Date: Tue, 28 Mar 1995 15:55:30 +0500 From: ghmcleaf{CONTRACTOR/ASPEN/ghmcleaf} Subject: Educational Materials Database Additions CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse Educational Materials Database NEW MATERIALS The Clearinghouse's Educational Materials Databases contain bibliographic information about more than 14,000 brochures, videos, booklets, and other materials with education/prevention messages. Over the weekend, 34 newly catalogued materials were loaded to the UNPB Educational Materials Database. This brings the total number of materials on the Database to 18,912. These include the following: 01 Comic book 01 Coloring book 01 Videorecording 02 Forms Seven of these materials are available in Spanish. The following materials attracted the attention of Educational Materials Staff: AN AD0016084. TI Guide For Nutrition and HIV / AIDS (translated title). FT Guia de la Nutricion y el VIH / SIDA. FM 28 - Manual. Print Material. AC 325 - Families of AIDS Patients. 336 - Hispanics. 400 - Persons With AIDS. 445 - HIV Positive Persons. 800 - Caregivers. AV Stadtlanders Drug Co., Inc. 600 Penn Center Blvd., #400 Pittsburgh, PA 15235-5810. (800) 238-7828. AB This guide provides practical information and recommendations to be followed by HIV-positive individuals to improve their quality of life through healthier habits. The first recommendation involves the various aspects of good nutrition and discusses food groups, balanced diets, foods to eat and to avoid, nutrition and the immune system, key nutrients (vitamins/minerals), weight gain/loss, supplement drinks, and food handling and storage. Secondly, routine exercise is encouraged and guidelines are provided. The guide asserts that regular exercise provides more flexibility and endurance, greater lung capacity, more muscle and less fat, more energy, better sleep patterns, stress reduction, more hunger, quicker cure of injuries, and normal intestinal activity. The third recommendation is the control of stress factors and includes tips on maintaining a positive attitude, rest, and mental relaxation exercises. Finally, the booklet lists the names and addresses of various support agencies, dietitians, and references. MJ Nutrition . Quality of life . Stress management . Psychological factors . Mental health . Meditation. Immune system . AN AD0017305. TI Medication Can Help You With Your Life (translated title). FT Medikaman Kapab Ede Pwoteje Vi'w. FM 08 - Brochure. Print Material. AC 387 - Haitians. 445 - HIV Positive Persons. AV AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts 131 Clarendon St., 5th Fl. Boston, MA 02116. (617) 437-6200. A photocopy of this material is available from the CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse Document Delivery Service P.O. Box 6003 Rockville, MD 20849-6003. (800) 458-5231. Price: $5.00. AB This brochure provides information on antiviral medication to help individuals who are infected with HIV or who have AIDS. It describes retrovir (AZT), Videx (ddi), and HiVid (ddc) and how each of these medicines can slow the progression of HIV-related symptoms. Adverse effects that can occur are explained. The brochure also informs the reader that the medications can be taken alone or in combination, and can be switched if side effects are experienced. The brochure urges the reader to ask their doctor about these medications and their side effects, and provides spaces for the reader to write the answers to questions for the doctor or nurse: What are the symptoms? How do I take the medication (with food, etc)? When do I take the medication? and Who do I call if a problem occurs? MJ Adverse reactions . Antiviral drugs . AZT . ddc. ddi. Physician patient relations . Symptoms . AN AD0017638. TI The Immigrant. Our Rights and Opportunities (translated title). FT El Inmigrante Nuestros Derechos y Oportunidades: La Vida Si Da Sorpresas. FM 13 - Comic Book. Print Material. AC 336 - Hispanics. 374 - Immigrants, Refugees. AV Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights and Services Proyecto Amigos 995 Market Street, Ste. 1108 San Francisco, CA 94103. (415) 243-8908. AB This comic book uses its characters to discuss several topics with regard to AIDS that affect the Latin American population living in the United States. In the midst of their conversations, the characters describe what AIDS is, how HIV is transmitted, and how it can be prevented. They also present information on the HIV antibody test and where an individual can go to have the test performed. Furthermore, the reader is advised of the fact that the results of a positive test for the virus may jeopardize immigration status. The brochure includes a list of agencies in the San Francisco area which provide legal and medical support services in these cases. MJ Civil or constitutional rights . Hispanics . Immigrants or refugees . AIDS 101. Antibody tests . Legal issues . Information sources . AN AD0017991. TI The Awakening in the Field. FM 84 - Videorecording. Audiovisual Material. AC 336 - Hispanics. 350 - Migrant Workers. AV CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse P.O. Box 6003 Rockville, MD 20849-6003. (800) 458-5231. CDC NAC Inventory No. V429 (English); CDC NAC Inventory No. V431 (Spanish); Price: $12.00 per copy. AB This videotape discusses the problems of HIV/AIDS among Hispanic migrant farmworkers. The videotape begins with a review of the lifestyle of the typical migrant farmworker. The physical and health problems associated with exposure to pesticides, cramped living conditions, lack of sleep, lack of child care, and poor nutrition are addressed. This population also experiences a feeling of isolation from their culture and families. The AIDS epidemic is a great threat to this community and there is a need for increased outreach, education, and prevention programs. The use of drugs and alcohol often leads migrant workers to engage in high-risk behaviors, and the fear of rejection based on homosexuality often further isolates infected farmworkers. Those interviewed for this videotape include health care workers, outreach workers, and the farmworkers and their families. They discuss both the progress that has been made thus far in terms of prevention and education, and the work that remains to be done. MJ Migrant workers . Family relations . Hispanics . Health care accessibility . HIV/AIDS education needs. Antibody tests . Tuberculosis (TB) . Cultural factors . Ethnic groups . Medical treatment. High risk behaviors . Language barriers . AN AD0017996. TI Moving Through Grief and Loss: Understanding the Many Losses We All Face. FM 08 - Brochure. Print Material. AC 300 - General Public, Consumers. 388 - Bereaved Persons. AV Krames Communications 1100 Grundy Ln. San Bruno, CA 94066-3030. (415) 742-0400. AB This brochure discusses coping with losses caused by changes or turning points in life, both negative and positive, including: relationship changes, such as marriage or divorce; life changes, such as death; health changes; job-related changes; and other types of change, such as financial adjustments or changes in habits. Using the metaphor of the sea, the brochure outlines ways to turn the tide of grief and loss, to understand both the first wave and the later smaller waves of grief, and to get support during grief. Full-color, cartoon-style drawings illustrate the brochure. MJ Grief . Emotions . Death or dying . AN AD0017999. TI Saying Goodbye; Bereavement Activity Book. FM 12 - Coloring Book. Print Material. AC 314 - Children. AV Boulden Publishing P.O. Box 9249 Santa Rosa, CA 95405. (800) 238-8433. ISBN: 1-878076-12-4; Price: $3.95 per copy plus S/H. AB This "bereavement activity book" is designed to help children understand and deal with death and grief. The text explains life and death as a natural cycle of renewal, with constant endings and beginnings. Children are encouraged to be sad when someone close to them dies, to talk about the death, and to communicate their questions to their families, friends, and counselors. The book discusses possible reactions they may experience, reassuring them that all their emotions are valid and normal. It briefly explains funerals and serious illnesses, and emphasizes how death differs from sleep. The cartoon illustrations depict "Buddy", a duck, in the situations discussed, and are suitable for coloring. Space is provided for writing down memories of the deceased and for drawing pictures of subjects such as life, death, and feelings. MJ Children . Death or dying . Grief . Emotions . AN AD0018004. TI Client Intake / Assessment. FM 42 - Report. Print Material. AC 116 - Planners. 117 - Researchers. 140 - Social Workers. 500 - Health Services Providers. AV AIDS Education - Services for Minorities 1432 Donnelley Dr. Atlanta, GA 30310. (404) 753-4300. AB This client intake and assessment questionnaire is an instrument of an AIDS education project in Atlanta, Georgia. The questionnaire elicits information about personal and family history, family medical history, medical status, (including HIV-associated illnesses), illegal substance or alcohol use, education and career goals, and outlook toward the future. MJ State health programs . State health policies . Patient care . Health care delivery . Questionnaires . AN AD0018006. TI Frequently Asked Questions About... HIV / AIDS and Incarcerated Persons. FM 22 - Fact Sheet. Print Material. AC 140 - Social Workers. 368 - Incarcerated Persons. 650 - Law Enforcement and Correctional Agencies. AV CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse P.O. Box 6003 Rockville, MD 20849-6003. (800) 458-5231. CDC NAC Inventory No. B404; Free of charge. AB This fact sheet answers frequently-asked questions relating to HIV/AIDS among the jail inmate population. The first question concerns prevalence; it is estimated that 2.2 percent of the Federal and state population are HIV-positive. The second question deals with the laws regarding HIV antibody testing for incarcerated persons. These laws vary from state to state. The answer to the third question identifies national organizations that assist incarcerated persons with AIDS. MJ Incarcerated persons . Incarcerated persons with HIV/AIDS. State government . Persons with AIDS . AN AD0018008. TI CDCs Draft Guidelines for HIV Counseling and Voluntary Testing for Pregnant Women. FM 42 - Report. Print Material. AC 100 - Health Professionals. 116 - Planners. 140 - Social Workers. AV CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse P.O. Box 6003 Rockville, MD 20849-6003. (800) 458-5231. CDC NAC Inventory No. D435; Free for one copy only. AB This is a draft of the U.S. Public Health Service recommendations for HIV counseling and testing for pregnant women. The draft document emphasizes the importance of HIV counseling and voluntary testing for all pregnant women to ensure that HIV-infected pregnant women can learn of their infection, understand the implications of HIV for themselves and their infants, and have the opportunity to receive medical care for their own health, and for reducing the risk of HIV transmission to their infants. The recommendations update previously-published guidelines designed to assist health- care providers and state and local health departments in developing programs for prevention and management of HIV infection in women and their infants. The recommendations cover perinatal transmission of HIV, the importance of counseling and testing, laboratory testing considerations, counseling and testing strategies, interpretation of HIV test results, and recommendations for follow-up care. MJ Pregnancy . Women . Womens health services . Antibody tests . Federal government . Infants with HIV/AIDS. Infection control . Infants . Laws . Mothers . Mothers with HIV/AIDS. AN AD0018093. TI HIV / AIDS and Correctional / Law Enforcement Personnel. FM 42 - Report. Print Material. AC 320 - Employees. 650 - Law Enforcement and Correctional Agencies. AV CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse P.O. Box 6003 Rockville, MD 20849-6003. (800) 458-5231. CDC NAC Inventory No. D408; Single copies free of charge. AB This material contains the results of a search of the CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse's Workplace Educational Materials Database on the topic of HIV/AIDS and corrections/law enforcement personnel. Materials are organized by format, and listings include accession number, title, year of publication, abstract, physical description, and availability information. This search is updated biannually. MJ Information sources . Police . Correctional personnel . Correctional facilities . Emergency medical services . AN AD0018094. TI HIV / AIDS Workplace Educational Materials in Spanish. FM 06 - Bibliography. Print Material. AC 320 - Employees. 336 - Hispanics. 720 - Employers. AV CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse P.O. Box 6003 Rockville, MD 20849-6003. (800) 458-5231. CDC NAC Inventory No. D407; Single copies free of charge. AB This material contains the result of a search of the CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse's Workplace Educational Materials Database on workplace materials in Spanish. Materials are organized by format, and listings include accession number, title, year of publication, abstract, physical description, and availability information. This search is updated biannually. MJ Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Employment . Information sources . Hispanics .