MJ Self esteem . Public awareness . Behavior modification . AN AD0018365. TI The Americans with Disabilities Act: What It Means for People Living With HIV Disease; Questions and Answers. FM 08 - Brochure. Print Material. AC 320 - Employees. 400 - Persons With AIDS. 445 - HIV Positive Persons. AV American Civil Liberties Union National Office AIDS Project 132 W. 43rd St. New York, NY 10036. (212) 944-9800. AB Presented in a question-and-answer format, this brochure contains information on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and its impact on employee's rights. Issues such as employment termination, discrimination, and reasonable accommodations are covered. MJ Workplace policies . Workplaces . Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Employees rights . Employees . Employment . Legal issues . Reasonable accommodation. AN AD0018369. TI Six Things to Do If Someone in Your Child's School Has HIV or AIDS. FM 24 - Journal Article. Print Material. AC 364 - Parents. AV National Congress of Parents and Teachers HIV/AIDS Education Project 330 N. Wabash Ave. Suite 2100 Chicago, IL 60611-3690. (312) 670-6782. A photocopy of this material is available from the CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse Document Delivery Service P.O. Box 6003 Rockville, MD 20849-6003. (800) 458-5231. Price: $5.00. AB This article provides six suggestions for parents to do if a child with HIV or AIDS is a student in their children's school. The first admonition is for the parent not to panic or overreact, and explains that children cannot "catch" HIV like a common cold. It urges parents to learn the facts about HIV and AIDS, and to talk to their children about HIV and AIDS before misinformation is spread. The article also suggests actions for parents within the school system: ask about AIDS education in the school; urge the school district to adopt a policy for students or staff with HIV, if one does not already exist; and find out what procedures are in place for dealing with minor emergencies, such as nosebleeds, within the school environment. MJ Elementary schools. Elementary school students . School policies . Public awareness campaigns . Policy development . Parent child relations . Parent education . Parent roles . AN AD0018371. TI Good Ideas. FM 24 - Journal Article. Print Material. AC 230 - Educators. 364 - Parents. 680 - Schools. AV National Congress of Parents and Teachers HIV/AIDS Education Project 330 N. Wabash Ave. Suite 2100 Chicago, IL 60611-3690. (312) 670-6782. A photocopy of this material is available from the CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse Document Delivery Service P.O. Box 6003 Rockville, MD 20849-6003. (800) 458-5231. Price: $5.00. AB This article discusses five programs that were developed by individual PTAs for use in their respective school districts. The PTSA of Rolling Hills High School in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, gathered information from local health care providers and successfully petitioned the school board to include AIDS education in the curriculum. The Riverside PTSA in El Paso, TX, sponsored an AIDS Education Day, which provided access to health professionals who answered questions and distributed prevention information. Because this school had a large Hispanic population, information was provided in both English and Spanish. In Chicago, IL, the South Council PTA organized a workshop for all the schools in the council and also declared an AIDS Prevention Month. The Riverdale School PTA in Riverdale, NJ used a "Back to School Night" to provide information on HIV and AIDS to the parents. The Manteo Elementary School PTA in Manteo, NC, disseminated HIV/AIDS information through a panel of experts who made a presentation to the middle and senior high school students. MJ Elementary school student education. Middle school student education. Secondary school student education. Parent roles . AN AD0018405. TI HIV and AIDS in the Workplace: Important Information for Employees in the Hospitality Industry. FM 08 - Brochure. Print Material. AC 320 - Employees. 740 - Industrial Organizations. AV AIDS: A Positive Co - Ordinated Response Society of Jasper P.O. Box 1090 Jasper, T0E 1E0, Canada. (403) 852-5274. AB This brochure covers HIV prevention for food service employees, housekeeping employees, and first aid providers. Guidelines for the handling of body fluids and for emergency first aid procedures are included. MJ Food services . First aid . Body fluids . Sanitation . Occupational safety . Workplaces . To view all of these materials, perform the following query in the UNPB database: @ed>950504.