Christian Reconstructionism
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Christian Reconstructionism is an extreme form of post-millenial, Calvinistic Protestantism which argues that it is the moral obligation of Christians to reclaim every "worldly" institution for Christ. Reconstructionism also holds that the entire Law of the Pentateuch continues as a standard of righteousness even today for Christians, and that Christians must exercise dominion through the power of God's Law over all the Earth before Christ shall come again. As part of their theology, reconstructionists hold that, under the coming "kingdom of God", which they are actively engaged in bringing about, that the Biblical penalty for homosexuality (death) will be enforced, though they will always demur that they do not advocate that the penalty be applied today, but only in some nebulous future time when they believe that God will have instituted a theocratic form of government.
Reconstructionism can be traced to the Cobb County, Georgia ordinance stating that homosexuality is against community standards. Particularly, several of the county commissioners of Cobb County are known adherents of the forms of Reconstructionism advocated by Gary North and Gary DeMar.
Christian Reconstructionism Debunking The Movement
- Includes a large number of direct quotes from Reconstructionist authors and theologians.
Dominion Theology: The Truth About the Christian Right's Bid for Power by Sara Diamond
- An excellent and detailed summary of Christian Reconstructionism and related movements.
"Moses' Law for Modern Government: The Intellectual and Sociological Origins of the Christian Reconstructionist Movement", A paper presented to the Social Science History Association Atlanta, Georgia, USA Saturday, October 15, 1994 by J. Ligon Duncan, III
Freedom Writer, September 1996, Barton admits errors
Freedom Writer, January/February 1996, COR update
Freedom Writer, November 1995, "Radical Religious Right responds!"
- Transcript of a radio programme encounter between Skipp Pourteous of the IFAS, and Gary DeMar, a leading reconstructionist.
Freedom Writer, February 1995, Grimstead's think tank
Freedom Writer, January 1995, "Profile: Chalcedon"
Freedom Writer, September 1994, Hello Dolly, so long Jay
Freedom Writer, June 1994, COR stays put -- for now
Freedom Writer, February 1994, Grimstead eyes Colorado Springs
Chalecedon Foundation Home Page [R.J. Rushdoony]
The Institute for Christian Economics [Gary North]
American Vision [Gary DeMar]
The Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics
The Puritan Storm
Society for Christian Reconstruction
Applied Presuppositionalism
Contra Mundum, A Reformed Cultural Review
Credenda Agenda
A Bulletin For The Kingdom of God
Christian Reconstuction Debate
Center for the Advancement of Paleo Orthodoxy Home Page
- Approaches politics and theology from a distinctively Calvinistic, almost Reconstructionistic viewpoint.
Christian Reconstruction: A Call for Reformation and Revival By Robert Parsons
- This article gives an accurate summation of Reconstructionist beliefs, written from the viewpoint of a Reconstructionist.
"What's Wrong With the Christian Coalition ?" by Gary DeMar
- A critique of the Christian Coalition from a Reconstructionist viewpoint.
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Last Modified 3 January, 1997