Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 09:49:59 CDT From: "H. Robert Malinowsky" A I D S B O O K R E V I E W J O U R N A L University of Illinois at Chicago H. Robert Malinowsky Editor Number 26 ISSN 1068-4174 May, 1996 An electronic journal reviewing books, videos, journal titles, and other materials covering AIDS, safer sex, and sexually transmitted diseases, published irregularly by the University of Illinois at Chicago Library. Editorial offices PO Box 8198 M/C 234, Chicago, IL 60680. AIDS Book Review Journal is free of charge and is available only in electronic form. Opinions expressed in the reviews are those of the editor or reviewers. The Editor welcomes comments at AIDSBKRV@UICVM. To subscribe over INTERNET: Tell Listserv@UICVM sub AIDSBKRV your first and last name or send note to Listserv@UICVM or Listserv@UICVM.UIC.EDU with note sub AIDSBKRV your first and last name. AIDSBKRV files are available through a LISTSERV. To find what is available, send note to: LISTSERV@UICVM or LISTSERV@UICVM.UIC.EDU. Leave subject blank; key into body of note: send AIDSBKRV FILELIST. This FILELIST contains a list of AIDSBKRV files with their filenames and filetypes listed as AIDSBKn EJ where the n is the issue number. To retrieve a particular file, send note to the LISTSERV saying send AIDSBKn EJ, substituting the issue number for the n. All materials in the journal are subject to copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and may be reprinted or redistributed for the noncommercial purpose of scientific or education advancement granted by Sections 107 and 108 of the Copyright Revision Act of 1976. For other reprinting or redistribution or translations, address requests to H. Robert Malinowsky, University of Illinois at Chicago Library, PO Box 8198, Chicago, IL 60680. **************************************************************************** It is the hope that this journal will be able to alert individuals about new as well as noteworthy older publications, videos, journal titles, and other print and non-print materials pertaining to AIDS, safer sex, and STDs. AIDS is a devastating disease that is infiltrating all levels of society. No one can be considered totally exempt. Information specialists need to be alerted to those materials that can educate everyone from the school child who needs a picture book about AIDS to the layperson who needs general information on the disease or a novel with an AIDS theme to the researcher looking for a synopsis of research to those who are HIV+ needing comfort and support through the writings of those who have AIDS or are HIV+. The Editor welcomes comments that can be sent to him at AIDSBKRV@UICVM. If any reader also is a publisher of any AIDS-related material and would like it considered for review in this journal, please send items to H. Robert Malinowsky, AIDS Book Review Journal, 1250 W. Grace 1st Fl, Chicago, IL 60613, so that the material can be considered. ====================================================================== 527. Select Body: The Gay Dance Party Subculture and the HIV/AIDS Pandemic, by Lynette A. Lewis, Michael W. Ross. 528. Male Order: Life Stories from Boys Who Sell Sex, by Barbara Gibson. 529. Relationships in Chronic Illness and Disability, by Renee F. Lyons, Michael J. L. Sullivan, Paul G. Ritvo, James C. Coyne. 530. This Unknown Flesh: A Selection of Plays, by Sky Gilbert. 531. Plush: Selected Poems, by Sky Gilbert, Courtnay McFarlane, Jeffery Conway, R.M. Vaughan, David Trinidad. 532. Heat Yesterday, by Ian Iqbal Bashid. 533. Filling the Gaps: Care and Support for People with HIV/AIDS in Cote d'Ivoire, by Glen Williams, Auguste Didier Blibolo, Dominique Kerouedan. 534. Death Cycle Machine: Poems, by Charlotte Mayerson. 535. In the Company of My Solitude: American Writing From the AIDS Pandemic, edited by Marie Howe, Michael Klein. 536. AIDS: Examining the Crisis, by Tom Flynn, Karen Lound. 537. AIDS, Identity, and Community: The HIV Epidemic and Lesbians and Gay Men, edited by Gregory M. Herek, Beverly Greene. 538. Stonewall Experiment: A Gay Psychohistory, by Ian Young. 539. Hidden in the Blood: A Personal Investigation of AIDS in the Yucatan, by Carter Wilson. 540. Hurry-Up Song: A Memoir of Losing My Brother, by Clifford Chase. 541. How to Write a Successful Research Grant Application: A Guide for Social and Behavioral Scientists, edited by Willo Pequegnat, Ellen Stover. 542. AIDS Funding: A Guide to Giving by Foundations and Charitable Organizations, 4th edition by The Foundation Center. 543. PDR Generics 1995: The Information Standard for Prescription Drugs, published by Medical Economics. ====================================================================== 527. Select Body: The Gay Dance Party Subculture and the HIV/AIDS Pandemic, by Lynette A. Lewis, Michael W. Ross. 1995. Cassell, 215 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10003. 262p., bibliog., index. ISBN 0-304-33510-X, 0-304-33511-8pbk. $65.00, $16.95pbk. (Discriptors: Social Aspects, Political Aspects, Sexual Aspects, Gays, Risky Sex, Safer Sex) Alcohol, drugs, and sex are a dangerous mix in any situation whether you are gay or straight, male or female. Research has been difficult in proving that these three situations create a link to becoming HIV positive. "This book is the first in which qualitative methods have been used to study the social and cultural contexts where high risk sexual behaviour and drug or alcohol use intersect among gay men." In studying this concept, the authors have looked at how gay men interact socially, particularly in dance clubs and bars. Young gay men dominate the gay dance club scene. These are some of the most important men that AIDS/HIV education tries to target. They are the men who seem to think that they will live forever but many times let their guard down, resulting in their becoming HIV positive. "To the outsider, the gay dance scene might be most memorable for its collection of hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of strikingly handsome young men." This is the dominant social arena for these men. A question that is raised, "Do dance club participants expect to become old?" Good question and one that this book tries to answer. Hopefully, what is presented will be of help to both the younger gay man and the older gay man. This book explores this dance club phenomena as well as other activities that gay men engage in, including organizations, cliques, and other recreational activities. The nine very informative and well-written chapters cover: "Overview of the Inner-City Gay Dance Party Culture," "Sex and Drugs: A Review of the Literature," "The Evolution of the Gay Dance Party Culture in Sydney," "The Impact of Political Legitimation and the HIV/AIDS Pandemic," "Drug Use and Sex at Dance Parties," "Sex on Ice," "The Evolution of Ritualized Behaviour and Belief Systems among Gay Dance Party Patrons and Their Relationship to Risky Sexual Behaviour," "Dance Party Argot and Symbols in the Context of the HIV/AIDS Pandemic," and "Conclusions and Suggestions for Future Research and Intervention Programmes." The last chapter makes some statements that may disturb you, resulting in the need for further exploration: "Many of the party patrons intentionally used drugs to transform or control their internal moods...," "Ecstasy retains its popularity among party patrons because it helps them develop an alternative reality where they may feel good, have fun and escape their everyday responsibilities.," "Magical thinking is an important determinant of risky sexual and drug-related behaviour within the dance party milieu.," and "Data indicate that most of the party patrons are gay adolescents or young adults, with the majority in their twenties to early thirties. Some of these party patrons believe their age magically shields them from HIV infection because they came out after the AIDS virus was inherently embedded in the gay subcultural identity." A very thought provoking book that presents facts that many have observed but not studied in any detail. All young gay men throughout the world should read this book and think how they fit into the total picture. It is truly sad to read obituaries of men who have died of AIDS who fall into this age group. The only way to decrease the number of obituaries is to have much more education directed to this part of our society. A highly recommended book for all libraries and counselors. 528. Male Order: Life Stories from Boys Who Sell Sex, by Barbara Gibson. 1995. Cassell, 215 Park Ave. South, New York, NY 10003. 172p. ISBN 0-304-33287-9. $16.95. (Descriptors: Sex, Prostitution) This is a collection of real-life stories of 4 boys and 2 transsexuals who sold sex on the streets of London. "This book is about male street prostitutes who, in the absence of the choices most young people take for granted, sold sex to stay alive." These boys have had a rough life with little or no home life. There is very little literature that explores this aspect of our society. It is a sad area that makes one wonder how we have let it happen. Where have families gone wrong and why have they deserted these young people. Even more frightening is the cloud of AIDS constantly hanging over the heads of these young people. Two of the stories tell of contracting the HIV virus. These are fascinating and moving stories that "show how and why they started selling sex, what they did, where, whom and for how much." As one states: "sex is just about a hole and it doesn't matter whom you are with." A highly recommended book for all libraries. 529. Relationships in Chronic Illness and Disability, by Renee F. Lyons, Michael J. L. Sullivan, Paul G. Ritvo, James C. Coyne. 1995. Sage Publications, 1455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320. 189p., bibliog., index. (Sage Series on Close Relationships) ISBN 0-8039-4703-8, 0-8039-4704-6pbk. $34.00, $15.95pbk. (Descriptors: Chronic Diseases, Psychological Aspects, Social Aspects, Chronically Ill, Family Relationships) "This volume addresses the interpersonal dynamics of chronic illness and disability specific to close relationships." Although it does not speak to AIDS specifically, what is discussed can be applied to any chronic illness or disability. The chapters cover: "Relationship Processes in Chronic Illness and Disability," "The Stressors of Illness and Disability," "The Impact of Chronic Illness and Disability on Relationships," "The Impact of Relationships on Coping and Adaptation," "Relationship-Focused Coping," "Intervention in Close Relationships to Improve Coping with Illness," and "Close Relationships, Chronic Illness, and Research." This is a good book discussing the various problems associated with relationships and chronic illness. "Although society has promoted an ideology of social integration, relationship problems and challenges persist." A recommended book for counselors and medical and academic libraries. 530. This Unknown Flesh: A Selection of Plays, by Sky Gilbert. 1995. Coach House/Ira Silverbert Communications, 180 Varick St, 10th Fl, New York, NY 10014. 233p., illus. ISBN 0-88910-479-4. $16.95. (Descriptors: Gay Men, Drama) Sky Gilbert is "one of Canada's most controversial artistic forces." He is a "playwright, poet, actor and drag queen extraordinaire." This book has nothing to do with AIDS, but is included here as a recommended book for recreational reading. One play does have a character who is HIV positive. Three of the plays are one-act each and three are full length: "Pasolini/Pelosi, or the God in Unknown Flesh: A Theatrical Enquiry into the Murder of Filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini" produced in April, 1983; "Theatrelife" produced April, 1987; "In Which Pier Paolo Pasolini Sees His Own Death in the Face of a Boy: A Defacement in the Form of a Play" produced June, 1991; "My Night with Tennessee" produced June, 1992; "Hester: An Introduction" produced May, 1994; and "More Divine: A Performance for Roland Barthes" produced October, 1994. A highly recommended book for all libraries and for individuals who like to read good drama. 531. Plush: Selected Poems, by Sky Gilbert, Courtnay McFarlane, Jeffery Conway, R.M. Vaughan, David Trinidad. 1995. Coach House Press/Ira Silverbert Communications, 180 Varick St, 10th Fl, New York, NY 10014. 159p. ISBN 0-88910-481-6. $14.95. (Descriptors: Gay Men, Poetry) This delightful book contains 12 poems by Sky Gilbert, 8 by Courtnay McFarlane, 14 by Jeffery Conway, 8 by R.M. Vaughan, and 21 by David Trinidad. "Each of these writers produces inspirational and integral poetry, from bold invocations of pop iconography and provocative meditations upon the complexities of love and desire to subtle revisions of how issues of gender, race, class and sex are perceived." Some of the poem titles entice you to read and re-read: "Why You Don't Have to Be Gay to Understand the Sagrada Family But It Helps," "Seven Sillinesses about Opera that Remind Me of You," "Ruminations," "To Be/to Be/Afro-Saxon," "Sestina to a Tattooed Boy," "HIV," "Cultivating Thornless Roses or 5 Conversations about Anal Sex," "Pee Shy," "Fluff," and "Red Parade." Many of these poems are not for the prudish; nevertheless, they are presented in good taste and are fun to read. A highly recommended book for anyone who is gay and those straight people who claim to be liberated. Every public and academic library should have a copy. 532. The Heat Yesterday, by Ian Iqbal Rashid. 1995. Coach House Press/Ira Silverberg Communications, 180 Varick St, 10th fl, New York, NY 10014. 69p., ISBN 0-88910-483-2. $12.95. (Descriptors: Poems) Rashid is a poet and scriptwriter born in Tanzania and living in London. This is his second collection of poems, the first, Black Markets, White Boyfriends, was published in 1992. The poems in this second collection are moving and should be read and re-read to fully understand the "passion, beauty and rage" that he presents. His poems give "voice to the loves and losses of people under siege: the gay community dealing with the devastation of AIDS, families making new homes in strange lands, and others who encounter the painful experiences of difference." Reading poetry such as this can help anyone who is touched with the HIV virus cope with their disease. A welcome addition to the much needed therapeutic literature that we need today. Highly recommended for all libraries and especially for personal libraries. 533. Filling the Gaps: Care and Support for People with HIV/AIDS in Cote d'Ivoire, by Glen Williams, Auguste Didier Blibolo, Dominique Kerouedan. 1995. Comite National de Lutte Contre le SIDA, Republique de Cote d'Ivoire, 04 B.P. 2113, Abidjan 94, Cote d'Ivoire. Order from Talc, PO Box 49, St Albans, Herts AL1 5TX, United Kingdom. 57p., illus. (Strategies for Hope, no. 10). ISBN 1-872502-30-X. 2.75Pounds. (Descriptors: Social Aspects, Caregiving, Cote d'Ivoire) The first cases of AIDS in Cote d'Ivoire were identified in 1985. Ten years later there are 25,000 confirmed cases of AIDS and an estimated 600,000 people infected with the HIV virus. The National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) was established in 1987 working with not only AIDS but STDs and tuberculosis. The NACP has programs that focus on prevention of sexual transmission of HIV, blood safety, and other aspects of the AIDS epidemic. Care for people with AIDS is high on the list of priorities for the NACP's medium term plan for 1994-98. Non-governmental organizations are playing a key role in fighting HIV/AIDS in this country. This book "describes the experiences of these organisations, which provide support to people with HIV/AIDS and their families, and includes numerous personal statements by the people involved." This small book is brief but very informative, giving statistics and narrative that outlines what is being done in this small African nation. The last chapter outlines what the future holds and what this nation is doing about AIDS/HIV: "Collaboration between communities and government," "Setting standards," "Home care," "Promoting acceptance of HIV-positive people," "Multisectoral approach," and "Integration of AIDS prevention with care and support." A recommended book for anyone who feels that the African nations are not doing anything. This book shows the positive side of AIDS care in this large continent. Recommended for all medical and academic libraries. 534. Death Cycle Machine: Poems, Charlotte Mayerson. 1995. Crown Publishers, 201 E 50th St, New York, NY 10022. 73p. ISBN 0-517-70279-7. $16.00. (Descriptors: Patients, Poetry, Mothers and Sons, Death, Grief) This book is dedicated to Mayerson's son, Robert Henry Mayerson, who died of AIDS in 1990. The 32 poems attest to the power of the written word in helping to heal grief, especially when it is for someone who dies before their time. The poem "The Odds" is an example of what this mother thought about--"You can't replicate love or pain, So experience gets you nowhere. Love lessons, (If there are any), Teach only what went wrong, In each case. With pain, too, You buy nothing, In those dark stalls, To help you, In the next black hole. Hard knocks leave marks, That help bad luck, Pick you out. Don't be fooled: The distribution of fortune, Isn't random." A moving book that is recommended for anyone who has lost someone to AIDS or any disease at an early age. It should be in all libraries. 535. In the Company of My Solitude: American Writing From the AIDS Pandemic, edited by Marie Howe, Michael Klein. 1995. Persea Books, Inc., 60 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10010. 219p. ISBN 0-89255-208-5. $14.95. (Descriptors: Essays, Collections) This fresh, new collection of writings about the AIDS catastrophe is from some well-known authors and poets as well as from some that we have never heard about. As a result it includes works from the homeless shelter, the high school, and the sex-worker industry. It, also, includes works from some well-known writers such as Doty, Dukes, Brodkey, Monette, and Sullivan. The editors "wanted to collect writing that was smart, funny, reflective, angry, and immediate." This they did. The collection is as varied as night is from day. Some of the writings are meant to be read and re-read in order to fully feel what is being said. All have a message and all reflect, to some extent, what we have learned over the past 15 years of this hellish pandemic. The writings that are included are: "Is There a Future?" by Mark Doty; "The Bad News is the Bad News Is the Same" by Deborah Salazar; "Letter From Stephen" by Joshua Clover; "AIDS and the Poetry of Healing" by Rafael Campo; "A Shallow Pool of Time" by Fran Peavey; "Sex, Drugs, Rock-N-Roll, and AIDS" by Iris de la Cruz; "To My Readers" by Harld Brodkey; "Fear of AIDS Killed Sarah" by Christine Boose; "Unsafe Sex" by anonymous; "Savage Grace" by Mark Matousek; "All of Us Are Leaving" by Eve Ensler; "Jimmy Parker and Jean Lechance" by Tom Phillips; "One Mother's Story" by anonymous; "My Favorite Uncle Is HIV-Positive" by Akia Thomas; "Quilt" by Andrew Sullivan; "A Beautiful Day in the Week" by Patrick Hoctel; "A Day in the Life" by Denise Ribble; "Lucky Fellow" and "The Limitless Heart" by Fenton Johnson; "All Through the Night" by Carol Muske Dukes; "Letters to the Dead" by Marlon Riggs; "Skills and Pills" by Kate Scannell' "Now Is the Time for All Good" by James Lecesne; "Realizations at Bedside" by Mary Jane Nealon; "Loose Rider" by Tory Dent; "Specimen Days" by Robert Massa; "Pornography" by Richard McCann' "Ill Be Somewhere Listening for My Name" by Melvin Dixon; and "Puck" by Paul Monette. This is an excellent book for everyone to read. It should be in all libraries and should be required reading by teens and young adults. The stories that are told here could help save someone's life. 536. AIDS: Examining the Crisis, by Tom Flynn, Karen Lound. 1995. Lerner Publications Co., 241 First Ave. N, Minneapolis, MN 55401-9906. 72p., color illus., index. ISBN 0-8225-2625-5. $13.13. (Descriptors: Juvenile Literature, Social Aspects) This is an excellent book for young readers explaining how "HIV is transmitted, how AIDS affects the body, and the medical treatments available." It does not go into great detail but gives the facts in a straight forward manner so that young readers can understand the political, educational, and health issues that surround AIDS and HIV. It discusses safer sex, stressing the use of condoms. This is a book for everyone, yes, even the straight teens who feel that since they are not gay and do not shoot up drugs they are immune to HIV. How sad it is to see someone in their 20s die of AIDS when they could have taken proper precautions early in their sex lives. The illustrations are exceptional. This should be required reading for everyone in junior and high school. It is a non-threatening book that gives facts and suggestions that are easy to comprehend. A must book for all school and public libraries. 537. AIDS, Identity, and Community: The HIV Epidemic and Lesbians and Gay Men, edited by Gregory M. Herek, Beverly Greene. 1995. Sage Publications, 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320. 239p., bibliog., index. (Psychological Perspectives on Lesbian and Gay Issues, v.2) ISBN 0-8039-5360-7, 0-8039-5361-5pbk. $45.00, $21.95pbk. (Descriptors: Gays, Lesbians, Social Aspects, Psychological Aspects, Volunteering) (Contributors to this volume: William A. Bailey, Alex Carballo-Dieguez, Kyung-Hee Choi, Thomas J. Coates, A. Lauren Crain, Laura Dean, Eric K. Glunt, Cynthia A. Gomez, Joyce Hunter, Neal King, Steve Lew, Allen M. Omoto, John L. Peterson, Judith G. Rabkin, Robert H. Remien, Margaret Rosario, Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus, Nilo Salazar, Theo G. M. Sandfort) AIDS has had a drastic effect on the lives of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. For those who have been out before 1980, the effect has really been trying, to say the least; the result being the death of friends, lovers and family. For those who are coming out, being gay, lesbian, or bisexual is a frightening experience with death and sorrow ever hanging over their heads. HIV alters the lives of anyone that it touches, whether they are gay or straight. This book looks at all of the aspects of how HIV/AIDS has altered the lives of those it touches. It addresses the impact on the gay community and "on the very notions of gay identity and community." Even though all of the chapters are concerned with gays and lesbians, those in the straight world can learn a great deal about how to cope with this hideous disease. The titles of the 12 chapters give an excellent overview of what is covered in these extremely well-written reports: "HIV and the Gay Male Community: One Clinician's Reflections Over the Year," "Lesbians at Risk for HIV: The Unresolved Debate," "HIV/AIDS Prevention and the Impact of Attitudes Toward Homosexuality and Bisexuality," "Identity and Community Among Gay and Bisexual Men in the AIDS Era: Preliminary Findings From the Sacramento Men's Health Study," "AIDS-Related Risks and Same-Sex Behaviors Among African American Men," "The Sexual Identity and Behavior of Puerto Rican Men Who Have Sex with Men," "AIDS Risk, Dual Identity, and Community Response Among Gay Asian and Pacific Islander Men in San Francisco," "Psychosocial Stressors in a Panel of New York City Gay Men During the AIDS Epidemic, 1985 to 1991," "Coming Out as Lesbian or Gay in the Era of AIDS," "Long-Term Survival with AIDS and the Role of Community," "AIDS Volunteerism: Lesbian and Gay Community-Based Responses to HIV," and "The Importance of HIV Prevention Programming to the Lesbian and Gay Community." The chapter on coming out is very disturbing and is backed by the number of obituaries of gays in their twenties. The process of coming out is in many instances associated with sex, sex with older individuals, sex without condoms, and the use of drugs or alcohol. These are the individuals that have to be constantly educated and re-educated. African American and Hispanic adolescents are especially vulnerable because of the many taboos associated with family life and religion. The result for all of these adolescent individuals is that "these youths often experiment sexually in settings that place them at higher risk for contracting HIV." Society has to accept the fact that our young people can be gay or lesbian before they are at that magic age of 18 and let the rest of us try to educate them and help them so that they can grow to maturity. Unfortunately, the homophobes immediately point their fingers at the rest of us if we even attempt to help these youths. This is a must read book for everyone. It should be in all libraries, including school libraries. Young adolescents who are facing the problem of coming out would benefit from this book. 538. Stonewall Experiment: A Gay Psychohistory, by Ian Young. 1995. Cassell, 215 Park Ave. South, New York, NY 10003. 312p., illus., bibliog., index. ISBN 0-304-33272-0. $17.95. (Descriptors: Social Aspects, Stonewall, Psychological Aspects, Gays, Lesbians) "Psychohistory is a study of human motivations. It involves the analysis of archival records and other cultural artifacts in an attempt to uncover the beliefs, fears, fantasies and desires of individuals and social groups." Now, more than ever, we need to have books such as this to prove to the world that being gay or lesbian is not just a passing fancy that will go away if everyone ignores it. Gays and lesbians have been around since the beginning of time. However, there are those who are straight who will not accept this fact and try to destroy anything and everything that they consider associated with gays and lesbians. They refuse to understand and as a result they live on the hate and violence that they perpetuate. Within the last couple of weeks, in a town near Chicago, a young gay man was beat and then his business was robbed. He was then further mutilated by having his testicles cut off and left to die, which he did several days later in the hospital. All of this because the individuals hated "faggots" and felt that they were doing the world a good service by getting rid of one. This book is intended "to contribute something to our understanding of what occurred in the little more than a decade between Stonewall and AIDS and in the plague years that followed." It is a book that looks at the last 125 years of visible existence of gay men when they "began to emerge as a people." It is a "poet's-eye view" for the young gay male who needs to survive, thrive, and make a contribution to our history. Others will learn from this book, also, but they should not be critical if they do not understand all that is presented. The seven chapters cover: "The Myth of the Homosexual," "Out of the Closets and into the Camps," "Canaries in the Mineshaft," "The Revolution Is Over," "News for the 4th of July," "The Myth of the Lone Assassin," and "The AIDS Concentration Camp." Some will wince at some of the stories that are told here, but these are true stories that Ian Young is not afraid to tell. It is a book that shows the struggles that gay men have to endure. If only those who hate us so much understood how much we love life as any other individual and do not wish hate on them as they do on us. A recommended book for all public and academic libraries. 539. Hidden in the Blood: A Personal Investigation of AIDS in the Yucatan, by Carter Wilson. 1995. Columbia University Press, 562 W. 113th St., New York, NY 10025. 168p., bibliog. (Between Men--Between Women). ISBN 0-231-10190-2. $29.95. (Descriptors: Mexico, Social Aspects) This is a book about AIDS in Mexico, specifically the Yucatan. It covers how the government has worked or in some cases not worked to provide care for those who are HIV positive. It tells of the efforts of Dr. Alejandro Guerrero Flores in trying to preserve his "HIV-positive clients' health as long as possible and to contribute to the maintenance of their dignity in very difficult, often undignified circumstances." The first and last chapters cover the work of Dr. Flores. The middle chapter reveals how the epidemic grew, how gays stayed closeted and could not be tested, and how prejudice was so prevalent. This chapter does have a brighter side in showing how a Catholic priest gave moral support for gays so that they did not feel so rejected by society. It also shows how volunteer groups stepped forward to help in this time of need. This is a fascinatingly written book that provides much insight on how AIDS spreads in a third world country. It is about the suppression of gays, homophobia, and the work of a few who recognize that this disease can infect more than just those the elite say it will infect. Highly recommended for all medical and academic libraries. 540. Hurry-Up Song: A Memoir of Losing My Brother, by Clifford Chase. 1995. HarperCollins Publishers, 10 E. 53rd St., New York, NY 10022. 220p. ISBN 0-06-251019-3, 0-06-251020-7pbk. $10.00. (Descriptors: Patients, Biography, Family Relationships, Gay Men, Brothers) This delightful novel is about two gay brothers, six-years apart in age, who came out to each other in college. It is moving, sometimes witty, and sometimes sad. The older brother dies and Clifford writes of his loss and the fantasy world that he and his older brother lived in at times. "This is a searching, unsentimental account of how AIDS steals away loved ones and how the wounds of loss come to be healed." A must read book for anyone who is touched by AIDS, especially family members who have lost someone. AIDS is a frightening disease that takes too many people away before their time. Yet, we must all cope with these losses and try to go on. The best therapy is to remember the good times and be able to talk about these good times with others. A beautifully written book that is a must for all libraries. 541. How to Write a Successful Research Grant Application: A Guide for Social and Behavioral Scientists, edited by Willo Pequegnat, Ellen Stover. 1995. Plenum Press, 233 Spring St., New York, NY 10013. 252p., index. ISBN 0-306-44965-X. $35.00. (Descriptors: Proposal Writing for Grants, Grants) (Contributors to this volume: Jeffrey M. Aarons, Peter Adler, Hortensia Amaro, Robyn Dawes, Robert Dunwoody, Eleanor Friedenberg, Richard B. Fritz, Paul Goldstein, Gregory Herek, Jeffrey Kelly, Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, Thomas R.N. Lalley, Barry Lebowitz, Raymond P. Lorion, William Lyman, Spero M. Manson, Ali Manwar, Leonard Mitnick, Frank Mucha, Bryan Page, Delores L. Parron, Willo Pequegnat, Judith Godwin Rabkin, Juan Ramos, Robert Remien, Sherry Roberts, Hugh Stamper, Ellen Stover, Anselm Strauss, Jose Szapocznik, H. Gerry Taylor, Janet B.W. Williams, Steven Zalcman) With the ever increasing competition for money to do research, it is critical that researchers have guidance in how to write a successful research application. The National Institute of Mental Health conducted a 3 1/2 day workshop in 1990 to help individuals "Understand the federal research system," "Become knowledgeable about specific NIMH program initiatives and priorities, especially in AIDS research," "Become aware of the possible grant mechanisms," "Know the steps in the review process," and "Understand the steps and process of writing a research grant application." This book is based on these presentations. The beginning researcher should read the book from cover to cover and the seasoned researcher can be selective. It is, nevertheless, a must have book for any facility that is doing AIDS research or neuroscience and behavioral and social science research. The three sections cover: "Grantsmanship and the Review Process," "Developing Sections of Your Research Application," and "Disseminating Your Findings." In addition, there are two important preliminary chapters: "Federal Commitment to Support Minority and Women Researcher" and "The Role of Community Service Groups in Research." This is an excellent guide for all researchers, providing explicit instructions and suggestions that will enable one to obtain a grant. There are three appendices that are especially useful: "Data Analytic Plan," "Budget Justification," and "Charts, Timelines, and Other Visual AIDS." A must book for all social and behavioral scientists. Recommended for all medical and academic libraries. 542. AIDS Funding: A Guide to Giving by Foundations & Charitable Organizations, 4th edition edited by C. Edward Murphy, James Baumgartner. 1995. The Foundation Center, 79 5th Ave., New York, NY 10003-3076. 206p., bibliog., index. ISBN 0-87954-647-6. $75.00. (Grants, Funding for AIDS Research, Foundations, Charitable Organizations) "In 1994, the more than 37,500 active private and community foundations in the United States awarded an estimated $11.1 billion in grants to nonprofit organizations across the country and abroad." Of this number, 312 gave out $49 million in support of AIDS/HIV services and projects, including direct medical care, education and prevention programs, and medical research. There are several things that grantseekers can do to secure a grant: "Identify and target your funding prospects carefully," "Request annual reports and guidelines from prospects," "Target and prioritize your prospects," "Be clear on your own organizational priorities," "Seek out other organizations as collaborators," "Make a strong case for support," "Be prepared to spend time on grantsmanship and to be persistent," and "Develop long-term relationships with your current and potential funders." This directory is alphabetical by state and then alphabetical by funder. Each of the 621 entries includes name of the organization, former name, acronym, alternative name, address, telephone number, establishment data, donor, foundation type, year-end date, assets, asset type, gifts received, expenditures, qualifying distributions, grants paid, grants made directly to or on behalf of individuals, employee matching gifts, programs administered by the foundation, loans, in-kind gifts, purpose and activities, fields of interest, types of support, limitations, publications, application information, officers, employer identification number, and recent grants for AIDS. There are indexes by donors, officers, trustees, geographic, types of support, grants by subject, and grantmaking organizations. An excellent and required book for all medical and public libraries and for all organizations who depend on grants for their survival. 543. PDR Generics. 1995, Medical Economics, PO Box 10689, Des Moines, IA 50336-0689. 2887p., index. ISBN 1-56363-118-0. $69.95. (Descriptors: Drugs, Pharmacology, Pharmaceuticals) With the high cost of drugs that are on the market today, it is critical that physicians can make the right choice that healthcare providers will support and pay for. This book "provides both a thorough clinical overview and a meaningful perspective on cost, a book that quickly and conveniently establishes a comprehensive basis of comparison." It is a product of the well-known Physicians' Desk Reference and is a companion with the other PDR products: PDR for Nonprescription Drugs, PDR for Ophthalmology, and PDR Guide to Drug Interactions, Side Effects, Indications. It covers some 24,000 products, providing complete prescribing information that is unbiased and detailed pricing data. The information is from "relevant FDA-approved labeling supplemented with peer-reviewed data on off-label uses drawn from the extensive Drugdex Drug Information System." The entries are alphabetical by generic name and cross-referenced by leading brand names. Three indexes help to locate specific products: brand and generic name index, product category index, and indications index. Each entry provides complete prescribing information plus comprehensive data on available forms and strengths, their suppliers and prices, and applicable reimbursement codes. There is also a list of the Use-In-Pregnancy Ratings which lists all drugs that fall into each of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's five pregnancy risk categories; a national directory of the certified poison control centers; a list of drug information centers; and a list of the new molecular entities which are the completely original compounds released for marketing during the previous year. An indication of how comprehensive the entries are can be shown by the entry for Zidovudine (AZT) which is 7 1/2 pages in length. For the price, this is a must book to have in all public, medical, and academic libraries as well as a ready reference book for physicians.