Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 08:26:10 CDT Sender: AIDS Book Review Journal From: "H. Robert Malinowsky" A I D S B O O K R E V I E W J O U R N A L University of Illinois at Chicago H. Robert Malinowsky Editor Number 37 ISSN 1068-4174 July, 1997 An electronic journal reviewing books, videos, journal titles, and other materials covering AIDS, safer sex, sexually transmitted diseases, and other related materials, published irregularly by the University of Illinois at Chicago Library. Editorial offices: PO Box 8198 M/C 234, Chicago, IL 60680. AIDS Book Review Journal is free of charge and is available only in electronic form. Opinions expressed in the reviews are those of the editor or reviewers. To subscribe over INTERNET: send note to with note: sub AIDSBKRV your first and last name. An AIDSBKRV backfile of all issues is available at the following URL: All materials in the journal are subject to copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and may be reprinted or redistributed for the noncommercial purpose of scientific or educational advancement granted by Sections 107 and 108 of the Copyright Revision Act of 1976. For other reprinting, redistribution, or translation, address requests to H. Robert Malinowsky, University of Illinois at Chicago Library, PO Box 8198, Chicago, IL 60680 or electronically to ********************************************************************* It is the hope that this journal will be able to alert individuals about new and noteworthy older publications, videos, journal titles, and other print and non-print materials pertaining to AIDS, safer sex, STDs, and other related topics. AIDS is a devastating disease that is everyone's concern. New advances for treatment and education are constantly being developed. Information specialists need to be alerted to these new materials so that they can educate everyone from the school child who needs a picture book about AIDS to the layperson who needs general information on the disease or a novel with an AIDS theme to the researcher looking for a synopsis of research to those who are HIV+ needing comfort and support through the writings of those who have AIDS or are HIV+. The Editor welcomes comments that can be sent to him at If any reader also is a publisher of any AIDS-related material and would like it considered for review in this journal, please send items to H. Robert Malinowsky, AIDS Book Review Journal, 1250 W. Grace 1st Fl, Chicago, IL 60613, so that the material can be considered. AIDS Book Review Journal URL: ================================================================ Of special note: A special issue of Mots Pluriels has been brought to the attention of the Editor. This special issue was published at the end of June, 1997, and can be viewed from the following address: . The contents of this special issue are: "A Big Disease with a Little Name: Responses to AIDS in Contemporary Culture," by Mark Pegrum; "The Emergence of a Non-Government Response to AIDS," by Dennis Altman; "Personal Suspects and the Framing of Africa--Who's to Blame for AIDS?," by Phillip Winn; "Imagining Positive Geographies--French AIDS writing in the 1990s," by Murray Pratt; "Une note sur la vie et l'oeuvre d'Herv Guibert," de Jean-Pierre; Entretien avec Dr Evelyne "Mpoudi Ngoll, Romancie camerounaise," de David Ndachi Tagne; "Le Plafond," une nouvelle de Micheline Coulibaly, romancie ivoirienne rsidant au Mexique; "Le Dernier espoir," une nouvelle de Vronique Tadjo, romancie ivoirienne residant au Kenya; En marge du dossier: "Ouvrages littraires en francais traitant du Sida," Une bibliographie succinte propos par Le CRIPS; "Four Short Novels from Africa dealing with HIV/AIDS," and "D'autres pages consacres au Sida sur Internet/A few Links with other Pages on HIV/AIDS on the Internet." (This noted submitted by Jean-Marie Volet, The University of Western Australia, Department of French Studies, Nedlands 6907 Western Australia, Editor of Mots Pluriels.) 710. AIDS Education and Prevention: An Interdisciplinary Journal, v.9, no.2, April, 1997; v.9, no.3, June, 1997; v.9, no.3, Supplement, June, 1997. 711. InfoPack, v.7, no.2, April, 1997. 712. POZ, March, April, May, June, July, 1997. 713. HIV/AIDS Primary Care Handbook, by Cynthia G. Carmichael, J. Kevin Carmichael, Margaret A. Fischl. 714. Essentials of AIDS and HIV: An Authoritative Overview, edited by Max Fogiel. 715. HIV Manual for Health Care Professionals, 2nd edition by Richard D. Muma, Barbara Ann Lyons, Michael J. Borucki, Richard B. Pollard. 716. Mosby's 1997 Medical Drug Reference, by Allan J. Ellsworth, David C. Dugdale, Daniel M. Witt, Lynn M. Oliver. 717. IDI: Instant Drug Index, by Patricia Aloisi. 718. Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests, 2nd edition by Diana Nicoll, Stephen J. McPhee, Tony M. Chou, William M. Detmer. 719. Pocket Guide to Commonly Prescribed Drugs, by Glenn N. Levine. 720. Crisis of Meaning: How Gay Men Are Making Sense of AIDS, by Steven Schwartzberg. 721. Ethical Issues in HIV Vaccine Trials, by Thomas A. Kerns. 722. Timeless Healing: The Power and Biology of Belief, by Herbert Benson, Marg Stark. 723. Radiance Technique and AIDS, by Van R. Ault. 724. Back from the Brink: Reflections on Illness, Renewal, and Hope, by Paul Reed. 725. Sexuality and the Social Sciences: A French Survey on Sexual Behaviour, edited by Michel Bozon, Henri Leridon. ====================================================================== 710. AIDS Education and Prevention: An Interdisciplinary Journal, edited by Francisco S. Sy. v.9, no.2, April, 1997; v.9, no.3, June, 1997; v.9, no3, Supplement, June, 1997. Gulford Publications, Inc., 72 Spring St., New York, NY 10012. ISSN 0899-9546. $135.00/yr., institutions; $40.00/yr., individuals. (Descriptors: Education, Prevention, WHO, China, Europe, Thailand) Listed below are the tables of contents of three more issues of this excellent journal that provides professionals with state-of-the-art information about AIDS and related issues, especially AIDS education and prevention as well as various public health, psychosocial, ethical, and public policy issues related to AIDS education and prevention. Volume 9, no.2, April, 1997: "Behavior Change Communication Strategies," by Peter Aggleton; "HIV Counseling for Behavior Change," by Olga A. Grinstead; "Evaluation of HIV/STD Prevention, Care and Support: An Update on WHO's Approaches," by Thierry E. Mertens, Michel Carael; "Characteristics of Risk-Taking Behaviors, HIV and AIDS Knowledge, and Risk Perception Among Young Males in Southwest China," by Zunyou Wu, Jiapeng Zhang, Roger Detels, Virginia C. Li, Hehe Cheng, Song Duan, Zhirong Li, Lelong Dong, Sufen Huang, Manhong Jia, Xiuqiong Bi; "Risk Contexts and Risk Behaviors in the Euregion Maas-Rhein: The Boule de Neige Intervention for AIDS Prevention Among Drug Users," by Ingmar H. A. Franken, Charles D. Kaplan; and "Single Thai Women's Interpersonal Communication and Mass Media Reception on AIDS," by Yoshimi Nishino, Michael Shunck. Volume 9, no.3, June, 1997: "Factors Associated with Client-Reported HIV Infection Among Clients Entering Methadone Treatment," by CeCelia Collier, Alice Kroliczak, Galen Cole; "Ethnic Differences in the Association Between Alcohol and Risky Sexual Behavior with a New Partner: An Event-Based Analysis," by Karen L. Graves, Alice M. Hines; "Do Homosexual and Bisexual Men Who Place Others at Potential Risk for HIV Have Unique Psychosocial Profiles?," by Anthony Geron Robins, Mary Amanda Dew, Lawrence A. Kingsley, James T. Becker; "Assessing the Impact of HIV Risk Reduction Counseling in Impoverished African American Women: A Structural Equations Approach," by Adeline M. Myamathi, Judith A. Stein; "The Role of Psychosocial Assessment and Support in Occupational Exposure Management," by Joan Tannebaum, Julian Anastasoff; and "Children's AIDS-Related Knowledge and Attitudes: Variations by Grade, Race, Gender, Socioeconomic Status, and Size of Community," by Janet Kistner, Isaac W. Eberstein, David Quadagno, David Sly, Lynne Sittig, Kim Foster, Michael Balthazor, Rafael Castro, Mary Osborne." Volume 9, no.3, Supplement B, June, 1997: This special supplement was edited by Ronald O. Valdiserri and covers "HIV Counseling and Testing: Its Evolving Role in HIV Prevention," by Ronald O. Valdiserri; "Concepts, Goals, and Techniques of Counseling: Review and Implications for HIV Counseling and Testing," by Kathleen J. Sikkema, Richard T. Bissett; "Advances in HIV Testing Technology and Their Potential Impact on Prevention," by William J. Kassler; "It's Like a Regular Part of Gay Life: Repeat HIV Antibody Testing Among Gay and Bisexual Men," by Seth C. Kalichman, Paul E. Shaper, Lisa Belcher, Tsila Abush-Kirsh, Charsey Cherry, Ernestine A. Williams, Dena Nachimson, Sharon Smith; "The Effects of HIV Counseling and Testing on Risk-Related Practices and Help-Seeking Behavior," by Richard J. Wolitski, Robin J. MacGowan, Donna L. Higgins, Cynthia M. Jorgensen; and "Partner Notification for HIV Prevention: A Critical Reexamination," by Gary R. West, Kathleen A. Stark. This is a highly recommended journal for all libraries. 711. InfoPack, published by Community Prescription Service. Vol.7, no.2, April, 1997. Community Prescription Service, Inc., 349 W. 12th St., New York, NY 10014. Write for free subscription. (Descriptors: Drugs, Therapy) This small newsletter continues to provide current, up-to-date information about new drugs and therapies to treat HIV/AIDS. This issue contains the following articles: "Protease Inhibitors: Rethink Your Options, Understand Your Choices," by Billy Pick; "The New Kid on the Block: Viracept," by Stephen Gendin; and "CPS Employee Profile: Ronnie Arroyo," by Greg Slaubaugh. There is, also, a summary of the various "cocktail" drug combinations giving the combination, viral load decrease, side effects, compliance issues, and cross resistance. A recommended publications for all HIV/AIDS individuals, their care providers, and physicians. Should be in all libraries. 712. POZ, edited by Sean O'Brien Strub. March, April, May, June, July, 1997. ISSN 1075-5705. $24.95/yr. (Descriptors: Education, Treatment, Personalities, Therapy) POZ continues to be an up-front publication for HIV/AIDS individuals, proving current information on a wide variety of topics, including HIV/AIDS education, therapy, and research. It, also, includes articles about individuals who have been active in all areas of HIV/AIDS concerns. It is the only publication that provides extensive advertisements of drugs and therapies that have been developed to combat HIV/AIDS. Individuals who are HIV positive may receive the publication free. In addition to special articles, there are regular columns that cover such topics as profiles, health, alternative health, treatment, warnings, activism, resources, and diet. Following are some of the major articles that have been published in the last 5 months. March, 1997: "Act Up's First Days," by Ron Goldberg; "Larry Kramer Gets Angry: He's Baaack, madder than ever and taking aim," by Larry Kramer; "A specific Point of View: Gagliostro and Finkelstein translated anger into art," by Stephen Greco; "Radian Radical," and interview of Susan Sarandon by Robert Tracy; and "Adventures in Brain Chemistry," by Beowulf Thorne. Profiles cover Christopher Martet, John Iverson, Lori Cannon, Karen Lyons, and Eric Sawyer. April, 1997: "Andrew Sullivan, True Believer," by Larry Kramer; "The Cheshire Chat: A minister warns: True compassion can't always be found behind that understanding smile," by Mel White; "Express Male: An Excerpt from After Midnight: The Life and Death of Brad Davis," introduction by Rodger McFarlane; "Fall in the Family: Painter Hugh Steers' half-uncle applauds a life, and an art, well-done," by Gore Vidal; and "The Price May Not Be Right," by Victoria A. Brownworth and Bob Lederer. Profiles cover Linda Loughin, Gerald Busby, Byron Nease, John Lynch, Shana Humphrey, Belynda Dunn. May, 1997: "Don't Call Him Poster Boy: Treatment activist Moiges Agosto wants to teach you a thing or two," by Degen Pener; "Plastic Explosion: More people with HIV are going under the knife," by Richard Laliberte; "Who's Afraid of Reinfection?," by Mark Schoofs; and "Bodies of Work: To HIV positive lensperson David Morgan, a good guffaw is the best medicine," by Stephen Greco. Profiles cover Keith Lewis, Theresa Mirabile, Alan Morrison, Cynara Chapman-Dillon, Tom Bianchi. June, 1997: "The Great Sex Debate," excerpts from Gabriel Rotello's Sexual Ecology; "Nowhere Else to Go," by Anderson Jones; "Great Escapes: from bubbling mineral waters to cool seaweed wraps, spas can offer a balm for what ails you," by Michael Adams; "Gotta Light?: Drug cocktails promise longer lives--Will positive smokers kiss their butts goodbye?," by Greg Lugliani; and "Made in Japan: to genre-bending Japanese painter Masami Teraoka, AIDS is a world war too," by Doris O'Donnell. Profiles cover: Hazel Betsey, Steve Schalchlin, Rebecca Guberman, Douglas Lee Long, Steven Wolf. July, 1997: "Tommy Morrison Wants You to Believe," by Bruce Schoenfeld; "Tom Coburn Talks AIDS: The vilified sponsor of the HIV Prevention Act of 1997 wants you to like him," by Chandler Burr; "True Colors: Race Rifts at GMHC Raise a Red Flag for All Major AIDS Agencies," by Donald Suggs; "At Last, a Cure for Crypto?: The parasite killing PWAs may be near defeat--if only doctors will properly diagnose cryptosporidiosis," by Marni Halas; and "Art of Glass: Their work conveyed the grandeur, innocence and tragedy of living with HIV," by Gerald Hannon. Profiles cover: Michael Wolff, Jeff Palmer, Mary Moreno. This is a must publications for all libraries. 713. HIV/AIDS Primary Care Handbook, edited by Cynthia G. Carmichael, J. Kevin Carmichael, Margaret A. Fischl. 1995. Appleton & Lange, PO Box 120041, Stamford, CT 06912-0041. 228p., index, spiral bound. ISBN 0-8385-3557-7, ISSN 1077-3517. $18.95. (Descriptors: Primary Care, Women, Children, Nutrition, Health Care Workers, Therapy, Medications) (Contributors: Richard S. Beach, Kimberley J. Campbell, Cynthia G. Carmichael, J. Kevin Carmichael, Margaret A. Fischl, Michael D. Katz, Cindy M. Maggio, Mary Greene Manning, Teresa C. Nord, Cynthia A. Thomson, Kari A. Wieland) "This book began as an effort to provide guidelines regarding HIV/AIDS care for physicians practicing in community health centers in South Florida. Annual revisions over the last five years have resulted in the text presented here." The Dade County Areas Health Education Center and the Florida AIDS Education and Training Center helped to support this project. The material that is included in this small handbook have been brought together through actual practice, using what is clinically relevant. The material is to be updated on an annual basis. Ease of use has been kept in mind in presenting the information through concise, well-written text that covers all of the basics in caring for HIV/AIDS patients. It should be noted that, as new therapies are developed, some of what is presented in this book may become dated. That does not mean that the other material has become dated. Certain practices and procedures that have been tried and proven remain in place for others to use. The 15 chapters cover: "The State of the Epidemic," "HIV Testing," "An Overview of HIV Care," "Initial Patient Visit," "Follow-up Examination," "Prophylaxis Against Opportunistic Infections," "Antiretroviral Therapy and Strategy," "Common HIV-Associated Infections and Conditions," "Differential Diagnosis of Common Complaints in HIV-Infected Individuals," "HIV Infection in Women," "HIV Infection in Children," "HIV and Nutrition," "Experimental and Nontraditional Treatments for AIDS," "Health Care Workers and HIV," and "Medications Commonly Used in HIV-Infected Individuals." The chapter on common HIV-associated infections and conditions is the longest and one that merits having this book as a reference source in libraries. Each of the infections and conditions is defined, followed by diagnosis and treatment. The chapter on medications lists each medication that has been approved as of 1995, giving brand name, class, indications, dose, dose forms, side effects, drug interactions, important points to consider, and cost. This is a handy little handbook that should be useful to all medical professionals. It is, also, a recommended book for all medical libraries. 714. Essential of AIDS and HIV: An Authoritative Overview, edited by Max Fogiel. 1995. Research and Education Association, 61 Ethel Rd. W., Piscataway, NJ 08854. 94p., index. ISBN 0-87891-984-8. $5.95. (Descriptors: Overview, Education) This small book for the layperson presents information about HIV/AIDS concerning its transmission, how it can be acquired, how it cannot be acquired, prevention, and information on what to do if you are HIV infected. There are 18 very brief but informative chapters: "What is AIDS and its Relationship to HIV?," "How You Can Become Infected with HIV," "Transmission of HIV to Babies," "What is Risky Business?," "Dating Considerations," "How You Cannot Become Infected with HIV," "How You Can Protect Yourself from HIV Infection," "Women and HIV/AIDS," "AIDS and Married Persons," "Adolescents and HIV," "HIV/AIDS and Race/Ethnicity," "How to Recognize Someone with AIDS," "HIV/AIDS-Related Diseases," "Taking the HIV Test," "When You Test Positive for HIV," "Is There a Cure for AIDS?," and "Where to Get HIV Information, Counseling, and Testing." These are brief chapters presenting facts without a lot of narrative. It tries to dispel myths so that those reading the book will have a better understanding of what HIV/AIDS really is. It is an excellent book for school children and laypeople. Recommended for all libraries. 715. HIV Manual for Health Care Professionals, 2nd edition edited by Richard D. Muma, Barbara Ann Lyons, Michael J. Borucki, Richard B. Pollard. 1997. Appleton & Lange, PO Box 120041, Stamford, CT 06912-0041. 501p., index. ISBN 0-8385-3773-1. $19.95. (Descriptors: Overview, Diagonis, Treatment, Counseling, Health Care) (Contributors: Mary L. Adair, Eric N. Avery, Salah Ayachi, Michael J. Borucki, John G. Bruhn, Pamela Burian, Bernadette Montgomerie Canales, Roberto Canales, Janice G. Curry, John E. Fuchs, Jr., Mary Lou Galantino, Kathryn B. Grayce-Barnes, Stephen G. Hausrath, Salme E. Lavigne, Barbara Ann Lyons, Richard D. Muma, Miguel A. Ortega, David P. Paar, Cody Patton, Richard B. Pollard, Timothy F. Quigley, Karen S. Stephenson, Peggy Valentine) The first edition of this well-received manual was published in 1994. It is a very readable manual with a wealth of concise information on all aspects of the care of those who have AIDS or are HIV positive. "The goal of this book is to provide the health care student or clinician with concise, up-to-date information on the HIV infection, so that the care of HIV-infected patients can be optimized." The manual is divided into 5 parts. The first part is an overview that includes epidemiology, immunology, etiology, and pathogenesis. The second part is concerned with the evaluation of adults, children, and women. Part three delves into the diagnosis and treatment, interpreting laboratory data, and the management of adverse drug reactions and drug interactions, as well as the treatment of the primary infection and vaccines. Counseling and prevention are covered in the fourth part and supportive care is the topic of the fifth part, which includes nursing procedures, nutrition, and rehabilitation. This is an up-to-date manual covering the most recent therapies and treatments as of the beginning of 1997. Viral load is discussed as well as abnormalities in renal function, liver function, and pancreatic function. The diagnosis and treatment section is extra comprehensive covering all of the various conditions that are or may be the result of being HIV positive, including Lymphadenopathy, Histoplasmosis, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Central Nervous System Toxoplasmosis, Cryptococcal Meningitis, primary brain Lymphoma, AIDS Dementia Complex, Cryptosporidium. oral manifestations, dermatologic manifestations, hepatitis, and syphilis. A very detailed index helps to find the right area of the manual. This is a highly recommended manual for all students and practicing physicians. It is comprehensive and up-to-date. Also, a highly recommended book for all medical libraries. 716. Mosby's 1997 Medical Drug Reference, by Allan J. Ellsworth, David C. Dugdale, Daniel M. Witt, Lynn M. Oliver. 1997. Mosby-Year Book, Inc., 11830 Westline Industrial Drive, St. Louis, MO 63146. 929p., index. ISBN 0-8151-3109-7, ISSN 1089-3202. $29.95. (Descriptors: Drugs, Therapy) This drug manual has been created in part from the Physicians GenRx, which provides timely drug information for accurate and efficient prescribing. The manual is intended to be used by the practicing physician, is compact and easily carried in a jacket pocket, and provides information on some 850 generic drugs in common clinical use, representing over 2,600 trade names. The drugs are listed alphabetically by generic name and provide the following information: drug name, pronunciation, trade names, chemical class, therapeutic class, DEA schedule, clinical pharmacology, indications and uses, dosage, available forms/cost of therapy, contraindications, precautions, pregnancy and lactation, side effects/adverse reactions, drug interactions, lab test interactions, and special considerations. An excellent reference source for all of the commonly administered drugs. Since the information that is contained is taken from another source, there is some delay in listing new drugs such as the protease inhibitors. Future editions will, of course, include all of these newer therapies. It is very easy to use, provides a wealth of information, and is accurate. The cost of therapy is especially interesting. A highly recommended book for all physicians and for all medical libraries. Would be a good reference source for general academic libraries. 717. IDI: Instant Drug Index, by Patricia Aloisi. 1996. Blackwell Science, 238 Main St., Cambridge, MA 02142. 1v. unpaged. ISBN 0-86542-559-0. $27.50. (Drugs) This small book indexes over 6,000 prescription and non-prescription drugs, providing the drug's major actions and/or body systems affected. The drugs are listed in alphabetical order with generic and brand names together. Generic names are distinguished from the others by being printed in green. The action or body system is abbreviated. There is a key to the abbreviations at the beginning of the index. HIV is used to indicate a drug used for AIDS/AIDS-related therapy. The index is intended to make it fast and easy to reference drug information. A very useful index for pharmacies, physicians, and others who prescribe or dispense drugs. Recommended for all medical libraries. 718. Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests, 2nd edition by Diana Nicoll, Stephen J. McPhee, Tony M. Chou, William M. Detmer, Dan Berrios, G. Thomas Evans, Jr., Stuart J. Hutchison, Lynn Pulliam, Susan D. Wall. 1997. Appleton & Lange, PO Box 120041, Stamford, CT 06912-0041. 457p., bibliog., index. ISBN 0-8385-8100-5, ISSN 1061-3463. $19.95. (Testing, Diagnostics, Therapy) The first edition of this guide was published in 1992. "It is a quick reference guide to the selection and interpretation of commonly used diagnostic tests, including laboratory procedures in the clinical setting, laboratory tests (chemistry, hematology, and immunology), microbiology tests (bacteriology, virology, and serology), diagnostic imaging tests (plain radiography, CT, MRI, and ultrasonography), and electrocardiography." Over 350 tests are outlined in a concise, consistent, and readable format. Costs and risks of various procedures and tests are emphasized. There are ample literature references and an extensive index. The eight chapters cover: "Basic Principles of Diagnostic Test Use and Interpretation," "Laboratory Procedures in the Clinical Setting," "Common Laboratory Tests: Selection and Interpretation," "Therapeutic Drug Monitoring: Principles and Test Interpretation," "Microbiology: Test Selection," "Diagnostic Imaging: Test Selection and Interpretation," "Basic Electrocardiography," and "Diagnostic Testing: Algorithms, Nomograms, and Tables." The information is presented in tabular form for easy scanning and interpretation. This is an excellent guide for all physicians who order up specific tests on their patients. It should be on their desks as a quick reference guide. A highly recommended book for all medical libraries, especially in the reference collection. 719. Pocket Guide to Commonly Prescribed Drugs, 2nd edition by Glenn N. Levine. 1966. Appleton & Lange, PO Box 120041, Stamford, CT 06912-0041. 422p., index. ISBN 0-8385-8099-8. $16.95. (Descriptors: Drugs, Therapies) This small guide provides the health care provider information about the most commonly used prescribed medications. It is not meant to be inclusive but rather to give the health care provider quick information about those drugs that are prescribed on a fairly regular basis. The information has been gleaned from many sources, presenting what the author feels is the most authoritative and informative. The drugs are listed by generic name with cross-references from trade name. The information given includes: dosing schedules; mode of clearance; dosage adjustments necessary in renal failure, liver disease, and following dialysis; side effects; drug interactions; contraindications; pregnancy category; relative cost; therapeutic blood levels; serum values that should be monitored during therapy; and other clinically useful information called pearls. At the beginning of the guide is a list of the drugs according to the category for which it is treated, such as acne treatment, antibiotics, antidepressants, HIV infection, or tuberculosis. This is a very useful little pocket guide that should be of use to all health care providers. A good source for any medical library and a possible reference source for general academic libraries. 720. Crisis of Meaning: How Gay Men Are Making Sense of AIDS, by Steven Schwartzberg. 1996. Oxford University Press, 198 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016. 267p., bibliog., index. ISBN 0-19-509627-4. $25.00. (Descriptors: Psychological Aspects, Diseases, Adjustments) It is difficult to write about AIDS, using words that "compete with the epidemic." "With AIDS, words do not elucidate the truth but diminish it." However, there is no other way to try to describe how one feels, how the disease affects individuals, how to relate death and sorrow, and how personal AIDS can be. The aim of this book "is to chronicle this defining feature of modern gay culture--the remarkable transformations some men have accomplished, the anguish of meaninglessness that weighs others down, the vapor of grief that hangs in the air." Schwartzberg starts with a basic premise that the meaning in life is a fundamental human need. From here he documents how gay men have come to learn to accept having this dreadful disease. Nineteen men living with HIV have become the focal point of this book. Each individual is different and each copes in a different way. "Race, cultural background, economics, and the host of social, political, and personal forces" play a big role in this study of individuals. "The men I interviewed for this project have left an indelible impression on me. Their poignant words, their humanity and courage, have affected how I live, how I approach psychotherapy, how I think of life and death." The titles to the ten chapters present an excellent synopsis of this very moving book: "A crisis of Meaning," "Meaning: The Perennial Quest," "Representations of HIV and AIDS: The Building Blocks of Meaning," "Transformation: A Journey of Growth," "Rupture: The Shattering of Meaning," "Camouflage: The Fine Line of Self-Deception," "Impassivity: Minimizing the Trauma," "Living with Uncertainty, Ambiguity, and Questions of Mortality," "Coping, Changing, Growing," and "Grief and Hope." This is an extremely moving book to read. It presents a wide array of reactions and responses to having the HIV virus. These men that were interviewed are a cross section of gay men across the United States. True, many give up and literally become vegetables, waiting for death, but others have learned to cope and understand so that they can go on living a life--maybe not in the same way that they would have if they were not HIV positive--but a life that still has meaning and understanding. This is important for everyone to know. No matter how dreadful a disease you may have, you have to continue to press forward. This is a beautifully written book that is highly recommended for everyone who is HIV positive, for everyone who is not HIV positive, and especially for those who feel that AIDS is God's wrath on all gays. The final sentence in the Epilogue sums up Schwartzberg's hopes for the future: "Yet how sweet the fantasy I can now briefly allow myself to indulge, imagining a day when this book, this chronicle of a community drenched in loss, will be an antiquated document of time gone by." A highly recommended book for all libraries from school to research. A must read book. 721. Ethical Issues in HIV Vaccine Trials, by Thomas A. Kerns. 1997. St Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10010. 249p., bibliog., index. ISBN 0-312-16397-5. $45.00. (Descriptors: Vaccines, Research, Moral and Ethical Aspects, Developing Countries, Human Experimentation in Medicine) This book was first published in Great Britain in 1997 by Macmillan Press. "This book is about the ethical issues facing those who are struggling to control, with a vaccine, a pandemic that gives every impression of being already out of control." Testing new vaccines is complex, difficult, and can be extremely controversial. Only this year did the President Clinton apologize to the individuals who participated in the clinical tests and trials that were trying to find a way to combat syphilis. Kerns tries to provide an "exploration of, and a journey through, some of the central ethical issues that need to be discussed prior to undertaking large scale human efficacy trials, either in the industrialized world or in developing nations." There are many questions surrounding vaccine trials, these questions are presented and possible answers are given. The major concerns are the ethical issues that surround the testing of HIV vaccines in persons who are not infected with HIV. The contents of the book provide an excellent outline of the complexity of these issues: "Where stands the pandemic now?," "It's not just another disease," "Will it every slow down?," "Is a vaccine possible?," "The human immunodeficiency virus," "How the immune system works," "How vaccines work," "Human trials," "Criteria of effectiveness," "Ethical principles," "Real risks," "Whom do you want for volunteers?," "Compensating volunteers for injury," "Informed consent," "Assessing comprehension," "Ethics review committees," "Protecting individual subjects," "Proxy consent?," "Undue inducement," "Motivations to volunteer," "Still more questions," "Data from unethical experiments?," "The great simple solution," "Thesis/Antithesis: Synthesis?," "Smallpox and Guinea Worm Disease as metaphors," and "So..." We are faced with this problem and the solution is not readily evident. Vaccines are being developed and tested on laboratory animals, but will they work on humans? How, then do we go about doing the testing so that it is ethically proper. People will volunteer but are they doing it under pressure? What happens if something goes wrong? Maybe as more drugs are developed to help keep the virus under control, testing a vaccine may not be as big a problem or maybe we will just not need to have a vaccine. This is a troubling book to read, raising red flags that may prevent a vaccine from being developed to save lives in the future from the HIV virus. A recommended book for all medical and academic libraries. 722. Timeless Healing: The Power and Biology of Belief, by Herbert Benson, Marg Stark. 1996. Fireside, Rockefeller Center, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. 350p., bibliog., index. ISBN 0-684-83146-5. $13.00. (Descriptors: Mental Healing, Therapeutics, Suggestive Therapeutics) Much is being written about the power in biology of belief. Many scientists scoff at the idea, but more and more health care providers are seeing evidence that there may be some basis to consider this power. They recognize that individuals are able to make medications work better if they have the belief that they will do so, rather than an attitude that it is just something else to try. With HIV positive individuals, the power of belief is possibly something that is underestimated. Most everyone wants to believe the best rather than the worst. No one likes to hear the phrase "life threatening" or "terminal disease." "This book is written to help people help themselves." Those who want to apply the power of belief should do so in partnership with their physician so that they can take full advantage of the solutions and cures conventional medicine has to offer. The book discusses such topics as remembered wellness, nature of belief, brain's prerogative, medicine's spiritual crisis, relaxation response, faith factor, trust your instincts, trust your doctor, the ills of information, and timeless healing. This is not a book for everyone. There are always doubters along with believers. It is difficult to convert from one to the other. However, HIV positive individuals need to have a strong determination to continue living and that involves some power of belief. The many drugs that are available to combat the virus cannot work within the body if mentally the individual is fighting them. One has to have a belief in something and for HIV positive individuals the belief has to be that these drugs are the answer for continuing to live. A recommended book for individuals and for all public libraries. 723. Radiance Technique and AIDS, by Van R. Ault. 1996. TRTAI, PO Box 40570, St Petersburg, FL 33743. 132p. ISBN 0-9635155-3-5. $12.95. (Descriptors: Radiance Technique) The Radiance Technique (TRT) is an ancient technique that involves using whole energy to heal. It is a well-known fact that if you can totally relax, medications, therapies, and the like have a better chance to work. Physicians give medications that are intended to relax. With TRT that relaxation is brought about naturally." It Promotes deep states of relaxation for optimum stress release, to support the healing/wholing process, and to re-energize and increase energy on all planes of self." Probably the one most important aspect of TRT is the radiant touch. Touching, hugging, and patting all have a therapeutic effect on an individual. When you are sad, a hug always helps. When you need some reassuring, a simple pat on the back can help. TRT uses the touch to help in its technique. This is an interesting book that should be of interest to many individuals. Just learning to relax can make a drastic change in how you cope with an illness such as HIV. Maybe we should all try TRT and learn to relax, rather than being up tight and in a hurry every day of our lives. Recommended for all individuals and for public libraries. 724. Back from the Brink: Reflections on Illness, Renewal, and Hope, by Paul Reed. 1996. House of Lillian, PO Box 14793, San Francisco, CA 94114. 23p. ISBN 0-9641006-1-4. $2.00. (Descriptors: Reminiscence, Personal) This short personal account of an individual who had AIDS. His health was deteriorating to the point that he could hardly function. Then came the "cocktail drugs" which he anxiously tried. At first they made him ill, then, slowly, he began to see his strength return and now he is leading a fairly normal life. His viral load went from 1.1 million copies to undetectable in two months and his CD4 cells were up to 78 from the 20s. This is truly a story of coming back from the brink. It is a story that is now being repeated across the country. The cost of this therapy is high, but the results are astounding. Anyone who is HIV positive and not yet on a drug therapy program should read this short essay and see that there is hope, that progress is being made in combating this disease. Paul Reed is an AIDS journalist in San Francisco. This is a highly recommended book for all libraries. It should be an inspiration to all who feel that the end of the world has come. 725. Sexuality and the Social Sciences: A French Survey on Sexual Behaviour, editied by Michel Bozon, Henri Leridon, translated by Godfrey Rogers. 1996. Dartmouth Publishing Co., Old Post Road, Brookfield, VT 05036. 357p., bibliog. ISBN 1-85521-820-8. $67.95. (Descriptors: Sex Customs, France, Sexual Behavior Surveys, Public Opinion) (Contributors: Michel Bozon, Henri Leridon, Nathalie Bajos, Alfred Spira, Alain Giami, Benoit Riandey, Jean-Marie Firdion, Antoine Messiah, Emmanuelle Mouret-Fourme, Brenda Spencer, Andre Bejin, Alexis Ferrand, Lise Mounier, Beatrice Ducot, Alfred Spira, Jean-Paul Moatti, Nathalie Beltzer, William Dab, Francoise Le Pont) This book was first published in French by the Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques (Paris), as issue no.5 of the journal Population in December, 1993. Any research into sexual behavior of a group of people can become very difficult to administer. This book reports on a French project called Analyse des comportements sexuels en France (ACSF). It brought together a team of epidemiologists, sociologists, psychosociologists, psychologists, psychoanalysts, economists, and demographers drawn together from institutions and universities. "High among the project's aims was measurement of the prevalence of certain types of behaviour judged to present a risk in the context of the AIDS epidemic, the most important of which are homosexual intercourse, multiple sexual partners, intercourse with prostitutes, and intravenous drug-taking." A total of 20,055 men and women aged between 18 and 69 replied to the survey with 4,820 given a longer questionnaire because they reported at least one of the forms of behavior that was originally stated in the project's aims. From this extensive survey the researchers amassed much data that has resulted in more accurate and more detailed data than has ever been produced in France. The first part of the book discusses "The social construction of sexuality" and "Presentation of the ACSF survey." In the second part sexuality is explored using the survey questionnaire and a follow up telephone survey. It was discovered that many times the answers to questions during the telephone survey were biased when that individual's partner was present. Not a surprising observation, since there is still a great amount of secrecy within gay communities concerning their sexual activities. The third part covers sexuality and the life-cycle: "Reaching adult sexuality: First intercourse and its implications," "Homosexuality, bisexuality: Elements of sexual socio-biography," and "Coital frequency: Data and consistency analysis." It was discovered that bisexual men need to receive their AIDS education differently from the gay men. They do not frequent the same social haunts and do not read the same gay newsmagazines. The fourth part covers sexuality and society: "The normative context of sexual behaviour and the choice of prevention strategies," "Female masturbation in France: Estimation and analysis of an under-reported practice," and "Talking about sexuality: An analysis of relations between confidants." The last part covers sexuality and AIDS: "AIDS prevention behavior: Prevalence and conducive factors," "Analysing unsafe behaviour in the face of HIV infection," and "Use of the ACSF survey to develop a model for the spread of HIV infection in France." Talking about sexuality is strongly advocated, even among children. What a child hears, learns, and remembers will carry forward with that individual into adult life. Keeping secret about sexuality creates problems once that child becomes sexually active. It is hard to understand how some groups object so violently to sex education in school and do not talk about sex at home. When will they understand that the more informed you are the more likely you will live longer. This is a very detailed book reporting on some interesting research taken in France during the early 1990s. It is not an easy book to read but there is a wealth of data that can be applied to other parts of the world. More research needs to be conducted in the area of sexuality. We still do not fully understand how an individual is motivated and makes him or her act in an unsafe manner. A recommended book for all medical and academic libraries.